7th Grade Writing Workshop: Personal Narrative

7th Grade Writing Workshop: Personal Narrative

Getting Your Ideas Out!

I. Journal Entry: Describe a time when something happened to you (interesting, funny, traumatic, special, surprising, or sad). Make your reader ‘see’ the setting (time and place) for this event in your writing.



II. Brainstorm: Share and list all class ideas.

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III. Tell your story to a partner. What was your favorite part of your partner’s story? (one sentence)


IV. On the back of this sheet, create a timeline that shows the main events that took place in your incident.

Organize Your Ideas!

|Introduction |Beginning |

|Quote “Hook” |Sights? _______________________________ |

|____________________________________ |______________________________________ |

|____________________________________ |Sounds? ______________________________ |

|What was the incident? |_____________________________________ |

|___________________________________ |Smells? ______________________________ |

|____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

|Who was involved? |Gestures? _____________________________ |

|____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

|____________________________________ |Movements? __________________________ |

|When did it happen? |_____________________________________ |

|____________________________________ |Expressions? __________________________ |

|____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

|Where did it happen? | |

|____________________________________ |Did you address at least 3 of these? |

|____________________________________ | |

|Middle |End |

|Sights? _______________________________ |Sights? _______________________________ |

|______________________________________ |______________________________________ |

|Sounds? ______________________________ |Sounds? ______________________________ |

|_____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

|Smells? ______________________________ |Smells? ______________________________ |

|_____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

|Gestures? _____________________________ |Gestures? _____________________________ |

|_____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

|Movements? __________________________ |Movements? __________________________ |

|_____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

|Expressions? __________________________ |Expressions? __________________________ |

|_____________________________________ |_____________________________________ |

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|Did you address at least 3 of these? |Did you address at least 3 of these? |

|Conclusion |I needed more room for my fabulous ideas! |

|Why was this incident significant in your life? | |

|_____________________________________ | |

|_____________________________________ | |

|What lessons did you learn? | |

|_____________________________________ | |

|_____________________________________ | |

|Have you changed as a result of this incident? Or What would you have | |

|done differently? | |

|_____________________________________ | |

|_____________________________________ | |

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