Notes for Friday Conference Call, July 17, 2020Status: 1001 [up from 964] cases in Chatham; 43 deaths [up from 43] [You can get the most recent figures at ] Good morning, I’m Larry Ross, president of the Council on Aging’s Board of Directors. As Dennis mentioned in last week’s call, he is off today helping his son Matt move out of his apartment in Boone. I’m happy to be substituting for Dennis in our 18th consecutive Friday morning conference call. I hope all is well with you. As we normally do, we’ll pause a minute to think about the frontline heroes who are helping protect and otherwise serve us during this COVID-19 pandemic. This pause will also give you an opportunity to grab a pen and paper in case you want to take any notes during the call. Don’t rush, we’ll wait for you.I hope you had a chance to read Dennis’ op-ed article that appeared in this week’s Chatham News + Record. He emphasized the importance of everyone wearing a mask when around others and otherwise practicing good public health practices to protect ourselves against COVID-19. I am going to get right to our special guest today. Needless to say – this is an election year—a very important election year. As you know, we had Pandora Paschal as a special guest a couple of weeks ago. Pandora is director of the Chatham County Board of Elections.Today we are fortunate to have Caitlin Metguer, deputy director of YouCanVote, to discuss helping citizens successfully cast their ballot in the November election. Caitlin says you can ask her about How NC is the perfect model for the fight for voting rights. Caitlin—I am turning the microphone over to you. Please tell us about your work at YouCanVote and how it is relevant to us. Let us know when you are ready for some questions. Thanks Caitlin.Now let’s hear from Jackie and Liz with news about any upcoming activities.Thanks for sharing this information and for all you do. We have another special guest at the end of today’s call—Pat Stucke will be entertaining us with her accordion. She has performed at a number of our Council’s events in the past, including the Senior Education Conference. So in honor of Pat, today’s trivia questions will be about the accordion.First, when and where was the accordion invented?--In Italy, in the year 200 BC--In the U.S., in 1760 --In Germany in the early 1800s. [It was invented in the early 1800s by Friedrich Buschmann in Germany. In German the instrument was referred to as the Akkordeon, a name derived from the word 'Akkord' which means 'musical chord, concord of sounds'.]?--In Poland, in 1945 to celebrate the end of WWII. Where are most accordions made?--In Youngstown, Pennsylvania --In Quito, Ecuador--In Port-au-Prince, Haiti--In Castelfidaro, Italy [Castelfidardo, Italy is the preeminent center of accordion manufacture. Numerous companies producing accordions and their parts are based there, including Borsini, Bugari, Castagnari, Excelsior, Menghini, Pigini, Scandalli, Victoria, and Zero Sette.](3) True or False--The accordion has a particularly long history in Africa, where the instrument first arrived in coastal cities in the 19th-century with European and West African sailors, merchants, and settlers, and was carried inland by migrant workers.Where are Cajun accordions made?--Louisiana--Texas--Pennsylvania--Alabama(5) Which of the following was considered a famous accordion musician?--Johnny Cash--Fred Astaire--Lawrence Welk--Red Buttons(6) When did the Lawrence Welk Show air?--1965 to 1980--1942 to 1958--1951 to 1982--1968 to 1985Now, let’s do a couple of trivia facts about today’s date in history: July 17th: 1917?- Royal Family Name ChangedThe King of England King George announced the new name of the royal house and family is to be the House of Windsor after he decided to drop his German family name "Saxe-Coburg and Gotha."1941?- Joe DiMaggio Hitting Streak Ends [Dennis would have wanted some sports fact.]Joe DiMaggio hitting streak of 56 consecutive games ended as 67,468 people watched DiMaggio at bat in the Cleveland stadium.1945?- Germany Potsdam ConferenceFollowing the defeat of Nazi Germany U.S. President Harry S. Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin attended the Potsdam conference which decided many of the major issues after the war. Held near Berlin, the?Potsdam?Conference (July 17-August 2, 1945) was the last of the World War II meetings held by the “Big Three” heads of state.?1955?- U.S.A. DisneylandDisneyland in Anaheim, California opened to invited guests only. More than 30,000 guests showed up to participate in one of the largest theme parks in the world at the time. [Have any of you ever been to Disneyland?] 1997?- U.S.A. Woolworth'sF.W. Woolworth's, the original five-and-dime store that started in 1879, announced that its last 400 stores would close. [What are your memories of Woolworth? Of course, there was the historical civil rights event in Greensboro when on February 1, 1960, four African American college students sat down at a?lunch counter?at?Woolworth's?and politely asked for service. Their request was refused. When asked to leave, they remained in their seats.]As we always share, the Council is still working hard for you. You can call the Pittsboro or Western Center if you need assistance with food, supplies, assistive equipment, or just want a friendly call. We also have a supply of box fans. You know our numbers: at the Pittsboro Center, 919-542-4512, or the Western Center in Siler City at 919-742-3975. In addition, let me remind you of a few more:"The Hope Line," run by the NC Baptist Aging Ministry, call: 866-578-4673"The Friendship Line," 800-971-0016.Dementia Alliance: 919-832-3732For those of us who may be experiencing emotional or mental health distress, you can call 855.587.3463 for support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is called the Hope4NC Helpline. You can also call the Cardinal Innovations Help-line at **275. Also let me remind you of a few other items:Medical ridesWe are still working through Chatham Transit to schedule essential medical rides. Again, before you call us though, contact your medical provider to be sure they still want you to come to their office. If they do and you need a Chatham Transit ride, you can schedule through Sigi Markworth by calling 919-542-4512, ext. 222. Sigi tells me requests for rides are picking up.Again, Chatham Transit is now requiring riders to: wear a face covering (a mask, or anything covering your mouth and nose, i.e., a bandana)let Chatham Transit or us know if your healthcare provider requires you to wait in the car/van before entering for your appointment.?SHIIPAll NC SHIIP/Medicare related calls are still being handled by the State SHIIP Office through their toll free line at 1-855-408-1212.Census Don’t forget to participate in the Census. This is very important. Call 844-330-2020! Remember to wash your hands often –try not to touch your face; keep your distance from others; sanitize contact surfaces (especially if someone has entered your house). And a few more things: Stay hydrated—drink lots of water, especially as we reach warmer summer temperatures. Get plenty of sleep.3Ws= Wear … Wait … Wash Does anyone have any questions or comments? If you want to say something, just state your name first. Please try not to speak over someone who is already talking. Thanks for sharing.Now let me turn the call over to Pat. Take it away Pat. Next Friday at 10:15, Dennis will be back with you. Get on the call early for some conversation and laughs. In the meantime, take good care. ................

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