
Stow Fire Department


• Before entering each phase, the State and/or immediate region must see a fourteen (14) day period of a downturn trajectory in the following public health metrics:

▪ Influenza-like illness or COVID-like syndrome cases reported

▪ documented cases or positive tests as a percentage of total tests

▪ hospitals treating all patients without crisis care

• The Fire Chief/EMD in coordination with the Town Administrator, Board of Selectmen and the Board of Health will determine will determine when it is appropriate to move from phase to phase.

• The Fire Department will not enter any phase inconsistent with town wide directives

• If the public health metric’s fall below thresholds, the department may move back to a prior phase

• The Stow Fire Department will adhere to State, Local and CDC regulations, guidance and industry best practices throughout all phases.

• No public access to the station with the exception of the lobby including visitors such and family members

• Mandatory decontamination as follows

▪ Facility

▪ Living quarters, prior to the end of each shift

▪ Lobby, after any visitor enters

▪ Apparatus bays, after responses

▪ Common areas, prior to the end of shift

▪ Vehicles

▪ Prior to the end of each shift

▪ Following each response

▪ After use for department business

• Entrance to the station restricted to the Call Firefighter entrance only

• All members must sanitize and check temperature prior to entering day room

• Any member experiencing cough, sneeze, fever or any abnormal condition shall not enter the building (No Exceptions)

• Surgical masks must be worn while in the public and in vehicles occupied by more than one member when possible

• All members must continuously review the apparatus and day room board for procedural updates

• Fire Prevention will continue to perform inspections that can meet the State and CDC guidelines relating to contact and social distancing.

• Meeting and conference rooms closed to more than 1 department member unless social distancing can be achieved

• Restrictive contact on all call per department policies

• Temporary policies, procedures and safeguards will be strictly enforced for the safety of all members and the public we serve

• No public access to the station with the exception of the lobby including visitors such and family members

• Mandatory decontamination as follows

▪ Facility

▪ Living quarters, prior to the end of each shift

▪ Lobby, after any visitor enters

▪ Apparatus bays, after responses

▪ Common areas, prior to the end of shift

▪ Vehicles

▪ Prior to the end of each shift

▪ Following each response

▪ After use for department business

• Entrance to the station restricted to the Call Firefighter entrance only

• All members must sanitize and check temperature prior to entering day room

• Any member experiencing cough, sneeze, fever or any abnormal condition shall not enter the building (No Exceptions)

• Surgical masks must be worn while in the public and in vehicles occupied by more than one member when possible

• All members must continuously review the apparatus and day room board for procedural updates

• Fire Prevention will continue to perform inspections that can meet the State and CDC guidelines relating to contact and social distancing. Some additional inspections will be conducted by the Captain only

• Meeting and conference rooms closed to more than 1 department member unless social distancing can be achieved or mask are worn for gathering unable to comply to distancing

• Restrictive contact on all responses per department policies

• Temporary policies, procedures and safeguards will be strictly enforced for the safety of all members and the public we serve

• No public access to the station with the exception of the lobby including visitors such and family members

• Mandatory decontamination as follows

▪ Facility

▪ Living quarters, prior to the end of each shift

▪ Lobby, after any visitor enters

▪ Apparatus bays, after responses

▪ Common areas, prior to the end of shift

▪ Vehicles

▪ Prior to the end of each shift

▪ Following each response

▪ After use for department business

• Entrance to the station restricted to the Call Firefighter entrance only

• All members must sanitize and check temperature prior to entering day room

• Any member experiencing cough, sneeze, fever or any abnormal condition shall not enter the building (No Exceptions)

• Surgical masks must be worn while in the public and in vehicles occupied by more than one member when possible

• All members must continuously review the apparatus and day room board for procedural updates

• Fire Prevention will continue to perform inspections that can meet the State and CDC guidelines relating to contact and social distancing. Some additional inspections will be conducted by the Captain only

• Meeting and conference rooms closed to more than 1 department member unless social distancing can be achieved or mask are worn for gathering unable to comply to distancing

• Restrictive contact on all responses per department policies

• Temporary policies, procedures and safeguards will be strictly enforced for the safety of all members and the public we serve

• Pre-screened vendors will be allowed in the station for testing and inspection by appointment and approval by the Fire Chief

• The fire station will be open to normal business. Public access will return to practices documented in the department policies and guidelines

• Encourage any member experiencing cough, sneeze, fever or any abnormal condition shall not enter the building

• Station and vehicle decontamination process will be updated to meet current need and risks

• Department Standard Operating Guideline 200-03 Exposure Reporting shall be followed

• Practice of good hand skin and hygiene

• Development of vaccine or therapies that enable resumption of “new normal”

• Permanent adoption and review of lessons learned regarding decontamination and patient care.









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