
Course Author: Vince CarltonDate Prepared: May 20181. SCOPEThe IMCOM Supervisor Leadership Course (SLC) is a five-day course designed for a diverse target audience with different attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and skill levels of leadership. The student-centered instruction employs adult learning principles and is facilitated using the “Army” Experiential Learning Model (ELM). Instructional activities include but not limited to: peer-to-peer feedback, problem-solving, self-analysis/self-reflection, role-play, etc. The instructional elements provide opportunities for learners to engage in extensive class practice, discuss new knowledge, and share experiences in a collaborative learning environment to strengthen interpersonal skills. Each student is required to create a Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP) to communicate values, beliefs, preferences, and priorities in order to establish those shared values, beliefs, preferences, and priorities within the work environment. This will include formative assessments for self-awareness, and to assist with: 1) written leadership philosophy 2) improve work relationships with various personalities 3) ways to improve emotional intelligence 4) plan a crucial conversation and 5) improve trust. Completion of the course provides students with a Leader Resource Guide (LRG) and two (2) personal self-assessments: 1) Self and others personality and 2) emotional intelligencePriority to attend the leadership course is restricted to supervisors who serve in an assigned supervisor position. Course materials are available in the Garrison SharePoint portal with exception of books Crucial Conversations and The Leadership Challenge 6th Edition. Books are available from the Workforce Development Specialist office. Students will register for the class and be placed on an Order of Merit List (OML). An email invitation to attend the course is sent to the student once selected.Students access course materials through the Garrison SharePoint portal at: Students will:Attend all class sessions and complete all assignments. Emergency absences are handled on a case-by-case basis. Students must coordinate missed time with the instructor and are responsible to arrange and make up missed lessons.Take ownership of their learning. This includes complete reading and study assignments, practical exercises, and actively engage in the learning process through participation in learning activities.Provide objective feedback which concerning the efficiency and effectiveness of the lessons and learning materials throughout the course for daily and end of course survey input.Provide objective feedback to fellow students through class participation, group exercises, and peer-to-peer interactions.To graduate from the course students must demonstrate mastery of course objectives by means of student participation, practical exercises, completion of all plan templates, and self-assessments. Students accomplish this by earning a “Go” on all major sections of Leader Resource Guide (LRG) and adequately prepare for class, contribute to group learning, and active class participation.All students who meet course completion criteria will receive a locally produced graduation certificate. This course does not designate a distinguished or honor graduate.2. LEARNING OBJECTIVESThe five (5) day course has one Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) and eight Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs):TLOAction: Develop a Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP)Condition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), plan templates, videos, lecture, articles, links to online books Crucial Conversations and The Leadership Challenge, vignettes, peer discussions, group practical exercises, individual practical exercises, Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i) handouts and summary reports, personal experiences, and student generated questions.Standard: Personalized leadership plan will include:Identification of the five steps in developing a Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP)Identification of self and others personalityIdentification of strategies to improve working relationships Development of action steps to increase employee/supervisor/team engagement Determination of personal practices for leveraging emotional intelligence (EQ-i)Development of a specific crucial conversation planIdentification of actions to build personal and professional trustLearning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Application21st Century Competencies: Character/Accountability, Adaptability/Initiative, and Teamwork/Collaboration.ELO AAction: Identify the five action steps in building a Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP)Condition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), plan template, videos, readings, senior leader leadership philosophy, lectures, discussions, references, and class notes.Standard: Five action steps include:Define your PLPWrite it downGet to know itUse it to guide youCommunicate it Learning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Application 21st Century Competencies: Character/Accountability, Adaptability/Initiative, and Technical Competence.ELOC BAction: Identify self and others personalities.Condition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), videos, readings, class presentations, practical exercises, MBTI personality assessment, discussion, Standard: Action steps include: 1. Personality preference self-assessment 2. Characteristics of each personality typeLearning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Analysis21st century competencies: