September 2001


Reproductive & Developmental


A Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology

Editor: Ronald D. Hood

R. D. Hood & Associates

Toxicology Consultants

Box 870344

The University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0344

TEL: (205) 348-1817

FAX: (205) 348-1786

E-mail: rhood@bsc.as.ua.edu


11th October 2001

Congratulations to the new members of the Executive Committee of the Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section (RDTSS), Carole Kimmel (Vice President-elect) and Ronald Hines (Junior Councilor). The full slate of Executive Committee officers is listed elsewhere in this newsletter. I also would like to welcome and congratulate the new editor of our RDTSS Newsletter, Ron Hood, and thank the former editor, Debra Kirchner, for her excellent service. Many thanks to our outgoing President, Rita Loch-Caruso (now Past President), Past President, Paul Foster, and Senior Councilor, Dana Shuey, for their valued contributions to the RDTSS.

I would like to thank those who contributed to the success of RDTSS activities for the 2001 annual meeting. In addition to Rita Loch-Caruso, this includes Kimberly Treinen, who organized the judging of awards for students and postdoctoral fellows, and the awards judges, Kim, Robert Chapin, and John Rogers. My thanks to Paul Foster (organizer) and to Paul, Robert Chapin and Bob Kavlock for serving as judges for the Best Paper Award for Toxicological Sciences. I also thank Dana Shuey (organizer) and Kim Treinen for serving as judges for the Best Paper Award in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. My congratulations to the award winners, listed elsewhere in this newsletter, and particularly to the trainees, who represent our future.

In the competition among sponsored and co-sponsored proposals for programs for the 2002 annual meeting, the RDTSS had great success, with acceptance of three Symposia, three Workshops, and two Continuing Education Programs. These are listed elsewhere in this newsletter. My thanks go to the RDTSS members for their efforts in preparing excellent proposals. For the few proposals that were not selected for this year, I encourage the members to re-submit them for the 2003 annual meeting, for which we should now begin to plan. Our Vice President, Kimberly Treinen, will soon be organizing a Program Committee to review proposals for RDTSS sponsorship and co-sponsorship, and I encourage you all to seriously consider submitting a proposal for a symposium, workshop, continuing education program, or roundtable discussion. These programs constitute the heart of the annual meeting, and the submission of proposals, along with our trainee and best paper awards, are major RDTSS contributions to SOT and the future of the field. The program forms for online completion can be found on the SOT website, and proposals can be emailed to Kim at (kimberley.treinen@). While Kim has not yet established the RDTSS deadline for proposal submissions, our goal is to have a slate of proposals selected and circulated to the RDTSS membership for their consideration prior to the annual meeting. Accordingly, the sooner we begin, the better!

You also will be receiving a request for nominations from Ronald Hines, this year’s chair of the RDTSS Nominating Committee, which selects new officers for the Executive Committee. I urge you to consider volunteering as a nominee or suggest the name of a colleague. If you have not served before, this provides an excellent opportunity to contribute to the value of your Society, and provides interesting collegial interactions and insights into the RDTSS and SOT.

The initiative that I will attempt to facilitate over the coming year is an improvement in information archiving and communication within the RDTSS. This is practically achievable, primarily via further development of the RDTSS section of the SOT website. It would improve the functioning of the Executive Committee and enhance services to RDTSS members. I would appreciate any suggestions from members as to what you would like to see added or changed, and of course any volunteers to work on providing information that would be of benefit. You can review some of the other Specialty Sections’ listings within the SOT website for examples. Added information might include a history of the RDTSS, an archive of Executive Committee members and award winners/supervisors/institutions, duties of executive officers, deadlines for various documents, unofficial operating guidelines, detailed criteria for trainee award submissions, criteria for the selection of awards judges and for the ranking process, list of e-mail addresses for the current executive officers and newsletter editor, links to websites relevant to the RDTSS, an online edition of the current RDTSS Newsletter, an archive of previous issues, etc. The online newsletter could include notices of relevant scientific meetings and other issues of importance to the membership, perhaps updated whenever necessary. Please e-mail your thoughts to members of the Executive Committee or to me at pg.wells@utoronto.ca.

In closing, I thank you for the opportunity to serve the RDTSS, and encourage you to contribute to its various programs.

Peter Wells

SOT 2002

It is not too soon to begin planning for the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology to be held in Nashville, Tennessee, from March 17 through 21.

The following are being sponsored or co-sponsored by the RDTSS:

Continuing Education Courses

Alterations in Gene Expression as a Mechanism of Toxicant Action

(Co-sponsored with the Molecular Biology Specialty Section and the Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section)

Strategies and Issues in Non-Clinical Development of Intravenous Infusion Drug Products

(Co-sponsored with the Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section)


Molecular Mechanisms of Chemical Teratogenesis

Defining the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicant Action in the Testis

The Potential for Biological Modeling to Improve Children’s Risk Assessment


Applications of Transgenic Models Towards Understanding Mechanisms of Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology

Is There A Reproductive Risk Associated with Exposure to Disinfection By-Products of Drinking Water?

Non-Clinical Pharmaceutical Pediatric Drug Testing


The RDTSS thanks the members who have graciously agreed to accept nominations for Vice President-Elect and Councilor. The 2001-2002 officers are:

President: Peter G. Wells

Vice President: Kimberley A. Treinen

Vice President-elect: Carole A. Kimmel,

Secretary/Treasurer: Terryl J. Mast

Past President: Rita Loch-Caruso

Councilors: Kathleen T. Shiverick and Ronald Hines

See the end of this newsletter for contact information for these officers.


