
Question 1 of 205.0 PointsMattie is a new sociology professor at the local college. During her first lecture, she noticed that some students were yawning. Based on her interpretation of the students yawning, Mattie has decided she is a boring teacher. This is an example of the process referred to as:A. socialization.B. resocialization.C. "looking-glass self."D. "taking the role of significant others."Reset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsTony is five years of age. He loves to dress up like the Lone Ranger and pretend to help people in need. According to Mead's theory, what stage best describes Tony's behavior?A. The imitation stageB. The game stageC. The play stageD. The fantasy stageReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsGeorge Herbert Mead indicate a child must learn to take multiple roles in the __________ stage of development.A. sensorimotorB. team gamesC. preoperationalD. playReset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 PointsWhich statement best describes the difference between how Westerners and Easterners perceive the world and think about it?A. Westerners are more concerned with the background scenery in a picture, and Easterners are more concerned with the main character in the picture.B. Westerners see relationships between items in a series, and Easterners typically see categories.C. Westerners pay more attention to the focal object, while Easterners are more attuned to the overall surroundings.D. Westerners read information into a picture that isn't actually there, and Easterners focus purely on existing evidence.Reset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsIn Sigmund Freud's theory on psychoanalysis, the __________ is the balancing force between id and the demands of society.A. libidoB. "I"C. "me"D. super egoReset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsAccording to anthropologist Paul Ekman, what is the driving force behind the six basic emotions that appear to be universal (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise)?A. These emotions are built into our biology and a product of our genes.B. These emotions are a product of our self and social interaction.C. These emotions are the result of unconscious childhood experiences.D. These emotions are a matter of parental nurturing and socialization.Reset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 PointsAs children, boys usually receive trucks, sporting equipment, and action toys. Girls receive stuffed animals and gifts that are more passive. Overall, what do sociologists call this sex-based criteria for the gifts children receive?A. ResocializationB. Gender trackingC. The hidden curriculumD. Gender socializationReset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following media least qualifies as being a form of mass media?A. TelevisionB. Box-office Hollywood filmsC. Academic journalsD. Video gamesReset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 Points__________ is the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors.A. ResocializationB. SocializationC. The "looking-glass self"D. Anticipatory socializationReset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following would be the best example of a total institution?A. A mental hospitalB. A private universityC. A parochial schoolD. A baseball teamReset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsThe stages we pass through from birth to death that include childhood, adolescence, transitional adulthood, the middle years, and the older years are called:A. the life course.B. rites of passage.C. terms of engagement.D. social milestones.Reset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 PointsWhich sociological perspective focuses on the use of microsociology as its primary level of analysis?A. Structural functionalismB. Symbolic interactionismC. Conflict theoryD. Neo-conflict theoryReset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the primary reason for the differences people have in behavior and attitude?A. The biological factors of each individualB. Their location in the social structureC. The race of the individualD. Sex and gender differencesReset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 Points__________ is a position in life that one does not choose, but is awarded at birth or is related to the life course.A. Achieved statusB. Status setC. Ascribed statusD. Master statusReset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 Points__________ are the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a position a person occupies in life.A. RolesB. ValuesC. BeliefsD. MoresReset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 PointsThe __________ society is given credit for ushering in "the dawn of civilization".A. pastoralB. horticulturalC. agriculturalD. industrialReset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 Points__________ is credited with being the place where the Industrial Revolution began in 1765.A. The United StatesB. Great BritainC. GermanyD. FranceReset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 PointsGemeinschaft is to "intimate community" as Gesellschaft is to:A. the dawn of civilization.B. impersonal association.C. efficiency and perfection.D. mechanical society.Reset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsAfter studying the use of personal space in several cultures, what conclusion did Edward Hall reach regarding the amount of space people prefer?A. The amount of personal space people prefer varies from one culture to another.B. There is virtually no difference in the amount of personal space preferred by people in different cultures.C. The amount of personal space preferred by people is universal but fluctuates by season.D. The amount of personal space preferred by people is dependent upon their level of industrialization.Reset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsIn studied nonobservance, what reaction can be expected when an embarrassing or inappropriate act occurs?A. The offended party excuses the other party and business continues.B. Both parties ignore the act and business continues.C. The party responsible for the act excuses himself or herself and business continues.D. Both parties discuss the act and