

B.S., 1994, Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

M.Div, 2004, Biblical Studies, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

Experience Summary

Mr. McCarter is an experienced project manager and process engineer having worked in large chemical facilities undertaking numerous projects and responsibilities involving various technical applications, including projects related to process and equipment design, process improvement, process optimization, and pilot plant studies. Mr. McCarter has conducted the assessment, preliminary design, and cost analysis of major industrial pollution prevention technologies for a large chemical manufacturer, with expertise in the design and application of wet air oxidation for the destruction of contaminated wastewater and waste activated sludge.

Mr. McCarter also has over 15 years experience in the design, installation, customization, and integration of continuous emission monitoring (CEM) systems. This experience ranges from initial design to CEM system certification, as well as providing support services for CEM system on-going operation and maintenance. Other areas of experience include air emissions inventories, regulatory analysis, compliance assessment, federal and state permitting, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) applicability assessments, PSD netting, PSD permit and application development, and Clean Air Act Title V strategic planning, permit and application development.

Process Engineering and Process Design

• Familiar with operations, processes, and equipment in the production of caprolactam, ammonium sulfate, adipic acid, sulfuric acid, specialty oximes, and various chemical intermediates.

• Developed analytical correlations for predicting air emissions from a batch reaction process based on preliminary stack test data to meet regulatory reporting requirements for the state of Virginia.

• Designed and implemented temperature optimization program to maintain quality conversion in Sulfuric Acid Plant SO2 reactors. Resulted in increased reactor conversion and catalyst lifetime. Resulting program also provided real time, on-line conversion monitoring to plant personnel.

• Designed overhead condenser using B-JAC software. Maintained and monitored heat exchanger efficiencies for plant processes.

• Analyzed efficiency of pumps and piping systems for upgrade/replacement. Analyzed plant steam system to identify bottlenecks in process steam system. Analyzed steam trap operation and efficiency, and recommended operation improvements.

• Tested and analyzed pilot scale equipment such as catalyst filters, river water strainers, and centrifuges for possible addition to existing plant processes.

• Performed and evaluated the application of a pilot scale system to recover spent catalyst via catalyst filter for application to existing plant operations.

• Evaluated and assisted in the operation of a pilot scale system to reduce ammonium sulfate liquor content for application for an existing plant process.

• Optimized plant-wide river water and electricity usage to maintain maximum efficiency.

• Selected and recommended replacement of control valves and orifices to increase overall process performance and data monitoring.

• Assisted in coordination and development of a Process Hazard Analysis for an ammonia scrubber.

Air Compliance Measurement Services

• Project manager and lead engineer in the design, installation, and integration of CEM systems in Tennessee, Kentucky, Colorado, Arkansas, South Carolina, Kansas, and Puerto Rico. Also provided on-going QA, maintenance support services, technical expertise, and quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reporting for CEM systems.

• Lead engineer in the design, installation, and integration of CEM systems to measure NOx, SO2, CO, O2, Total Hydrocarbons, H2S, stack flow, and opacity.

• Performed and have led more than 100 CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATAs).

• Performed and have led certification, compliance, and source testing at more than 50 facilities.

• Performed certification and compliance testing using EPA Methods 1-4, 5, 9, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 25A, 202 at more than 50 facilities.

• Performed Carbon Bed Adsorber (CBA) efficiency testing at pharmaceutical plant in Puerto Rico.

• Prepared Quarterly and Annual Emissions Inventory Reports for submittal to various state agencies.

• Performed CEMS Cylinder Gas Audits (CGAs) at more than 20 facilities.

• Prepared Quality Assurance Plans (QAPs) per 40 CFR 60, Appendix F for more than 20 facilities.

• Served as lead engineer in the development, installation, and certification of Predictive Emissions Monitoring System (PEMS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

• Lead engineer in PEMS model development and emission predictions. Primary engineer that developed algorithms for predicition of NOx and O2 emissions for natural gas and fuel oil-fired Boiler applications, AMP-Cherokee.

• Lead engineer in the development, installation, and certification of PEMS at Constellation Energy, Nashville, TN.

• Lead engineer and technical resource in the on-going development of PEMS algorithms and certification of PEMS for Tate and Lyle for Turbine applications.

Industrial Pollution Prevention

• Analyzed the applicability of industrial pollution prevention technologies in the reduction of process waste from a large chemical manufacturer.

• Performed extensive heat and material balances, capital and operating costs, and cost comparisons of seven technologies to reduce a process waste for a large chemical manufacturer.

• Performed preliminary design and cost analysis for implementing biofiltration as a VOC abatement technology.

• Expertise in the design application of wet air oxidation as a potential industrial pollution prevention technology for the destruction of waste water and waste activated sludge.

