|[pic] |Leadership Theory and Practice |

| |3 Credits |

| | |

| |BU.142.430.xx |

| |Class Day/Time & Start/End date |

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| |Semester |

| |Class Location |


Full Name

Contact Information

Phone Number: (###)###-####

E-mail Address:

Office Hours

Day/s Times

Required Text

Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in organizations. 7th Edition. Upper Saddle River:

Pearson Prentice Hall.

Articles and Learning Materials

Bryant, B., Jonsen, K. (October, 2008). Cross-cultural leadership: How to run operations in

markets we don’t understand. Lausanne: IMD International.

Collins, J. (July-August 2005). Level 5 leadership: The triumph of humility and fierce resolve.

Boston: Harvard Business Review OnPoint. Compliments of Microsoft.

Finkkelstein, S., Whitehead, J., Campbell, A. (summer 2009). What drives leaders to make bad

decisions. Executive Forum. San Francisco: Leader to Leader.

Hamel, G., LaBarre, P. (November 2010). Dispatches from the front lines of management

innovation. San Francisco: McKinsey&Company.

Kaarlgard, R. (November 2004). Peter Drucker on leadership. Management Ideas in

Thomas, R. J. (December 19, 2002). The crucibles of leadership. In Human Performance

Insights Published by Accenture.

Transformational Leadership (2007). The transformational leadership report.

Recommended Text

Conchie, B., Rath, T. (2008). Strengths based leadership (great leaders, teams, and why people

follow). New York: Gallup Press.

Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A. (2010). Organizational behavior. 13th Edition. Upper Saddle River:

Pearson Prentice Hall.

Blackboard Site

A Blackboard course site is set up for this course. Each student is expected to check the site throughout the semester as Blackboard will be the primary venue for outside classroom communications between the instructors and the students. Students can access the course site at . Support for Blackboard is available at 1-866-669-6138.

Course Evaluation

As a research and learning community, the Carey Business School is committed to continuous improvement. The faculty strongly encourages students to provide complete and honest feedback for this course. Please take this activity seriously because we depend on your feedback to help us improve so you and your colleagues will benefit. Information on how to complete the evaluation will be provided towards the end of the course.

Disability Services

Johns Hopkins University and the Carey Business School are committed to making all academic programs, support services, and facilities accessible. To determine eligibility for accommodations, please contact the Carey Disability Services Office at time of admission and allow at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the first class meeting. Students should contact Rachel Hall in the Disability Services office by phone at 410-234-9243, by fax at 443-529-1552, or email:

Important Academic Policies and Services

• Honor Code

• Statement of Diversity and Inclusion

• Tutoring

• Carey Writing Center

• Inclement Weather Policy

Students are strongly encouraged to consult the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Student Handbook and Academic Catalog and the School website for detailed information regarding the above items.

Course Description:

This course blends theory and practice to help undergraduate students both explore and develop their leadership skills. A robust foundation of theory of leadership practices, woven throughout the semester, includes articulated style and domain traits, personal and positional power bases, social forces, and organizational, group, and individual variables for leadership. Emphasis is placed on emergent leadership ideas and case studies of leaders as effective change agents in organizations confronting turbulent times.

Course Overview:

This course requires investigation and analysis targeting foundations and potential new traditions related to the theory and practice of leadership and how it has impacted the life cycle of organizations. Using both historical and discovery research efforts, undergraduate learners will develop working knowledge of leadership and behavior frameworks and structures that helps individual leaders and managers in business to envision better and stronger practices for organizations to survive and thrive in rapidly changing economic, political, and social environments. Students will engage strategies and practices of leadership at community and public sector levels. Students will also work in teams to provide highlights of text material and a final project detailing how leadership can be applied.

Student Learning Objectives for This Course

All Carey graduates are expected to demonstrate competence on four Learning Goals, operationalized in eight Learning Objectives. These learning goals and objectives are supported by the courses Carey offers. For a complete list of Carey learning goals and objectives, please refer to the website .

The learning objectives for this course are:

1. Demonstrate leadership and organizational ability.

2. Provide appropriate assessment and feedback of individual performance for purposes of development.

3. Manage projects – develop, implement, monitor/control, and evaluate.

4. Demonstrate sensitivity to disparate cultures, values, and behaviors of global business.

5. Perform basic business inquiry using primary and secondary sources.

6. Communicate a clearly articulated position in writing and orally.

Attendance Policy

Full attendance and participation is the expectation and together form a part of your course grade (included in the score for your final individual deliverable). Full attendance and active participation are required for you to fully succeed in this course. You may request an excused absence. For an absence to be excused you must have contacted the instructor prior to the class meeting, and you must provide a valid, legitimate, substantiated excuse by the next class session. Assignments submitted after the deadline will receive a 10-point deduction.