decide if they should continue business.Reset SelectionQuestion 1 of 205.0 PointsMattie is a new sociology professor at the local college. During her first lecture, she noticed that some students were yawning. Based on her interpretation of the students yawning, Mattie has decided she is a boring teacher. This is an example of the process referred to as:A. socialization.B. resocialization.C. "looking-glass self."D. "taking the role of significant others."Reset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsTony is five years of age. He loves to dress up like the Lone Ranger and pretend to help people in need. According to Mead's theory, what stage best describes Tony's behavior?A. The imitation stageB. The game stageC. The play stageD. The fantasy stageReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsGeorge Herbert Mead indicate a child must learn to take multiple roles in the __________ stage of development.A. sensorimotorB. team gamesC. preoperationalD. playReset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 PointsWhich statement best describes the difference between how Westerners and Easterners perceive the world and think about it?A. Westerners are more concerned with the background scenery in a picture, and Easterners are more concerned with the main character in the picture.B. Westerners see relationships between items in a series, and Easterners typically see categories.C. Westerners pay more attention to the focal object, while Easterners are more attuned to the overall surroundings.D. Westerners read information into a picture that isn't actually there, and Easterners focus purely on existing evidence.Reset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsIn Sigmund Freud's theory on psychoanalysis, the __________ is the balancing force between id and the demands of society.A. libidoB. "I"C. "me"D. super egoReset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsAccording to anthropologist Paul Ekman, what is the driving force behind the six basic emotions that appear to be universal (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise)?A. These emotions are built into our biology and a product of our genes.B. These emotions are a product of our self and social interaction.C. These emotions are the result of unconscious childhood experiences.D. These emotions are a matter of parental nurturing and socialization.Reset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 PointsAs children, boys usually receive trucks, sporting equipment, and action toys. Girls receive stuffed animals and gifts that are more passive. Overall, what do sociologists call this sex-based criteria for the gifts children receive?A. ResocializationB. Gender trackingC. The hidden curriculumD. Gender socializationReset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following media least qualifies as being a form of mass media?A. TelevisionB. Box-office Hollywood filmsC. Academic journalsD. Video gamesReset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 Points__________ is the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors.A. ResocializationB. SocializationC. The "looking-glass self"D. Anticipatory socializationReset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following would be the best example of a total institution?A. A mental hospitalB. A private universityC. A parochial schoolD. A baseball teamReset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsThe stages we pass through from birth to death that include childhood, adolescence, transitional adulthood, the middle years, and the older years are called:A. the life course.B. rites of passage.C. terms of engagement.D. social milestones.Reset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 PointsWhich sociological perspective focuses on the use of microsociology as its primary level of analysis?A. Structural functionalismB. Symbolic interactionismC. Conflict theoryD. Neo-conflict theoryReset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the primary reason for the differences people have in behavior and attitude?A. The biological factors of each individualB. Their location in the social structureC. The race of the individualD. Sex and gender differencesReset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 Points__________ is a position in life that one does not choose, but is awarded at birth or is related to the life course.A. Achieved statusB. Status setC. Ascribed statusD. Master statusReset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 Points__________ are the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a position a person occupies in life.A. RolesB. ValuesC. BeliefsD. MoresReset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 PointsThe __________ society is given credit for ushering in "the dawn of civilization".A. pastoralB. horticulturalC. agriculturalD. industrialReset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 Points__________ is credited with being the place where the Industrial Revolution began in 1765.A. The United StatesB. Great BritainC. GermanyD. FranceReset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 PointsGemeinschaft is to "intimate community" as Gesellschaft is to:A. the dawn of civilization.B. impersonal association.C. efficiency and perfection.D. mechanical society.Reset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsAfter studying the use of personal space in several cultures, what conclusion did Edward Hall reach regarding the amount of space people prefer?A. The amount of personal space people prefer varies from one culture to another.B. There is virtually no difference in the amount of personal space preferred by people in different cultures.C. The amount of personal space preferred by people is universal but fluctuates by season.D. The amount of personal space preferred by people is dependent upon their level of industrialization.Reset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsIn studied nonobservance, what reaction can be expected when an embarrassing or inappropriate act occurs?A. The offended party excuses the other party and business continues.B. Both parties ignore the act and business continues.C. The party responsible for the act excuses himself or herself and business