Accountability, initiative, critical thinking, and problem solving, collaboration, communication and engagement.ELO C Action: Identification of strategies to improve working relationshipsCondition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), plan template, videos, readings, lecture, discussions, references, class notes.Standard: Strategies will address:Recognition of different personality typesAdaptation to different personality typesLearning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Application21st century competencies: Accountability, teamwork, collaboration, communication and engagement.ELO D Action: Develop action steps to increase employee/supervisor/team engagementCondition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), plan template, use of web technology, videos, Great Workplace Revolution Handout, Generational Differences handout, easel with paper and markers for T-Chart, student collaboration.Standard: Steps will address engagement strategies:Model the wayInspire a Shared VisionChallenge the ProcessEnable others to actEncourage the heart Learning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Comprehension21st century competencies: Accountability, initiative, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, communication and engagement. ELO EAction: Determine personal practices for leveraging emotional intelligence (EQ-i). Condition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), plan template, lecture, EQ-i certification materials, discussion, and class presentations. Standard: Personal practices will address: What Emotional Intelligence is and is notPersonal strengths and weaknesses identified through EQ-iPersonal practices for leveraging EQ-i strengthsPersonal practices for improving EQ-i weaknessesLearning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Application 21st Century Competencies: Character/Accountability, Adaptability/Initiative, Teamwork/Collaboration, and Technical Competence.ELO F Action: Develop a specific Crucial Conversations Plan.Condition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), plan template, Crucial Conversations, handouts, lecture, videos, class discussion, role play practice of crucial conversations, style under stress assessment, and role-play scenarios.Standard: Crucial Conversations Plan will include: 1. Get unstuck 2. Start with heart 3. Master my story 4. State my path 5. Explore others’ path 6. Learn to look 7. Make it safe.Learning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Application21st Century Competencies: Character/Accountability, Adaptability/Initiative, Teamwork/Collaboration, and Technical Competence.ELO G Action: Identify actions to build personal and professional trust.Condition: Given a Leader Resource Guide (LRG), plan template, lecture, peer discussion, and student reflections.Standard: Identification will include: 1. Straight Talk 2. Right Wrongs 3. Deliver Results 4. Extend Trust 5. Clarify Expectations Learning Domain: CognitiveLearning Level: Comprehension21st century competencies: Accountability, adaptability, teamwork, collaboration, communication and engagement. 3. ISSUE MATERIAL: a. Advance Issue: 1) Advance Syllabus, Leader Resource Guide (LRG), (provided 30 days prior to course start and are both available on SharePoint). 2) Link to books24x7 with instructions to get the content of both books, The Leadership Challenge and Crucial Conversations (in audio and print) 30 days prior to class start. b. During Class Day 1. 1) Hard copy of LRG and Advance Syllabus. 2) Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type book and assessment form 4. ASSIGNED READINGS: The Leadership Challenge. Read the Introduction and chapters 1-5 prior to day one of class.Estimated reading time is 5 hours. We will be looking at exerts from chapters 6 – 12. Crucial Conversations. Read Chapters 1-9 prior to day four of class. Estimated reading time 6 hours.5. PRE-COURSE ASSIGNMENTS:Assess your current leadership philosophy. Read pages 3 and 4, in the Learning Resource Guide (LRG) Answer the questions on page 5 of the LRGComplete the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Emotional Intelligence assessment (EQ-i). Directions on how to complete the assessment will be provided in the associated emails for each assessment. This assessments will take approximately 10-30 minutes to complete. Suspense is five days prior to class start.SLC Advance Syllabus and course schedule. Note any questions you have and we will discussed in class.Review of the LRG.6. COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments on day one. Complete Reflective Leadership Statements in the LRG on page 11 as per Step 1 of Developing a plete Myers Briggs Personality Types Template in the LRG page 17Begin Personal Leadership Philosophy in the LRG on page 12. Complete Improve Working Relationships with Various Personality Template, LRG page 22Assignments on day plete Action for the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership template, in the LRG on page 24, which include personal actions steps to increase team engagement. Revise Leadership Philosophy as needed.Assignments on day three. Complete EQ-I action plan page 29Revise Leadership Philosophy as plete Crucial Conversation Preparation Sheet Homework. Assignments due on day four. Complete plan template, in the LRG on page 33, to conduct a crucial conversation.Submit final copy of leadership philosophy NLT the start of class. Complete style under stress pages 63-69 in Crucial Conversations Book or online at Will receive group assignments on day 1 to brief back a specific chapter of the Crucial Conversations book. Chapters include 3, 5, 6, and 7. e. Assignments due on