Course Outline - Wappingers Central School District

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle

Course Outline: Financial Math, B415, Full Year

Instructor: Mrs. Murphy/Mr. Feldman

Grade: 11th & 12th

Credit: 1.00 (rank weight 1.00)

Prerequisite: Two years of Math

Financial Math will build and strengthen the students’ skill in business and personal math. This course will provide strategies necessary to prepare the students for the world of work and allow them to be proficient with mathematics in their personal lives.


The students will be able to:

1. Understand terminology relating to personal and business mathematics applications.

2. Apply basic math skills to the solution of both their personal and business applications.

3. Use common mathematics formulas to solve a variety of personal and business mathematics problems.

4. Whenever possible, guest speakers will be invited to contribute to the learning.

Areas of Study Include:

• Gross Income

- Hourly Pay

- Overtime Pay

- Weekly Time-Card

- Piecework

- Salary

- Commission

- Graduated Commission

• Net Income

- Federal Income Tax

- State Income Tax

- Graduated State Income Tax

- Social Security Tax

- Group Insurance

- Earnings Statement

• Checking Accounts

- Deposits

- Writing Checks

- Check Registers

- Bank Statements

- Reconciling the Bank Statement

• Savings Accounts

- Deposits

- Withdrawals

- Passbooks

- Account Statements

- Simple Interest

- Compound Interest

- Compound Interest Tables

- Daily Compounding

• Cash Purchases

- Sales Tax

- Total Purchase Price

- Unit Pricing

- Finding the Better Buy

- Coupons and Rebates

- Markdown

- Sale Price

• Charge Accounts and Credit Cards

- Sales Receipts

- Account Statements

- Finance Charge – Previous-Balance Method

- Finance Charge – Unpaid-Balance Method

- Finance Charge – Average-Daily Balance (No New Purchases Included)

- Finance Charge – Average-Daily Balance (New Purchases Included)

• Loans

- Single – Payment Loans

- Installment Loans

- Simple Interest Installment Loans

- Installment Loans – Allocation of Monthly Payment

- Paying Off Simple Interest Installment Loans

- Determining the APR

- Refund of Finance charge

• Automobile Transportation

- Purchasing A New Automobile

- Dealer’s Cost

- Purchasing a Used Automobile

- Automobile Insurance

- Operating and Maintaining an Automobile

- Leasing an Automobile

- Renting an Automobile

• Housing Costs

- Mortgage Loans

- Monthly Payment and Total Interest

- Closing Costs

- The Monthly Payment

- Real Estate Taxes

- Homeowner’s Insurance

- Homeowner’s Insurance Premium

- Other Housing Costs

• Insurance and Investments

- Health Insurance Premiums

- Health Insurance Benefits

- Term Life Insurance

- Other Types of Life Insurance

- Certificates of Deposits

- Effective Annual Yield

- Stocks

- Stock Dividends

- Selling Stocks

- Bonds

• Recordkeeping

- Average Monthly Expenditure

- Preparing a Budget Sheet

- Using a Budget

• Personnel

- Hiring New Employees

- Administering Wages and Salaries

- Employee Benefits

- Disability Insurance

- Travel Expenses

- Employee Training

• Production

- Manufacturing

- Break-Even Analysis

- Quality Control

- Time Study – Number of Units

- Time Study – Percent of Time

- Packaging

• Purchasing

- Trade Discounts

- Trade Discount-Complement Method

- Trade-Discount Rate

- Chain Discounts

- Chain Discounts-Complement Method

- Cash Discounts-Ordinary Dating

- Cash Discounts-EOM Dating

• Sales

- Markup

- Markup Rate

- Net Profit

- Net-Profit Rate

- Determining Selling Price-Markup Based on Selling Price

- Markup Rate Based on Cost

- Determine Selling Price-Markup Based on Cost

- Markdown

• Marketing

- Opinion Surveys

- Sales Potential

- Market Share

- Sales Projections

- Sales Projections-Factor Method

- Newspaper Advertising Costs

- Television Advertising Costs

- Pricing

• Services

- Building Rental

- Maintenance and Improvement

- Equipment Rental

- Utilities Costs-Telephone

- Utilities Costs-Electricity

- Professional Services

• Accounting Records

- Assets, Liabilities, and Equity

- Balance Sheet

- Cost of Goods Sold

- Income Statement

- Vertical Analysis

- Horizontal Analysis

• Financial Management

- Corporate Income Taxes

- Issuing Stocks and Bonds

- Borrowing

- Investments

- Investments – Net Interest

- Growth Expenses

• Corporate Planning

- Inflation

- Gross National Product

- Consumer Price Index

- Budget

Assessment: District-wide final exam taken as Part I in January and Part II in June.

Note: The final exam will be given in two parts. Part 1 is given at the end of the 2nd quarter and Part 2 is given in June. Each part counts for 50% of the final exam grade. Students MUST take both parts. This course satisfies a third math credit after the Math A Regents Examination.

Textbook: Math For Business and Personal Finance, published by Glencoe, © 2010


1. You must bring your covered textbook, Mathematics For Business and Personal Finance, to class each day. If not, you will get points deducted for class participation.

2. A three-ring binder is recommended for notes, class work, and homework, dedicated specifically for Financial Math.

3. A calculator is highly recommended. (You cannot use cell phones.)

4. Points will be deducted if you are not prepared for class each day.


• Class participation (which includes being prepared for class and attendance) 10%

• Quizzes (which include homework), 25%

• Tests, 40%

• Projects, 25% NOTE: Projects which are not turned in on time will result in the following manner: First day late, deduct 10 points; second day late, additional 20 points; third day late, additional 30 points (total of 60 points deducted); not accepted after the third day.

• will be part of our curriculum. It is an online tool to enhance the topics to be learned. It will be part of your quiz grade.


• Homework is imperative to reinforce and master daily concepts. Homework will be given each night (except Fridays) and checked for completeness every day. You MUST show all work to get credit. Writing down just the answer will not be accepted. Due to the importance of homework, a grade of 100% will be averaged into your quiz grades THREE times, if you have done all your homework for the marking period. For each homework missed, deduct 5 points to be averaged in. IE—missing 4 homeworks, results in three grades of 80% to be averaged into your quiz grade. You may not make up homework, unless you were absent.

Final Notes:

❑ You are expected to be in your seat ready to work, by the time the bell rings. Lateness will result in the following manner: 1st offense, warning; 2nd offense, warning; tardies three and over, referral and lunch detention.

❑ Each student is expected to be courteous, cooperative, and responsible. Respect for self, each other, and the school is mandatory. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

❑ Food and drinks are prohibited in the classroom.

❑ No Cell phones or electronic devices—must be away and out of sight!

❑ Please communicate to me if you are having difficulty and would like extra help. I have an open door policy and my office is Room 200B, upstairs from the library. I can be reached at: Lynda.murphy@ 897-6700 x30155

❑ Mr. Feldman can be reached at: Eric.feldman@ 897-6700 x30088 Office Rm.113.

All the best for a great year![pic]


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