continues.D. Both parties discuss the act and decide if they should continue business.Reset SelectionQuestion 1 of 205.0 PointsMattie is a new sociology professor at the local college. During her first lecture, she noticed that some students were yawning. Based on her interpretation of the students yawning, Mattie has decided she is a boring teacher. This is an example of the process referred to as:A. socialization.B. resocialization.C. "looking-glass self."D. "taking the role of significant others."Reset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsTony is five years of age. He loves to dress up like the Lone Ranger and pretend to help people in need. According to Mead's theory, what stage best describes Tony's behavior?A. The imitation stageB. The game stageC. The play stageD. The fantasy stageReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsGeorge Herbert Mead indicate a child must learn to take multiple roles in the __________ stage of development.A. sensorimotorB. team gamesC. preoperationalD. playReset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 PointsWhich statement best describes the difference between how Westerners and Easterners perceive the world and think about it?A. Westerners are more concerned with the background scenery in a picture, and Easterners are more concerned with the main character in the picture.B. Westerners see relationships between items in a series, and Easterners typically see categories.C. Westerners pay more attention to the focal object, while Easterners are more attuned to the overall surroundings.D. Westerners read information into a picture that isn't actually there, and Easterners focus purely on existing evidence.Reset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsIn Sigmund Freud's theory on psychoanalysis, the __________ is the balancing force between id and the demands of society.A. libidoB. "I"C. "me"D. super egoReset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsAccording to anthropologist Paul Ekman, what is the driving force behind the six basic emotions that appear to be universal (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise)?A. These emotions are built into our biology and a product of our genes.B. These emotions are a product of our self and social interaction.C. These emotions are the result of unconscious childhood experiences.D. These emotions are a matter of parental nurturing and socialization.Reset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 PointsAs children, boys usually receive trucks, sporting equipment, and action toys. Girls receive stuffed animals and gifts that are more passive. Overall, what do sociologists call this sex-based criteria for the gifts children receive?A. ResocializationB. Gender trackingC. The hidden curriculumD. Gender socializationReset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following media least qualifies as being a form of mass media?A. TelevisionB. Box-office Hollywood filmsC. Academic journalsD. Video gamesReset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 Points__________ is the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors.A. ResocializationB. SocializationC. The "looking-glass self"D. Anticipatory socializationReset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following would be the best example of a total institution?A. A mental hospitalB. A private universityC. A parochial schoolD. A baseball teamReset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsThe stages we pass through from birth to death that include childhood, adolescence, transitional adulthood, the middle years, and the older years are called:A. the life course.B. rites of passage.C. terms of engagement.D. social milestones.Reset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 PointsWhich sociological perspective focuses on the use of microsociology as its primary level of analysis?A. Structural functionalismB. Symbolic interactionismC. Conflict theoryD. Neo-conflict theoryReset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the primary reason for the differences people have in behavior and attitude?A. The biological factors of each individualB. Their location in the social structureC. The race of the individualD. Sex and gender differencesReset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 Points__________ is a position in life that one does not choose, but is awarded at birth or is related to the life course.A. Achieved statusB. Status setC. Ascribed statusD. Master statusReset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 Points__________ are the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a position a person occupies in life.A. RolesB. ValuesC. BeliefsD. MoresReset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 PointsThe __________ society is given credit for ushering in "the dawn of civilization".A. pastoralB. horticulturalC. agriculturalD. industrialReset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 Points__________ is credited with being the place where the Industrial Revolution began in 1765.A. The United StatesB. Great BritainC. GermanyD. FranceReset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 PointsGemeinschaft is to "intimate community" as Gesellschaft is to:A. the dawn of civilization.B. impersonal association.C. efficiency and perfection.D. mechanical society.Reset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsAfter studying the use of personal space in several cultures, what conclusion did Edward Hall reach regarding the amount of space people prefer?A. The amount of personal space people prefer varies from one culture to another.B. There is virtually no difference in the amount of personal space preferred by people in different cultures.C. The amount of personal space preferred by people is universal but fluctuates by season.D. The amount of personal space preferred by people is dependent upon their level of industrialization.Reset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsIn studied nonobservance, what reaction can be expected when an embarrassing or inappropriate act occurs?A. The offended party excuses the other party and business continues.B. Both parties ignore the act and business continues.C. The party responsible