Programming Games MAT/NME1420

|MAT/NME1020.20 |[pic] |

|Communicating Quantitative Information General education: mathematics | |

| Natural Sciences 3003. Phone: 251-6679. | |

|Office hours: MR: 10:30am – 12:25pm or by appointment. | |

Students in this course will learn basic concepts in quantitative reasoning and the acquisition and evaluation of quantitative information. The material for the class will be actual news stories and current event topics, past and current. The course will serve directly the goal of preparing students for civic engagement by using current events as the focal point of study.

You are required to read news sources such as or every day. From time to time, you also will be required to read, listen or view other specific news sources. This should be a mixture of scanning to find articles & charts with "math" content and seeking out coverage of particular topics. Topics covered may change depending on what occurs in the news. Materials (weekly schedule, with due dates, updated as necessary; lecture charts; practice tests) are posted on-line at my site (may change, now .) There is no required textbook, but I will indicate useful books and websites. In addition, we will make use of, an instructional support system. You are required to make specific postings to Discussion Forums on this site throughout the term. You can make extra postings at any time and share the names of any sources you discover with the rest of the class.

For standards relating to academic integrity:

|Original postings on news (minimum 5: quality counts! Start early!) |5 |

|Responses to other postings: at least one original or response each week |15 |

|Spreadsheet + chart |15 |

|Presentation + 1 page abstract, chart/diagram, sources |15 |

|Midterm |10 |

|Visualization |10 |

|Excel HELP exercise |5 |

|Personal finance process report |5 |

|Final |15 |

|Notebook |5 |

Attendance is required. Coming to class on-time and ready to participate is required. You are expected to check the on-line sites prior to each class.

The posting assignments on moodle are required—not optional.

Students with documented physical, learning, psychological and other disabilities are entitled to receive reasonable accommodations. If you need classroom or testing accommodations, please contact the Office of Access and Accommodations (Student Services third floor; 251-6035) or the Counseling Center (Module 1 on Lincoln Ave., 251- 6390) and ask them to contact me ASAP.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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