Individual Leadership & Personal Vision Statement: This assignment requires you to discuss in writing self-knowledge of your personal leadership. It should identify what you believe are key criteria for future success as a leader and your capabilities across those criteria. You will also include a personal vision statement that specifies what you will be doing in the year 2015 and what obstacles you will overcome to get there. Both elements (story and statement) should be written in Arial 11 point font, block left, left justified, double-spaced, and use fewer than 1,200 words combined. (This format should be used in all subsequent assignments for this course). Make sure these criteria meet the SMART rules (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound – 30 percent of final grade).

Individual Leadership Discovery Postings: This assignment requires you to become involved in asynchronous online threaded discussions with the other members of this class. To earn an A on this grading component you will need to perform very actively and successfully in the posting of two rounds. To earn a B you will need to perform successfully in each of two posting rounds. To earn a C you will need to perform successfully in one posting round. For each round you will select from a series of key questions developed during our initial class session and immerse yourself in those discussions. You will draw from your initial reactions, previous experience and prior knowledge, discovery and expressed creativity to synthesize and integrate as you earn credit for your participation (10 percent of final grade).

Team Project – Text Highlights: Your group/team will be responsible for highlighting sections of the text material in class presentations. There will be five or six rounds of text highlights. You will be provided time to prepare these presentations at the start of each class session. Peer Evaluation: You will evaluate the quality and quantity of individual performance toward the team project deliverables. This will be performed by providing substantive “feed-forward” comments regarding 1) the strengths exhibited by each team member and 2) specific suggestions that could help each member to improve their performance on the next team. Your ability to perform on this assignment and to provide substantive feedback and feed-forward is a graded component of this class (20 percent of final grade).

Personal Leadership Framework (PLF): The Personal Leadership Framework as a learning (PALF) is a final and culminating individual statement that offers both substance and reflection regarding leadership theory and practice in three areas:1) what has been learned 2) how it was learned, and 3) how you will apply this knowledge in the future. Your PLF should be able to inform a future Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP) that demonstrates your new knowledge and skills to enhance and expand your personal leadership effectiveness. Keeping a journal or process notes during the course is advised.  There is no word limitation on this assignment, but you should use the format established as the standard on previous assignments in this course (30 percent of final grade).

Evaluation and Grading

This course requires full and active participation of every individual in the class. Your individual work (assignments, learning modules, individual research postings, and final Personal Leadership Framework will be evaluated by the instructor on its own merits and will comprise 60% of your overall grade. The quality and quantity of your contribution to the team deliverables will be further assessed by your teammates.

|Assignment |Learning Outcome |Weight |

|Individual Leadership & Personal Vision Statement |2, 6 |30% |

| | | |

|Individual Leadership Discovery Postings |4, 6 |10% |

|Team Project – Text Highlights |3, 4, 5, 6 |20% |

| | | |

|Attendance and Participation |2, 6 |10% |

|Personal Leadership Framework |1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |30% |

Important notes about grading policy:

The grade for good performance in a course will be a B+/B. The grade of A- will only be awarded for excellent performance. The grade of A will be reserved for those who demonstrate extraordinarily excellent performance. *The grades of D+, D, and D- are not awarded at the graduate level. Grade appeals will ONLY be considered in the case of a documented clerical error.

Course Calendar*

|Week |Content | |Due |

|1 |Introductions & Course Overview | | |

| |Foundations of Leadership and Organizational Behavior | | |

| |Group/Team Assignments | | |

|2 |Individual Behavior & Leadership | |Assignment Due |

| |Steve Jobs on Leadership | |Group Presentation |

| |Leadership and Organizational Culture | | |

|3 |Leadership and Motivation | |Group Presentation |

| |Leaders and Decision making | |Individual Leadership Discovery Discussion |

|4 | Leadership and Followership | |Group Presentation |

| |Power & Leadership | | |

| |Good to Great | | |

|5 |Transformational Leadership | |Group Presentation |

| | | | |

| |Women in Leadership | | |

|6 |Leadership Communication | |Group Presentation |

| |Feed-Forward & Feedback | | |

| |Cross-Cultural Leadership | | |

|7 |Leadership Ethics | |Individual Leadership Discovery Discussion |

| |Servant Leadership | | |

|8 |Management Innovation | |Leadership Practice Simulation Activity |

| |Leadership in Communities | | |

|9 |21st Century Leadership Ideas & | | |

| |Global Directions in Organizations | | |

|10 |Final Class Meeting | |Assignment Due: Projecting a Leadership Framework Deliverable |

| |Leadership Synthesis | | |

*The instructor reserves the right to alter course content or adjust the pace to accommodate class progress.

Copyright Statement

Unless explicitly allowed by the instructor, course materials, class discussions, and examinations are created for and expected to be used by class participants only.  The recording and rebroadcasting of such material, by any means, is forbidden.  Violations are subject to sanctions under the Honor Code.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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