for the act excuses himself or herself and business continues.D. Both parties discuss the act and decide if they should continue business.Reset SelectionPart 1 of 1 -Question 1 of 205.0 PointsTo be classified as a society, what are the two key qualities a group of people must share?A. A common language and a common religionB. A common culture and a territoryC. A territory and a common political ideologyD. Ethnicity and a common languageReset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsFrank is examining the broad stream of events that have occurred over the past 50 years and the specific experiences of his own life. By doing so, what sociological process has Frank undertaken?A. Social determinismB. The sociological imaginationC. The social imperativeD. PositivismReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsWhat two events most inspired people to rethink social life that led to an uprooting of what had been traditional social arrangements and the development of sociology as a science?A. World War I and the Great DepressionB. The discovery of the new world and RenaissanceC. The American Revolution and the French RevolutionD. The Insurrection and EnlightenmentReset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 Points__________ first proposed applying the scientific method to the social world, a practice known as positivism.A. Maximilien RobespierreB. Auguste ComteC. Emile DurkheimD. Herbert SpencerReset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsBased on the original writings of Karl Marx, how would social change be accomplished?A. Society would naturally evolve from a barbaric to more civilized form.B. The education of the masses would lead to social change and innovation.C. The application of the scientific method would improve social conditions.D. Workers would unite and overthrow the capitalists through revolution.Reset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsWhat did Max Weber believe was the central force in social change?A. EconomicsB. PoliticsC. FamilyD. ReligionReset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 Points__________ was the first woman to hold a Presidential cabinet post (Secretary of Labor).A. Elizabeth Cady StantonB. Frances PerkinsC. Jane AddamsD. Janet RenoReset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following phrases best describes a random sample?A. Everyone in the population has the same chance of being included in the study.B. Participants in the study are picked at the convenience of the researcher.C. There is no consistent method of choosing the participants in the study.D. The participants in the study are picked from volunteers.Reset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 PointsWhat is another name for the research method that is referred to as "participant observation"?A. FieldworkB. Survey researchC. Secondary analysisD. ExperimentationReset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 PointsAnthony is conducting experimental research on the effects of an educational therapy program and the conflict handling skills of inmates. He has established two groups. Group A will receive a special conflict handling therapy program. Group B will go about their routine without receiving the therapy or a therapy substitute. What is the name of Group B in experimental research such as this?A. The control groupB. The treatment groupC. The placebo groupD. The reference groupReset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsWhen sociologists use the phrase "the culture within us," what do they mean?A. Culture is based on genetics transmitted from one generation to the next through genes.B. Culture is a matter of instinct that all people around the world share.C. Culture is affected by several biological factors that differ from person to person.D. Shared and learned ways of believing and doing become taken-for-granted assumptions.Reset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 Points__________ is the tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things as the yardstick for judging the behavior, values, and beliefs of others.A. Culture shockB. EthnocentrismC. Relativist fallacyD. MulticulturalismReset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 PointsWhat is another term for nonmaterial culture?A. Cultural lagB. ReformulationC. Symbolic cultureD. Ethnic workReset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 PointsWayne always wears a lapel pin on his suit signifying that he was the recipient of the Medal of Honor when he was in the service. Usually, only veterans recognize what the pin actually means. In view of this, which of the following terms best describes Wayne's lapel pin?A. It is what anthropologists would call a totem.B. The lapel pin represents a hypothesis.C. It is a symbol to which people attach meaning.D. It is a cultural universal.Reset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 Points__________ is a system of symbols that can be strung together in an infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract thought.A. TechnologyB. Raw materialsC. LanguageD. EthnocentrismReset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 Points__________ are the expectations or rules of behavior that develop out of a group's values.A. MoresB. FolkwaysC. LawsD. NormsReset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 PointsWhen American servicemen occupied Japan following World War II, the Japanese watched the Americans playing baseball, appreciated the sport, and adopted it themselves. Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan. This adoption of baseball by the Japanese is an example of:A. cultural diffusion.B. discovery.C. reformulation.D. technological innovation.Reset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 PointsIn a four-square block section of midtown Manhattan, it is possible to purchase a bagel with cream cheese, eat stir-fried vegetables prepared in a wok, or dine on raw fish in a sushi bar. What does this range of culinary possibilities illustrate?A. Cultural absolutismB. Cultural bridgingC. Cultural diffusionD. Cultural innovationReset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsAlthough personal computers have become efficient, cost effective, and user friendly, many people refuse to learn how to use them. What term describes this reluctance by some people to embrace new technology?A. Cultural lagB. Cultural diffusionC. Cultural levelingD. Cultural warsReset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsA __________ is when values coexist, such as hard work, education, and efficiency.A. value clusterB. value strainC. value coexistenceD. value contradictionReset SelectionPart 1 of 1 -Question 1 of 205.0 PointsThere are 35 cars backed up at the intersection because of an accident. Which sociological term best describes these 35 drivers?A. A primary groupB. An aggregateC. An associationD. A secondary groupReset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsWhich set of characteristics is most applicable to describing a secondary group?A. Formal, impersonal, anonymousB. Formal, intimate, face-to-face interactionC. Impersonal, face-to-face interaction, a sense of belongingD. Anonymous, intimate, a sense of identityReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsCody is a member of the L.A. Crips. The other gangs in his territory are the Bloods and Satan's Slaves. Cody feels very antagonistic towards the Bloods and the Slaves. For Cody, what type of group do these two rival gangs represent?A. Primary groupsB. Social networksC. Secondary groupsD. Out-groupsReset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 PointsWhat was the initial conclusion drawn from the experiment known as the "small world phenomenon"?A. Cliques are a basic aspect of society.B. Society is unconsciously linked together by mutual acquaintances.C. Small groups are powerful influences on career choices.D. People have a deep need to be accepted by their peers.Reset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsOf the following characteristics, which one least applies to bureaucracies?A. A specialized division of laborB. Personal attention and individualismC. Written rulesD. Written communications and recordsReset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsIn bureaucracies, __________ refers to rules and procedures that defy all logic.A. red tapeB. goal displacementC. alienationD. bureaucratic ritualismReset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 PointsBecky has placed pictures of her two children, the family dog, and her summer vacation on the walls of her work cubicle. By doing so, what is Becky trying to accomplish?A. She is trying to impress management by being family-oriented.B. She is taking steps to resist alienation.C. She is making an effort to conform to the dominant value system.D. She is exploring the hidden curriculum of the corporate culture.Reset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 PointsWhat name does the author use for cameras employed by supervisors to transmit facial expressions and other behavior of employees as they work in their cubicles?A. Super snooper sentriesB. Teenie-weenie tattletalesC. Little brothersD. Corporate spiesReset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 PointsAs group size increases it is less and less likely individuals will come forward to complete group tasks needing done unless specifically assigned to do so. What term describes this phenomenon of group dynamics?A. The Peter principleB. Goal displacementC. Diffusion of responsibilityD. Parkinson's LawReset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 PointsA/An __________ leadership style will most likely result in a high degree of internal solidarity among employees.A. democraticB. authoritarianC. laissez-faireD. expressiveReset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsWhich sociological perspective is most aligned with the relativity of deviance?A. Structural functionalistB. Conflict perspectiveC. Symbolic interactionistD. Neo-conflict perspectiveReset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 PointsWhich concept of culture is credited with making social life possible and behavior predictable?A. TechnologyB. NormsC. LanguageD. GesturesReset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 PointsWhich scientist would address the cause of deviance as being based on genetic predisposition and causes within the individual?A. PsychoanalystB. PsychologistC. EpidemiologistD. SociobiologistReset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 PointsThe term __________ refers to a subculture's tendency to kill as a measure of their manhood.A. self-fulfilling prophecyB. subculture of violenceC. differential associationD. general deterrenceReset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 PointsWhat four variables contribute to the extent of one's social bond with society?A. Attachment, commitment, involvement, beliefB. Frequency, duration, priority, intensityC. Attachment, duration, priority, beliefD. Frequency, commitment, involvement, intensityReset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 PointsWhich technique of neutralization is reflected by the comment "Who are you to talk?"A. Denial of responsibilityB. Denial of victimC. Condemn the condemnerD. Appeal to higher loyaltyReset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 PointsWhat variable did William Chambliss conclude was the deciding difference between the labels received by the "Saints" and "Roughnecks"?A. The race of the members of each group.B. The age of the Saints compared to the age of the Roughnecks.C. The difference in the social class of the Saints compared to the Roughnecks.D. The intellectual status of each group.Reset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the major difference between white collar crime and street crime?A. White collar crime is an act committed in the course of a legitimate occupation, street crime is not.B. Street crime is synonymous with victimless crime, white collar crime is synonymous with organized crime.C. White collar crime and street crime are mutually exclusive, meaning no one ever commits both.D. White collar crime is always a corporate act and street crime an individual act.Reset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsWhat are the two major techniques that society has for "anchoring" people to protect them from becoming prison inmates?A. Race and social classB. Marriage