day plete plan template, in the LRG on page 37, to include identify actions to build personal and professional trust. End of Course Survey6. ASSESSMENT PLAN: (See appendix A)Appendix AAssessment Plan The Supervisor Leadership Course is assessed on a Complete/Not Complete basis. Students will complete all assignments noted in this advance sheet to successfully complete the course. Assignments include the draft pre-course leadership philosophy and emotional intelligence assessment, the aggregate of seven (7) formative assessments: 1) written leadership philosophy, 2) improve work relationships with various personalities, 4), increase employee/supervisor/team engagement, 5) leveraging emotional intelligence, 6) plan a crucial conversation, and 7) improve trust and a final copy of your leadership philosophy. All assessments are a “Complete/Not Complete. Specifically, students are assessed on eight (6) ELOs through the following methods:ELO A, Identify the five action steps in building a Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP), is assessed through: Participation in class discussions.Self-reflection of leadership purpose, beliefs, values, behaviors and characteristics. Complete how to measure your current level of leadership self-assessment. Complete a leadership philosophy plan template. ELO B, Identify self and others personalities, is assessed through:Participate in class discussions and demonstrate knowledge of components of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Model collaborative learning group skills and use leader communication skills.ELO C, identify strategies to improve working relationships, is assessed through:Complete a personality preference spectrum self-assessment.Participate in class discussions and demonstrate knowledge of MBTI personality plete plan template to include specific adaptations to each personality type.ELO D, Develop action steps to increase employee/supervisor/team engagement, is assessed through: Participate in class discussions and demonstrate knowledge of the five practices of exemplary leaders.Self-assessment and self-reflection reference the leadership plete of a plan template that includes personal actions steps to increase employee/supervisor/team engagement. ELO E, Determine personal practices for leveraging emotional intelligence (EQ-i), is assessed through:Participate in class discussions demonstrating self-reflection as well as knowledge about the characteristics and impact of emotional pletion of the on line EQi-2.0 self-assessment. Schedule individual EQi-2.0 coaching.ELO F, Develop a specific Crucial Conversations Plan, is assessed through:Participate in Crucial Conversation role-play scenarios.Give and receive feedback regarding the crucial conversation role-play scenarios. Complete plan template conduct a crucial plete the style under stress worksheet.Participate in a group chapter teach back to class.ELO G, Identify actions to build trust, is assessed through:Participate in class discussions, demonstrate knowledge of trust indicators, measure and build trust in the workplace.Model collaborative group skills and use of leader communication plete of a plan template to improve trust in the workplace. Appendix BClass ScheduleDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 50800-0830 + Course / Facilitator Introductions 0830-0930 + Student Introductions0930-1015 (.75hr)+ Senior Leadership“Personal Leadership Philosophy” 1015-1145 (1.5hr)+Five Steps to develop a Personal Leadership Philosophy1145-1245 (1hr)+ Lunch1245-1445 (2hr) Myers Briggs Type Indicator Brief 1445-1545 (1hr)+ Improve Relationships w/Various Personalities1545+ End of Day Activities+ Student Time0800-0830(.5hr)+ Review0830-0930 (1hr)+ Importance of Employee/Supervisor/Team Engagement 0930 - 1130+Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders1130-1230+ Lunch1230-1530+ Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders Continued 1530+End of Day Activities+ Student Time0800-0830 (.5hr)+ Review0830-0930 (3hr)+History and Leadership connection of Emotional Intelligence0930 - 1130+Science Behind Emotional Intelligence1130 -1230 Lunch1230-1530 + Leveraging Emotional Intelligence 1530+ End of Day Activities+ Student Time0800-0830 (.5hr)+ Review0830-1130 (3hr)+ Developing a Crucial Conversation1130-1230 + Lunch1230-1600 (4.5hr)+ Developing a Crucial Conversation 1700+ End of Day Activities + Student Time0800-0830 (.5hr)+ Review0830-0930+ Building Communication - Crazy Comic 0930-1130 (2hr)+ Building Trust 1130-1200+ Lunch1200-1330 Students Share their leadership philosophy (1.5hr)1330-1430+ End of Course Student Hot Wash + Graduation (1hr) (TBD - Graduation Speaker)Individual Assignments+ Reflective Leadership Statements (PT)+ MBTI Personality Types (PT)Homework:+ Improve Working Relationships with various personalities (SA)+ Personal Leadership Philosophy Individual Assignments Five Practices of Exemplary leaders (PT)+ Generations (PT)Homework:+ Personal Leadership Philosophy RevisionsIndividual AssignmentsEmotional Intelligence Assessment (SA)Homework:+ Personal Leadership Philosophy Revisions+ Crucial Conversation Preparation SheetIndividual AssignmentsLeadership Philosophy (PT) Final class copy Style Under Stress (SA)Crucial Conversation (PT)Homework:+ Personal Leadership Philosophy RevisionsIndividual AssignmentsTrust (PT)Notes: Times listed above are approximations only and may vary. Scheduled lunch times are approximate and may vary. Breaks are provided throughout the day’s learning events. Items in bold are required to complete the course assignments. Seven Plan Templates (PT). Three Self-Assessments (SA) ................

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