Periodic Table Trends - MS. SMITH'S CLASS

Periodic Table Trends Worksheet

Draw the complete atomic structure and electron-dot diagrams for each of the following elements:

1. Lithium

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

2. Beryllium

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

3. Boron

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

4. Carbon

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

5. Nitrogen

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

6. Oxygen

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

7. Flourine

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

8. Neon

Atomic Mass = Family/Group =

Full Structure Dot Diagram

Draw the electron-dot diagram for every element in each of the following groups:

(Hint, use the above drawings to discover any possible trends)

9. Alkali Metals

10. Alkaline Metals

11. Boron Family

12. Carbon Family

13. Nitrogen Family

14. Oxygen Family

15. Halogen Family

16. Noble Gases

Fill in the periodic table below using electron-dot diagrams and atomic mass numbers only.

Hydrogen has been done for you as an example.


1.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Transition Metals (more complicated)

skip ‘em for now… | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

**Lightly shade the metals blue and the non-metals red on the table above (hint: stair step line)

Answer the following questions based on the periodic table above:

1. What happens to the size of the element as you move from left to right across the table?

2. What happens to the size of the elements as you move from the top to the bottom for each family/group?

3. What are valence electrons and why are they so important for understanding chemistry?

4. What pattern do you notice as you move across OR down the table when considering valence electrons?

5. Based on the electron-dot diagrams and what you know about an element’s ability to bond/react with other elements, which chemical family is the most reactive (most likely to bond with others) and why?

6. Which chemical family would be least reactive (least likely to bond with others) and why?


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