and educationC. Marriage and raceD. Education and social classReset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsWho was the European sociologist who pointed out that deviance was inevitable and that it would exist even in a group of saints?A. Herbert SpencerB. Max WeberC. Auguste ComteD. Emile DurkheimPart 1 of 1 -Question 1 of 205.0 PointsSlavery is the most widespread in the __________ society.A. horticulturalB. pastoralC. agriculturalD. industrialReset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsIn the caste system, __________ is the washing ritual that restores purity following ritual pollution.A. primogenitureB. confessionC. ablutionD. compurgationReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsMarx believed that __________ was the primary factor that distinguished the different classes under industrial capitalism?A. owning real estateB. the transportation system of a societyC. people's relationship to the means of productionD. access to natural resourcesReset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 PointsThe three components Max Weber believed comprise one's social class are:A. property, power, and prestige.B. education, race, and sex.C. occupation, income, and age.D. prestige, occupation, and wealth.Reset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 Points__________ is one's ability to control others, even over their objections.A. DiffusionB. PowerC. PrimogenitureD. CompurgationReset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the term used to describe an organization in which positions are awarded based on one's ability and skill?A. BureaucracyB. OligarchyC. MeritocracyD. CorporationReset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the ideology supporting the concept that a society's ruler is God's direct representative on earth to administer justice and punish evil doers? The pursuit of happinessA. Might makes rightB. The divine right of kingsC. The reality principleReset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 PointsWhat are the two most striking characteristics of the British class system?A. Language and educationB. Race and incomeC. Occupational prestige and wealthD. Family background and official titleReset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 PointsWhat was the primary purpose behind colonialism as it was practiced during the 18th and 19th centuries by the nations of Europe?A. To educate and modernize the underdeveloped worldB. To bring Christianity to the primitive people of the worldC. To establish economic colonies and exploit the people and resourcesD. To develop military and industrial alliesReset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 PointsThe __________ allows U.S. companies to import materials to Mexico without paying tax and to then export the finished products into the United States, again without tax.A. Taft Hartley LawB. North American Free Trade AgreementC. Hatch ActD. Swift AmendmentReset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsHow has the introduction of new technologies affected global domination and stratification?A. The underdeveloped nations of the world are making excellent progress.B. There is greater parity between the most industrialized and least industrialized nations.C. There has been no change in the status of nations.D. New technologies benefit the most industrialized nations at a far greater degree than the least industrialized nations.Reset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 PointsWhat term do sociologists use to refer to a large group of people who rank closely together in property, power, and prestige?A. Social classB. Social aggregateC. Social clicheD. Social groupReset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 PointsBruce owns about 3,000 acres of prime farmland, is one of the wealthiest men in the county, and enjoys a great deal of prestige in his community. In view of this, how would sociologists describe Bruce as it pertains to social class?A. Bruce is status inconsistent because wealth and prestige seldom go together.B. Bruce is status consistent because of his high ranking in the two dimensions.C. Without additional information it is impossible to determine Bruce's social class.D. If Bruce is "old money" he is status consistent, but he is status inconsistent if he is "new money."Reset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 PointsWhat was the underlying assumption of Karl Marx as it related to determining one's position on the social class ladder?A. Social class was solely based on one's relationship to the means of production.B. Social class was based on one's position in the Communist party.C. Social class was determined by one's ties to the ruling class.D. Social class was determined by one's level of education.Reset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 PointsErik Wright used the term __________ to describe the condition when a person simultaneously occupies more than one class at the same time.A. status inconsistencyB. contradictory class locationsC. class inconsistencyD. class ambiguityReset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 PointsBased on the model of Kahl and Gilbert, the __________ class is most shaped by education.A. capitalistB. upper middleC. lower middleD. workingReset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 PointsMeredith is confined to a "medicinal straitjacket." In view of this, what can be surmised about Meredith's situation?A. Meredith is a mentally disturbed upper class patient undergoing psychotherapy.B. Meredith qualifies as being in poverty and is receiving tranquilizers for a diagnosed mental illness.C. Meredith is a middle-class mental patient in seclusion receiving needed rest and relaxation.D. Meredith has overdosed on tranquilizing drugs and is now undergoing detoxification.Reset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 PointsDuring the Great Depression thousands of people changed social class unexpectedly and usually in a downward spiral. What type of mobility did this event illustrate?A. Intergenerational mobilityB. Structural mobilityC. Intragenerational mobilityD. Exchange mobilityReset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsWhich set of characteristics