
NameDateIntellectual Devotional Worksheet: Personal Identity. Before reading the attached short article on the psychology of personal identity, please use a dictionary to define the vocabulary words below. Then read the article and answer the questions about the text. Some of the questions ask for your opinions and thoughts about the subject; please remember that there are no wrong answers to these questions.VocabularyQualitative (adjective):Undergo (verb):Torture (verb):Organism (noun):Opt (verb):Identity (noun):Twofold (adjective):Implicit (adjective):The TextWhat question does the problem of personal identity ask?What (“in other words”) is another way of asking about the problem of personal identity?What is one possible answer to the question of personal identity?What thought experiment helps us to understand the problem of personal identity?Which person—A or B—would you prefer to see tortured? Why?What does this personal identity thought experiment tell us about ourselves and our view of our identity?What is the importance of this thought experiment?What does this thought experiment suggest about self-interest?Additional FactsWho was John Locke? When did he live? What did he argue about person A and B in the personal identity thought experiment?What do your think about question two in your reading? Would you make the trip to Mars? Would you be the same person as the one who entered the teleporter?How would you answer the questions in question 3?What is your source for this information? ................

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