Sample Letter to Student Government Members

(Place Your Organization’s Letterhead at Top of Page)

Sample Letter to Student Government Members

(Full Date)

(Student Government Member’s Full Name)

(Student Government Mailing Address)

Dear (SG Member’s First Name):

My name is (Your Full Name) and I represent the (Your School) chapter of (Your Organization). I am scheduled to make a presentation at the upcoming (date of meeting) student government meeting about the new "drug-free student aid" provision, which cut aid to over 128,000 students since its enactment, continues to rob students of their education.

(Your Organization) believes that past drug convictions should not disqualify needy students from receiving federal aid for education.  That is why we are asking for you and your fellow student government members to support the passage of the enclosed resolution calling on Congress to overturn the law.

To underscore the significance of our student government’s realizable endorsement of the resolution, you should know that our school rests (within or just outside) the congressional district of Rep. (Your rep’s name). (He or she) is one of only 49 members of House Education & Workforce Committee. This is the committee where the drug law was born, and if enough representatives vote the right way when the vote comes up in committee, this is where it will die. 

If the (Your School) Student Government Association were to endorse the resolution, this would represent a bold affirmation of our student body’s position on this crucial educational issue. This would also have great persuasive power when it comes time for Rep. (Your rep’s name) to choose what is in the best interest of (his or her) constituents and our nation's students.

In order to prepare you for the meeting, I’ve enclosed some information to help you learn more about law and the national effort to repeal it. This packet includes a flyer with a sample resolution and the list of over 100 schools whose student governments have endorsed it. Also enclosed is a list of frequently asked questions, a copy of the original drug provision, a copy of the repeal bill with cosponsors, and a copy of a recent Rolling Stone and New York Times article covering our campaign.

I look forward to meeting you on (meeting date), and please feel free to get in touch with me before or after the meeting if you have any questions or comments. You can reach me by phone at (your phone number), or e-mail me at (your e-mail address). For more information on the issue and campaign, you may also check out .


(Type and Sign your Name)



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