



Introduction Sample Request Letter for personal loan Tips Sample Sample Request Letter for personal loan Sample Request Letter for personal loan Template

Sample Request Letter for personal loan



This type of request letter is written by a client of a bank requesting for a personal loan. There are times when we require loans to complete our studies, buy a car or a home or any other reason. The loans serve as a supporting pillar to complete a person dreams. Through this letter, you can clearly state the reason of asking for loan and mentioning the time limit for the repayment of the same.

Sample Request Letter for personal loan Tips

Few tips need to be considered for writing an effective request letter for personal loan: ? First and foremost it is vital to mention the reason of asking for a personal loan. ? The wordings of the letter should be polite enough to support your request. ? Tone of the letter should be formal. ? Once you are through writing the letter, please recheck the same for grammatical mistakes or punctuation errors.

Sample Request Letter for personal loan


Sample Sample Request Letter for personal loan

To, Mr. Edward Hilton, Branch Manager, London Bank London Date (Date on which letter is written) From, Paul Harrison 16, Mall Street London Sub: Requesting for a personal loan Dear Mr. Hilton, I would like to bring to your kind attention that I am holding a saving account in your bank, my account no. is 34521. My son has applied for the management course in one of the best universities of London and he has cleared the entrance of the same. Huge investment is involved in his admission. Therefore, I am in need of a personal loan of $30000 for the same. I am enclosing all the relevant documents for the application of loan. Hope you will consider our request on top priority basis and arrange a personal loan for us at the earliest. It is a matter of my son's future. I look forward to have a prompt action from you regarding this matter. Thanking you, Yours sincerely' Paul Harrison

Sample Request Letter for personal loan


Sample Request Letter for personal loan Template

To, _____________ _____________ Date (Date on which letter is written) From, _______________ _______________ Sub: _____________________________________ Dear ______________, I would like to bring to your kind attention that I have recently submitted documents for the _____________________________. I would need a personal loan to make the payment for the same. I am enclosing all the documents for your reference pertaining to _______________. I would be very thankful to you if you could arrange the loan at the earliest as I am a account holder in your branch. My account no. is ____________. I look forward to have a prompt action from you regarding this matter. Please feel free to call me regarding any clarifications. Thanking you, Yours sincerely' (___________________)

Sample Request Letter for personal loan



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Sample Request Letter for personal loan



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