is most applicable in describing the poor?A. Inner-city dweller, African American, high school diploma, singleB. Rural location, white, high school drop-out, mother head of householdC. Inner-city dweller, white, married, high school educationD. Rural location, African American, married, some collegeReset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsWhich explanation of poverty do sociologists generally support?A. Sociologists equally accept the social structure and characteristics of the individual explanations.B. Sociologists support the characteristics of the individual over the social structure explanation as the main cause of poverty.C. Sociologists support the social structure explanation over the characteristics of the individual as the main cause of poverty.D. Neither the social structural nor personal characteristics explanation find much support among sociologists as the cause of poverty.Reset SelectionPart 1 of 1 -Question 1 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the variable that most distinguishes one race from another?A. Cultural characteristicsB. Physical characteristicsC. ReligionD. LanguageReset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 Points__________ is the slaughtering of a group of people because of their presumed race or ethnicity.A. SubjugationB. GenocideC. Forced assimilationD. Population transferReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsHindu was a choice on the U.S. Census as a race from 1920 to 1940. What is the most logical reason it was removed?A. There are virtually no Hindus living in the United States..B. Hindu is a religion, not a race.C. All Hindus are Indians, therefore the term was redundant.D. Hindus wanted to be identified as AmericansReset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 PointsWhich nation is the least race-conscious and permits a wide range of latitude in classifying a person "white" or "black" with seven terms to describe race?A. BrazilB. EnglandC. CanadaD. ChinaReset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsGeorge is a clerk in a hardware store. When an African American comes into the store, George provides closer monitoring because he believes that African Americans will steal his merchandise. What term most applies to the unequal treatment that George applies to African Americans who are actually customers?A. BiasB. Ethnic workC. PrejudiceD. DiscriminationReset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the major difference between how sociologists and psychologists attempt to understand prejudice?A. Psychologists primarily use animals in their research, and sociologists use people.B. Psychologists rely on case studies, while sociologists rely on surveys.C. Psychologists examine conditions inside the individual, and sociologists examine conditions outside the individual.D. Psychologists address psychopathology, and sociologists address sociopathology.Reset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 PointsWhat do sociologists call a tendency for people to interpret labels in a particular way while the same labels lead them to be blind to the messages they actually convey?A. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesisB. Selective perceptionC. The Thomas theoremD. Discriminating visionReset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 Points__________ is a form of internal colonialism practiced in South Africa when dominant white Afrikaners exploited black Africans.A. SubjugationB. Ethnic cleansingC. Forced assimilationD. ApartheidReset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 PointsChicanos are:A. Mexicans who traffic illegal aliens to the United States.B. illegal Mexican immigrants.C. legal migrant workers from Mexico.D. Americans from Mexico.Reset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 Points__________ is the most common nation of origin for Asian Americans.A. ChinaB. JapanC. VietnamD. The PhilippinesReset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following is the best example of gender stratification?A. Sally is asked by her boss, Fred, to discuss her annual evaluation over dinner and drinks.B. Betty and Sue are stay-at-home moms because of their personal beliefs in the value of motherhood.C. Women are not permitted to vote, own property, or testify in court in some societies.D. The World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the WWF is a man.Reset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the dominant sociological position to explain gender-based behavior?A. Human behavior is primarily a function of biology.B. Social factors are the reason for human behavior.C. Instinct is the basis of human behavior more than any other factor.D. Human behavior is a matter of random selection.Reset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 PointsIn India, what is the practice of suttee?A. Women being denied inheritance rights upon their husband's death.B. The killing of a woman who has shamed the family by her father or brother.C. The binding of an upper class woman's feet to demonstrate she need not work.D. The burning of the living widow during cremation with her dead husband.Reset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 PointsWomen have experienced the greatest increase in professional degrees since 1970 in the field of:A. engineering.B. medical surgery.C. dentistry.D. law.Reset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 PointsIn which nation do workers pay the greatest amount of their salaries into social security taxes?A. The United StatesB. EnglandC. PolandD. GermanyReset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 PointsIn contrast to how living to a "ripe old age" is viewed in the industrial society, how did the people of colonial America view aging?A. It was a significant accomplishment.B. It was a burden on society.C. It was a natural course of life.D. People viewed it with indifference.Reset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 PointsWhat do a "baby boom" generation and a "baby bust" generation have in common?A. Many jobs will open up when each group retires.B. They are both age cohorts.C. They are both classified as birth confederates.D. They both will create a hardship on the