Personal Narrative Unit of Study Month: October Grade: 4

Note: Two possible unit calendars are included for grade 3. Depending upon students’ needs, teachers may wish to use either the unit calendar for grades 1-3 or grades 3-5 or a combination of both.

Poetry Unit of Study: Grades 1-3

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Seeing with Poets’ Eyes |Listening for Line Breaks |Hearing the Music in Poetry |Putting Powerful Thoughts in Tiny |Finding Ingredients for a Poem |

| | | |Packages | |

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| |LC, Book 7, pp. 11 - 20 |LC, Book 7, pp. 21 - 29 |LC, Book 7, pp. 31 - 38 |LC, Book 7, pp. 39 - 46 |

|LC, Book 7, pp. 1-9 | | | | |

|Showing, Not Telling |Hearing the Voices of Poetry |Searching for Honest, Precise Words |Patterning on the Page |Using Comparisons to Convey Feelings |

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| |LC, Book 7, pp. 55 - 62 |LC, Book 7, pp. 63 - 71 | |LC, Book 7, pp. 81 - 88 |

|LC, Book 7, pp. 47 - 54 | | |LC, Book 7, pp. 73 - 79 | |

|Contrasting Ordinary and Poetic |Stretching Out a Comparison |Finding Treasures in Discarded Drafts |Contrasting Poems with Stories |Revising and Editing Poetry |

|Language |(Sustaining a Metaphor) | | | |

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| |LC, Book 7, pp. 97 - 105 |LC, Book 7, pp. 107 - 113 |LC, Book 7, pp. 115 - 123 |LC, Book 7, pp. 125 - 130 |

|LC, Book 7, pp. 89 – 96 | | | | |

|Presenting Poems to the World: An | | | | |

|Author’s Celebration | | | | |

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|LC, Book 7, pp. 131 – 133 | | | | |

Note: Some lessons may require more than one day.

IW = Independent writing LC = Lucy Calkins Units of Study

(Lessons not found in the Lucy Calkins Units of Study will be available online.)

Poetry Unit of Study: Grades 3-5

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Opening the Doors: Exploring Poetry |Seeing with Poets’ Eyes |Finding Where Poetry Hides |Three Pillars of Poetry: Emotion, |Poetry Toolboxes: Meaning and Music |

| | | |Meaning, and Music | |

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|Crafting Meaning: Creating Images |Crafting Meaning: Similes and |Crafting Meaning: Personification |Crafting Meaning: Word Choice |Crafting Meaning: Line Breaks and |

| |Metaphors | | |Stanzas |

|Sounds of Poetry: Rhyme |Sounds of Poetry: Rhythm |Sounds of Poetry: Repetition/Patterns |Sounds of Poetry: Alliteration |Sounds of Poetry: Onomatopoeia |

|Revising Poetry: Teacher Choice |Revising Poetry: Teacher Choice |Editing Poetry: Teacher Choice |Publishing Poetry: Teacher Choice |Poetry Celebration |

Note: Some lessons may require more than one day.

IW = Independent writing LC = Lucy Calkins Units of Study

(Lessons not found in the Lucy Calkins Units of Study will be available online.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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