The RDTSS is calling for nominees for the following positions for the 2002-2003 Executive Committee:

➢ Vice President-Elect

➢ Secretary/Treasurer

Questions regarding the duties associated with these positions can be addressed to the existing officers. Please send names and contact information for nominees to Ron Hines at rhines@mcw.edu.


Please send any newsworthy items to the RDTSS Newsletter Editor, Ron Hood, at the address listed on the cover page. E-mail is the preferred way to send news, either in the body of the message or as an attachment. It is anticipated that the newsletter will be published twice each year, as has been the case in the past few years.


Kimberley Treinen, Schering-Plough Research Institute, Robert Chapin, DuPont Pharmaceuticals, and John Rogers, US EPA, made the student awards following judging and deliberations. The 1st place awards in both categories consisted of an SOT plaque, a $500 cash award, and a $130 Taylor & Francis Book Certificate. The students listed below received well-deserved recognition at the 2001 SOT Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA.

The RDTSS thanks Taylor & Francis for their generosity in providing the book certificate awards, and Phyllis Cohen, our Taylor & Francis contact person, for her efforts on our behalf.

The winners were as follows:

Pre-doctoral award—Mark R. Fielden, "Male Reproductive and Genomic Effects of Developmental Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol in Mice," M.R. Fielden, R.G. Halgren, C.J.Fong, K. Chou, P.M.Saama, and T.R. Zacharewski. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (Abstract #1178).

Post-doctoral award—Barry S. McIntyre "Testicular Atrophy Resulting from In Utero Linuron Exposure is Secondary to Epididymal Malformations," B.S. McIntyre, N.J. Barlow, and P.M.D. Foster. CIIT, Research Triangle Park, NC (Abstract #1027).


The winner of the award for best paper in Toxicological Sciences was:

Ralph L Cooper, Tammy E Stoker, Lee Tyrey, Jerome M Goldman and W Keith McElroy. 2000. Atrazine disrupts the hypothalamic control of pituitary-ovarian function. Toxicol. Sci. 53:297-307.

The winner of the award for best paper in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology was:

Mirkes PE, Little SA. 2000. Cytochrome c release from mitochondria of early postimplantation murine embryos exposed to 4-hydroperoxycyclophos-phamide, heat shock, and stauro-sporine. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 162:197-206.


Applications are now being accepted for consideration for the 2002 RDTSS meeting to be held during the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology in Nashville, Tennessee.

The awards in both categories (graduate student and postdoctoral) are:

1st place—an SOT plaque, $500 cash award, and $130 Taylor & Francis Book Certificate; 2nd place—an SOT plaque, $300 cash award, and $100 Taylor & Francis Book Certificate. If the number of applications submitted is too low, however, only first place awards may be made.

Applicants for the awards must submit the following by November 4, 2001:

1. An expanded abstract, including the reason for the study and the significance of the results.

2. A letter of support by the student/postdoctoral fellow’s sponsor.

3. A cover letter outlining the significance of the work to the field of reproductive or developmental toxicology.

4. Finalists will be expected to submit a full presentation for consideration by January 4, 2002.

All submitted documents will be treated as privileged information. The winning candidates will be recognized at the RDTSS Annual Meeting.

Initial applications must be submitted by November 4, 2001, to Dr. Carole A. Kimmel via one of the following:

(for US mail) NCEA/ORD/US EPA (8623D), Ariel Rios Bldg., 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460;

(for courier/overnight only) NCEA/ORD/US EPA (8623D), 808 17th Street NW, Room 500C, Washington, DC 20006

Telephone: (202) 564-3307

Fax: (202) 565-0078

E-mail: kimmel.carole@


Paul Foster was selected as the RDTSS candidate for the SOT Nominating Committee. This SOT commit-tee is composed of one representative from each of the following groups: Regional Chapters, Specialty Sections, Past Presidents, the membership at large. The election ballot will list several candidates from each of these groups, and one from each group will be elected by plurality vote of the SOT membership.




Peter G. Wells

University of Toronto

Department of Pharmacy

19 Russell Street

Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S2 Canada

TEL: (416) 978-3221

FAX: (416) 267-7797

E-mail: pg.wells@utoronto.ca

Vice President

Kimberley A. Treinen

Schering-Plough Research Institute

PO Box 32

144 Route 94

Lafayette, NJ 07848-0032

TEL: (973) 940-4327

FAX: (973) 940-4509

E-mail: kimberley.treinen@

Vice President-elect

Carole A. Kimmel


National Center for Environmental Assessment (8623-D)

Ariel Rios Building

1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Washington, DC 20460

TEL: (202) 564-3307

FAX: (202) 565-0078

E-mail: kimmel.carole@


Terryl J. Mast


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

PO Box 999, K3-54

Richland, WA 99352

TEL: (509) 375-2032

FAX: (509) 375-2019

E-mail: terry.mast@

Past President

Rita Loch-Caruso

University of Michigan

Department of Environmental & Industrial Health

1420 Washington Heights

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029

TEL: (734) 936-1256

FAX: (734) 647-9770

E-mail: rlc@umich.edu

Senior Councilor

Kathleen T. Shiverick

University of Florida

Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics

1600 S.W. Archer Road

Box 100267

Gainesville, FL 32610

TEL: (352) 392-3545

Fax: (352) 392-9696

E-mail: Kshiveri@college.med.ufl.edu

Freshman Councilor

Ronald Hines

Birth Defects Research Center

Department of Pediatrics

Medical College of Wisconsin and

Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

8701 Watertown Plank Road

Milwaukee, WI 53226-4801

TEL: (414) 456-4322

FAX: (414) 456-6651

E-mail: rhines@mcw.edu




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