Degree of Master of Education Programme 2020/ 2021

General information about the Open University and Degree of Master of Education Programme are given in this Brochure


Degree of Master of Education Programme 2020/2021

General information about the Open University and Degree of Master of Education Programme are given in this Brochure

Contents Part I - General Information .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 The University........................................................................................................................................3 2.0 Open University Vocabulary..................................................................................................................3

2.1 Programmes of Study ......................................................................................................................3 2.2 Courses and Course Code ............................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Credit Rating .................................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 The Study System ..................................................................................................................................6 3.1 Printed Material...............................................................................................................................6 3.2 Audio-Visual Aids ............................................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Laboratory work .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.4 Dayschool/Discussion Classes/Tutorial Classes/ Workshops ....................................................... 6 3.5 Library Facilities..............................................................................................................................6 3.6 Online Courses ................................................................................................................................. 7 3.7 Evaluation ......................................................................................................................................... 7 3.8 Duty Leave for Government School Teachers...............................................................................7 3.9 MyOUSL and Student Email Account ........................................................................................... 8 3.10 Regional Education Service............................................................................................................8

Table 4 ? Regional Centres - The Open University of Sri Lanka..........................................................9 4.0 Registration and Payments...................................................................................................................12 5.0 Student Services .................................................................................................................................. 12

5.1 Counselling Unit ............................................................................................................................ 12 5.2 Student Affairs Division ................................................................................................................ 13 5.3 Cafeteria Facilities .........................................................................................................................13 5.4 Temporary Residential Facility (TRF).........................................................................................13 6.0 Faculty of Education ............................................................................................................................ 14 Part II - Programme of Study ......................................................................................................................15 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 15 2.0 Objectives...........................................................................................................................................15 3.0 Admission Requirements ................................................................................................................... 15 4.0 Selection Test & Study Period .............................................................................................................16 5.0 Programme Structure and Content ....................................................................................................... 17 6.0 Scheme of Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 18

7.0 Medium of Instruction.......................................................................................................................... 19 8.0 Awards ................................................................................................................................................. 20 9.0 Fees ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 10.0 Programme Team...............................................................................................................................20 11.0 Online Application Form ................................................................................................................... 21


Part I - General Information

1.0 The University

The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) is the premier Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Institution in Sri Lanka where students can pursue their studies in a friendly and flexible environment. As a student of the OUSL you will enjoy a wide range of facilities to support your learning activities. You will have access to temporary residential facilities, an extensive library, a Wi-Fi network and sports facilities etc. The University was established in 1980, under the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and OUSL Ordinance No. 3 of 1980. The OUSL has the same legal and academic status as any other national University in Sri Lanka. According to the Public Administration Circular No. 16/92, dated 13.03.1992, issued by the Ministry of Public Administration, Provincial Councils & Home Affairs, the degrees awarded by the OUSL are treated as equivalent to degrees awarded by any other university under the purview of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

2.0 Open University Vocabulary

2.1 Programmes of Study

In the Open University vocabulary, a Programme of Study consists of a combination of compulsory and optional courses. These programmes of study lead to Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and PostGraduate Degrees. The specific programmes of study offered by the Open University at present are as follows:

1) Foundation Programmes 2) Certificate/ Advanced Certificate Programmes 3) Diploma Programmes 4) Bachelor's Degree Programmes 5) Post-Graduate Degree Programmes 6) Post-Graduate Diploma Programmes 7) Continuing Education Courses 8) Stand Alone Courses


2.2 Courses and Course Code

Each Course is a unit of study, normally completed within a period of one year or less. A Programme of study consists of a number of courses. Each course is assigned a Course Code which consists of 7 alphanumeric characters as follows:

Table 1 - Description of the Course Code

Description of the Course Code

Course Code

Department of Study

Programme/ Category






SN ? Special Needs Education

SN ? Special Needs Education

P ? Postgraduate

A ? Level 10 F ? 15 credits


U ? Undergraduate 5 ? Level 5 5? 5 credits


STP8501 ST ? Secondary & Tertiary P ? Postgraduate

8? Level 8

5? 5 credits




EP - Early Childhood & Primary Education

EPC1332 EP - Early Childhood & Primary Education

A? Advanced Certificate

C - Certificate

2 ? Level 2 8 ? 8 credits


1? Level 1

3 ? 3 credits



Table 2 - Programmes of Study

Programme / Category Continuing Education Foundation Certificate Diploma / Higher Diploma Bachelors including Honours Postgraduate




Programme / Category

Training Engineering Project Mathematics


General Computer Language Management





2.3 Credit Rating In the OUSL, the credit rating stands for the "academic value" of a course. The word 'credit' does NOT therefore refer to any level of achievement at an examination (e.g. Credit pass at GCE Ordinary/Advanced Level Examination).

One credit is considered equivalent to 50 Notional Learning Hours (NLH) for a taught course, laboratory studies course or field studies/clinical work. In case of industrial training, including time allocated for assessments and in case of research, including time allocated for literature survey, one credit is considered equivalent to a minimum of 100 notional hours.

The OUSL students shall be allowed to register for a maximum of 30 credits of regular courses and maximum of 8 credits of continuing education courses in an academic year. In the first year of registration the students shall offer a minimum of 8 credits of courses. The maximum allowable time to complete any programme at the OUSL shall be restricted to three times the minimum duration of the programme.

Table 3 - Credit Rating


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


123456789A B C


3.0 The Study System

The system of study of the Open University of Sri Lanka is emphasized on distance education techniques using printed material and audio-visual aids. These are supported by day schools, consultancy sessions, seminars, workshops, discussion classes etc.

3.1 Printed Material

The central element in the teaching system is a series of printed course material that fulfills several purposes. They provide the student with the primary material for self-study and offer the equivalent of lectures that help the student to learn. It also provides a series of carefully designed selfassessment questions (SAQ) interspersed through the text. These will also help the student to develop analytical skills and independent thought.

3.2 Audio-Visual Aids

These are particularly important for the self-learner. They are designed to supplement the printed material and enable contact between students and teachers.

3.3 Laboratory work

Laboratory facilities are made available at selected Regional/Study Centers, where students can follow demonstrations and engage in practical work.

3.4 Dayschool/Discussion Classes/Tutorial Classes/ Workshops

Although the printed material and audio-visual aids are designed for students to learn independently, day schools are conducted from time to time to enable the students to discuss problems arising from the printed materials, assignments etc.

3.5 Library Facilities

OUSL Library network consists of the Central Library at Nawala, 07 Libraries in Regional Centres and 19 Study Centre Libraries. Collection at the Main library and Regional Centre Libraries exceed 150,000 materials which include books, pamphlets, theses, audio-visual materials, course materials, past question papers, e-journals, printed journals and bound journal volumes. OUSL Library membership is open to all categories of students and staff members of the OUSL. Book borrowing facility for the students is open only to the Level 3 and above. Currently, the Central



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