economy when their members retire.Reset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 PointsThe tendency for television stations to retain older male newscasters but replace aging female newscasters in favor of younger, more attractive women is a reinforcement of gender:A. socialization.B. transcendence.C. identity.D. aging.Reset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsWho are the "invisible minority?"A. African AmericansB. Native AmericansC. Illegal immigrants from MexicoD. Asian AmericansReset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsThe __________ is the name of the retirement plan proposed in 1930 that would have been funded by a national sales tax of two percent.A. Marshal PlanB. Gramm-Rudman ActC. Hatch ActD. Townsend PlanReset SelectionPart 1 of 1 -Question 1 of 205.0 PointsSociologically, which of the following is the most accurate definition of "marriage"?A. It is the union of one man and one woman.B. It consists of people occupying the same housing unit.C. It is an arrangement where two people live together and share expenses.D. It is a group's approved mating arrangement.Reset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsRegina lives in a society in which children are related to their father's relatives, but not their mother's relatives. What type of descent system does this illustrate?A. BilateralB. UnilateralC. PatrilinealD. MatrilinealReset SelectionQuestion 3 of 205.0 PointsWhy do functionalists argue that the incest taboo is a norm necessary for proper family development?A. It reinforces patriarchal authority.B. It enforces the concept of monogamy.C. It facilitates the socialization of children and it avoids role confusion.D. It prevents the transference of genetic defects.Reset SelectionQuestion 4 of 205.0 PointsThe __________ perspective is most aligned with the belief that family controls economic production, socialization of children, care of the sick and aged, and reproduction.A. functionalistB. conflictC. symbolic interactionistD. feministReset SelectionQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following variables contributes the greatest influence on homogamy?A. Earned incomeB. Personal attractivenessC. Level of educationD. PropinquityReset SelectionQuestion 6 of 205.0 PointsWhat was the basis of antimiscegenation laws?A. The marrying of close relativesB. Marriage between people of the same sexC. Interracial marriageD. Marriage between American citizens and immigrantsReset SelectionQuestion 7 of 205.0 PointsMarianne and her children live in a neighborhood where all the families share their resources when someone needs help. The neighbors also consider themselves to be an extended family. Sociologists use the term __________ to describe these survival mechanisms.A. communal livingB. neo-nuclear kinC. fictive kinD. illusory kinReset SelectionQuestion 8 of 205.0 Points__________ elders play a much more active role in their children's families in comparison to other U.S. families.A. Asian AmericanB. African AmericanC. LatinoD. Native AmericanReset SelectionQuestion 9 of 205.0 Points__________ is the primary source of strain in the typical one-parent family.A. The lack of a male role-model in the familyB. PovertyC. The emotional stress caused by divorceD. Social isolationReset SelectionQuestion 10 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following trends is less likely to occur in respect to marriage?A. Cohabitation is likely to increase.B. Births to single women are likely to decrease.C. The age of first marriages will increase.D. More married women will join the work force.Reset SelectionQuestion 11 of 205.0 PointsYoko attends grade school in Japan. What would be the central theme of all of her classes?A. Individual competition and achievementB. Individualized instruction and textbooksC. Solidarity with the group and team effortD. Memorization and critical thinkingReset SelectionQuestion 12 of 205.0 Points__________ is the process of passing a nation's core values from one generation to the next, such as respect for private property, individuality, and competition through the school system.A. Social integrationB. CredentializationC. Cultural transmissionD. Social placementReset SelectionQuestion 13 of 205.0 Points__________ is the process of determining which people will enter what occupations through tracking and placing select students in "ability groups" and "advanced" classes.A. MainstreamingB. GatekeepingC. Social integrationD. The hidden curriculumReset SelectionQuestion 14 of 205.0 PointsIn the United States, what single factor determines who attends college more than any other?A. Standardized test scoresB. Family backgroundC. High school rankD. Age at applicationReset SelectionQuestion 15 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the primary purpose sociologists study religion?A. To determine which religions are genuine and which are cults.B. To evaluate the truth of a religion's teachings.C. To study the role religion plays in people's lives.D. To seek proof that some religions are better than others.Reset SelectionQuestion 16 of 205.0 PointsThe crescent moon and stars are to Muslims as the __________ is to the Jews.A. Star of DavidB. eight-spoked wheelC. crossD. cowReset SelectionQuestion 17 of 205.0 Points__________ is a sudden awareness of the supernatural or a feeling of coming in contact with God.A. A compensatorB. EvangelismC. A religious experienceD. A ritualReset SelectionQuestion 18 of 205.0 Points__________ is the social scientist is credited with saying "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed....the opium of the people."A. Emile DurkheimB. Talcott ParsonsC. Karl MarxD. Herbert SpencerReset SelectionQuestion 19 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the term used to describe the shifting of focus from spiritual matters to the affairs of this world?A. The church legitimization of the social orderB. The modernization of religionC. The evangelical movementD. The secularization of religionReset SelectionQuestion 20 of 205.0 PointsWhat is another term used to describe what is called a new religion?A. EcclesiaB. DenominationC. SectD. CultReset Selection ................

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