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Problem Set:

Statistical Analysis

|K/U [_____/12] Apps [______/8] Tips [_____/20] |

1. Here are the exam marks for a class of 20 math students. [K/U_____/10]

a) Determine the mean, median and mode. Which measure best represents the data?

b) Determine the quartiles.

c) Dwayne is in the 59th percentile. What does this mean? (DO NOT SOVE)

d) Stephanie’s mark is in the 60th percentile. What is her mark?

e) Chris has a mark of 84%. What percentile is he in?

2. A research topic and two sources of information are described. Decide which data source is more likely to provide reliable data. Justify your choice. [K/U_______/2]

Topic: The benefits or adverse effects of eating organically- grown vegetables.

Source #1: A pamphlet distributed by dieticians and health care professionals.

Source #2: A pamphlet distributed by manufacturers of pesticides and herbicides.

3. Use the growth chart for the girls ages 10 to 20. [A _____/4]

a) Determine the percentile for each girl.

i. Tameika is 14 years old and 165cm tall.

ii. Audra is 16 years old and 152cm tall.

iii. Sabrina is 19 years old and 174cm tall.

b) Adam is 17 years old and 165cm tall. Between what 2 quartiles is her percentile ranking?

4. Megan wants to investigate whether there is a correlation between the number of hours spent per week using a computer for 14 to 18 year old students at her school and how physically fit they are on a scale from 1 to 10. [A______/4]

a) Create an unbiased survey question that Megan could ask students at her school. Explain why the question is unbiased.

b) Create a biased survey question that Megan could ask students at her school. Explain why it is biased.

5. A school starts at 9:00am and ends at 3:30pm. The school principal would like to change these times so that the school starts at 8:00am and ends at 2:30pm. She wants to know what the students think about the proposed change. There are 1200 students in the school. The principal talked to 50 students after school one day and collected their responses. The questionnaire, the data collected, a graph of the results, and the principal’s conclusions are shown. Is the conclusion valid? Justify your answer. (Mention 7 things that make it valid or invalid) [T_____/7]


|If your school ends earlier, there will be more time after school for sports, clubs, or part time jobs. How do you feel about |

|changing the start/end times to 8:00am/2:30pm? |

Data Collected

|Response |Number |Percent |

|Strongly Agree |4 |8% |

|Agree |8 |16% |

|Not sure |15 |30% |

|Disagree |7 |14% |

|Strongly Disagree|16 |32% |


Clearly, the percent of student who do not

support the ides are in the minority. Therefore,

we should go ahead with the change in start/end times.

6. This graph shows an index for government spending on instructional supplies in Canada from 1986 to 2003. [T_____/6]

a) What is the base year? How do you know it is the base year?

b) What is the index from 1995? What does it mean when compared to the base year?

c) In 1980, the EPI was 86. What does that mean when compared to the base year?

7. The following graph shows the FPPI (Farm Product Price Index from 1990 to 2006. [T_____/6]

a) What is the base year?

b) What is the average annual increase from 1990 to 2006?

c) What will the FPPI be in 2012?


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