
Name:_____________________________________ Date:___________

HW10 7N15 -- Recognize and state the value of the square root of a perfect square (up to 225)

This homework (and really this standard) is a test of memory. One of the best ways to memorize something is to either read something over and over, write something over and over, or say it out loud over and over. The list of perfect squares is below.

12 = 1 22 = 4 32 = 9 42 = 16 52 = 25

62 = 36 72 = 49 82 = 64 92 = 81 102 = 100

112 = 121 122 = 144 132 = 169 142 = 196 152 = 225

When working through the following exercises, attempt to do them without looking at the squares above. Use a book or other object to cover them while you do the following practice problems.

1) [pic] = ________ 2) [pic] = ________ 3) [pic] = ________

4) [pic] = ________ 5) [pic] = ________ 6) [pic] = ________

7) [pic] = ________ 8) [pic] = ________ 9) [pic] = ________

10) [pic] = ________ 11) [pic] = ________ 12) [pic] = ________

13) [pic] = ________ 14) [pic] = ________ 15) [pic] = ________

16) [pic] = ________ 17) [pic] = ________ 18) [pic] = ________

19) [pic] = ________ 20) [pic] = ________ 21) [pic] = ________


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