
Vision ’21: Head, Heart, Hands, and HopeTwelve Goals to Begin Building a New Era of Ministry at Des Moines Mennonite ChurchThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. – 1 Cor. 12:4-6Why? Vision ‘21 presents twelve goals to help us build a new era of ministry at DMMC. Vision ‘21 desires to cultivate fresh expressions of our historical values: learning, spiritual growth, peacemaking, service, and hope. Additionally, the Vision ‘21 goals are designed to be practical ways that we can live out the DMMC mission statement. As we enter a new decade, Vision ‘21 seeks to equip DMMC as a relevant and growing urban Mennonite church. How? We are at our best when we are working together as a church. Based upon this key strength, Vision ‘21 is designed to facilitate opportunities for you to work with others toward goals that you find energizing and connected to your passion. In this way, we are all invited to deepen our participation in the ministry of DMMC by using our unique gifts. When? The goals included in Vision ‘21 are designed to be achieved by Fall 2021. However, flexibility and patience will be needed to adjust and adapt as we meet challenges and roadblocks along the way. What...do we hope to get out Vision ‘21? Unite together as a working church. Grow in our inter-connected relationship with God, ourselves, and others. Expand our vision of what church can be by engaging our head, heart, hands, and hope in fresh ways. Open ourselves to the transformation of the Holy Spirit. Build upon our strengths and discover new ones. Follow-up on our dialogue/visioning at last year’s church retreat. Attract other people who want to use their energy and gifts to serve. Choose an abundance-mindset instead of a scarcity-mindset. Widen the DMMC footprint in DSM. Tell the story of our experience with other urban Mennonite congregations in similar contexts. Have fun.Head: Three Goals for a Learning CommunityGoal 1: Congregational study of current issues. Description: DMMC will dedicate four seasons of study to each of these four current issues impacting the world and the church: immigration, climate justice, human sexuality, and conflict resolution. Process: Through book studies, film showings, and guest presenters, DMMC will spend a season (fall/spring) learning more about each of these issues facing the church and the world. The Christian Education hour will be an optimal time for this study. Desired outcome: As a learning community, we will increase our understanding of the complexity of these issues, increase our capacity to dialogue about difficult subjects, and discern how we respond to new learning. Goal 2: Congregational participation in an enneagram retreat workshop. Description: DMMC will be invited to participate in a retreat to explore the enneagram and grow deeper in our understanding of our individual and collective personalities. Process: Widely used as a method for congregational development, the enneagram is a test and a study of interconnected personality types. It a tool for increasing self-understanding and how people relate together in community, workplaces, and in families. A retreat workshop would be an opportunity determine where you dwell on the enneagram and an opportunity to learn what it means in relationship to other personality types. Desired outcome: A retreat with an experienced enneagram teacher would be offered to DMMC. This retreat would be an opportunity to learn more about each other and work more effectively together. Goal 3: Remodel and resource library to meet current educational needs.Description: DMMC will commit to remodeling and resourcing the library as the primary hub for our learning community. Process: In partnership with the librarian, DMMC will clear out old and outdated books, remodel the space, and resource the library to serve our current learning needs. Desired outcome: The library will be refreshed and relevant. Resource acquisitions will increase annually by 50%. Heart: Three Goals for a Spiritual CommunityGoal 1: Design a contemplative prayer/conversation space at DMMC and organize consistent prayer gatherings. Description: The current southwest office will be repurposed as a simple space for contemplative prayer and conversation. Process: Outdated items, furniture, and storage will be discarded or relocated. Simple furniture will be purchased to design the space comfortably for prayer and conversation. Desired outcome: This update will provide a pleasant, reflective prayer/conversation room to encourage spiritual growth. Goal 2: Implement a small group (missional) equipping (discipleship) program.Description: A small group equipping program will be implemented as a method to sustain and nurture spiritual growth and missional discipleship. Structured by a food, fellowship, and faith framework, small groups will gather in homes or “third spaces” to eat, check-in, and engage faith (prayer support, Bible study, discussion). Process: Following a small group model, community groups will be formed to meet in homes. Groups will meet for an intensive gathering period (1x for six consecutive weeks each fall/winter and spring/summer) followed by monthly meetings until the next intensive period. The study and discussion guides will be provided and connected to Vision ’21 work.Desired outcome: We will be nourished and equipped as a missional people prepared to be/make disciples. Goal 3: Develop a strategic faith formation plan to serve DMMC children and youth. Description: The children and youth are the present and future of the church. With a strategic plan, current and future children, youth, and parents will understand how DMMC seeks to form the faith of the next generation. Process: Parents and Christian Education leaders will collaborate on developing a strategic plan to outline a comprehensive routine of learning, activities, and expectations – from nursery care to Sunday School to MYF activities to safe sanctuary protocol to baptism class and beyond – for ages birth to 18.Desired outcome: DMMC would continue to have a vibrant and engaged group of children and youth who are dedicated to following Christ. A flyer will be developed to outline and explain the faith formation plan for parents and new families. Hands: Three Goals for a Peacemaking/Serving CommunityGoal 1: Create a DMMC service and mission team.Description: Service and mission are among the