Air Quality Services and Regulatory Compliance

• Provide permit engineering support for Clean Air Act, Title V for Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UT-Battelle, LLC.

• Lead permit engineer in the development, review, and submittal of the Title V Permit Renewal Application for Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UT-Battelle, LLC.

• Support compliance strategy and monitoring plan for EPA’s Mandatory Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Rule.

• Assisted in the review and request for True Minor Permit for the Carbon Fiber Technology Facility (CFTF) for Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UT-Battelle, LLC.

• Prepared, reviewed, and submitted National Emission Inventory (NEI) for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

• Task Leader in the development of state emissions inventory for Randolph AFB, Texas.

• Task Leader for CAA Title V operating permit development for Randolph AFB, TX, and Lowry AFB, CO.

• Lead Technical Engineer for development of Title V operating permits for Keesler AFB and Columbus AFB, MS.

• Site Team Member for CAA Title V emissions inventories at Air Force installations in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas.

• Performed extensive air emission calculations for CAA Title V permit development for numerous Air Force installations and commercial facilities.

• Team Member and Lead Technical Engineer in the development of an applicability study of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant (NESHAP) and Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) requirements in relation to emission units associated with operations at Cape Canaveral Air Station (CCAS) and Patrick AFB.

• Assisted in the development of Title V application and compliance demonstration strategies for emission units at CCAS and Patrick AFB.

• Assisted in the evaluation of VOC-Calc Plus for application and installation in AETC Air Force Bases in the state of Texas for TX Exemption No. 75 and Aerospace NESHAP compliance.

• Lead Technical Engineer in evaluating the quality of an existing emission inventory at a chemical manufacturing facility in regards to CAA Title V operating permit development and renewal process.

• Lead Technical Engineer for evaluation of PSD applicability of a chemical manufacturing facility in Memphis, TN.

• Assisted in the development of a Leak Detection and Repair Protocol for a chemical manufacturing facility in Memphis, TN.

• Lead Technical Engineer in development of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for a chemical manufacturing facility in Memphis, TN.

• Developed PSD permit application of NOx control technologies as BACT for chemical facility in Memphis, TN.

• Lead Technical Engineer in the development of Title V application and draft Title V operating permit for chemical manufacturing facility in Memphis, TN.

• Lead Engineer in the development of a worst-case analyte determination for munition item incineration for Bluegrass Army Depot (BGAD) in Richmond, KY.

RCRA Services and Regulatory Compliance

• Team Member in development of RCRA Subpart O permit application for munition incineration operation at BGAD in Richmond, KY.

• Lead Technical Engineer in the development of RCRA Subpart X permit application for open burning/open detonation operations at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) in Beaufort, SC.

• Assisting in the preparation, review, and submittal of annual RCRA hazardous waste report for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UT-Battelle, LLC.

PlantWare Application and Development

• Lead Technical Engineer in assessment of existing state emissions inventory for a large manufacturing facility in Indiana for analysis of existing data for inclusion into PlantWare.

• Lead Engineer in data manipulation, population, and configuration into the PlantWare air Module.

Network Hardware Engineering

• Supported installation of computer network lines and equipment to PCS and mainframes.

• Assisted in maintaining and repairing existing equipment and computer circuit boards.

Professional History

• PjM/Senior Chemical Engineer, Advanced Monitoring Professionals, Knoxville, TN, 2005-2015

• Sr. Chemical Engineer, URS Corporation (formerly Radian International), Oak Ridge, TN, 2001-2002

• Staff Chemical Engineer, URS Corporation (formerly Radian International), Oak Ridge, TN, 1998-2001

• Chemical Engineer, Radian International LLC, Oak Ridge, TN, 1994-1998.

• Student Assistant, University of Tennessee, Network Hardware Engineering, Knoxville, TN, 1992-1994.

• Process Engineer (Co-op), AlliedSignal Inc., Process Engineering Department, Hopewell Plant, Hopewell, VA, 1990-1993.

Professional Development/Training

• 40-hour HAZWOPER Training (29 CFR 1910.120) – 2002

• Basic Orientation Plus and Facility Specific Training (TVTC)

• Valero Memphis Refinery Site Specific Training, Lock-out/Tag-out – 2016

• PlantWare Certified (Air, Water, and Waste Modules)

• EPA Method 9 Certification (2000)


Bill McCarter

Environmental Compliance / Waste Services Representative

Experience at ORNL providing Environmental Compliance support, with all required training current

Development, installation and certification of PEMS at ORNL

Design, installation, customization, integration and reporting for CEM systems

CAA Title V strategic planning, permit and application development

CEM Relative Accuracy Test Audits

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant (NESHAP) compliance

PSD applicability assessments

Process Design Engineer

Regulatory analysis and compliance assessment

Pollution Prevention Expert


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