core values of DMMC. This team will connect DMMC to the wider community by seeking and organizing multiple opportunities for service and mission on an annual basis. Process: A team of interested people will be formed and empowered to lead DMMC as a community engaged in service to our city. Desired outcome: DMMC would develop a consistent routine of service and mission to Des Moines. Goal 2: Develop a small community garden and outdoor food pantry/resource center on-site to serve our neighborhood.Description: As a way of helping our neighborhood, a ministry of gardening and hospitality will be developed. Process: A garden space will be developed, and the maintenance of the garden will be integrated into congregational life via volunteering, children and youth activities, etc. A small outdoor food pantry/resource center will be installed near the sidewalk to meet the needs of our neighbors. Once established, the garden and food pantry/resource center will be maintained by the mission and service team. (Interest has been expressed in this goal by a DMMC-connected gardener.)Desired outcome: Not only will this provide free and accessible fresh produce to our neighbors; it will be a visible sign of our creation and community care values. Goal 3: Become a member congregation of A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy (AMOS).Description: AMOS is a broad-based community organization that partners with congregations to pursue justice and equity in our communities. Becoming a member congregation, as a peace church, would be putting our words and values into concrete action. Process: Contact would be made with AMOS to express our interest in becoming a member congregation. Interested representatives from DMMC would be present at AMOS meetings and involved in actions. Desired outcome: We would practice our value of peace by partnering with other justice-oriented congregations seeking to make a difference for marginalized people in the city. Hope: Three Goals for a Vibrant CommunityGoal 1: Evaluate our digital presence and church branding strategy.Description: How do we get the word out about DMMC? In our digital world, the church should always evaluate its presence in digital space. In addition, developing a church branding strategy will help spread the news about the good things happening at DMMC.Process: A series of meetings will be organized among interested people to evaluate our digital presence, implement improvements (website, social media, etc.), and explore a church branding strategy. This may include creating a DMMC logo and exploring cost-effective advertising methods (t-shirts, lawn signs, bumper stickers, etc.). Desired outcome: DMMC would have an updated and coordinated strategy for sharing our presence in the city. Goal 2: Refresh the building to serve the church for a new era of ministry. Description: DMMC is a unique and appealing meeting space for a congregation. The building is an asset and resource for our ministry. In addition to updates that continue to be made as-needed, large-scale and proactive improvements to the building are needed to make it an attractive interior space and to serve the church for a new era of ministry. Process: Using our designated savings fund, DMMC will discern a series of proactive improvements to the building. Recommended steps: (1) extending the carpet replacement completed in the hallway, bathrooms, nursery, and pastor’s office into the remainder of the building; (2) creating a designated wall/space in the church for celebrating DMMC history and global peacemakers; (3) installing a TV screen in the sanctuary for digital projection to enhance worship. Desired outcome: DMMC will be an attractive and equipped interior/exterior space for a new era of ministry.Goal 3: Explore an Anabaptist student ministry/internship program with Drake University.Description: Sharing the city with Drake University provides a unique opportunity to connect with college students and young adults. In addition to exploring connections with students on-campus, DMMC would be an ideal setting for a student interested in ministry/service to receive an internship. Process: Contact Drake University campus life department to begin exploration. Present our plan and begin to seek possibilities that may be open to us. Desired outcome: The primary desired outcome is to simply explore this possibility. A secondary and ultimately desired outcome would be to build a connection via student ministry/internship program with Drake University.Implementation StrategyDistribute Vision ’21 on August 4. Collect feedback and interest-level in specific goals from the congregation following August 4 distribution. A response survey will be distributed to collect data. Approve Vision ’21 as DMMC’s ministry priority for the next two years at the September 22 congregational meeting. Form a Vision ’21 Task Force (two people + pastor) that will monitor the Vision ’21 process. Tasks may include inviting interested people to work on goals, enabling communication between goal-teams and church-teams (Special Activities, Spiritual Care, Trustees) organizing frequent meeting huddles, checking-in with people/teams pursuing specific goals, and reporting progress to church council/congregation. Vision ’21 Fund. Under the guidance of the Finance Team, a funding application will be designed so that financial requests for Vision ’21 will be considered within appropriate limits. Ministry Sunday! Organize a “send-off” worship service in October 2019, dedicated to blessing the many ministries of the church, empowering the people, and praying for God’s presence as we pursue Vision ’21. Celebrate! DMMC will celebrate our ministry as goals are achieved, growth occurs, and a new era of ministry becomes tangibly realized. We will have fun!Flexibility. Vision ’21 will be under constant evaluation. We will be committed to asking questions. How are things going? What needs to be reconsidered or adjusted? What needs to be let go? What have we learned in this process? The Vision ’21 Task Force will be committed to this evaluation process. Vision ’21 Review. A comprehensive review of the Vision ’21 process will be made in August/September 2021. A determination will be made on whether to proceed to Vision ’23 – or if God is leading us in another direction. ................

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