Mixing Instruction for Push Dose Pressors and Ketofol


Take a 10 cc N/S syringe. Discard 1 cc.

Take a preloaded syringe of Epi 1:10,000 from the cardiac drawer.

Take the bottom stopper off the syringe.

With the 9 cc Saline syringe, draw out 1 cc Epi (1:10,000)

You now have 10 mls of Epinephrine 10 mcg/ml

Dose is 0.5 – 2 ml (5-20 mcg) q 2-5 min

Onset 1 minute, duration 2-5 minutes.


With a 5 ml syringe, draw 1 ml of 10mg/ml (1 vial) Phenylnephrine.

Mix it in 100 cc minibag of normal saline

Draw out 3 – 5 cc of solution.

This is now Phenylephrine of 100 mcg/ml

Put labels on both the minibag and the syringe

Dose is 50 – 100 mcg/min ie give 0.5 – 1 ml q 2-5 minutes.

Action is within 1 minutes and lasts for 10-20 min.


Take 20 cc syringe. Draw up 10 cc of Propofol 10 mg/ml (100 mg Propofol)

Then draw up 2 ml of Ketamine 50 mg/ml (100 mg Ketamine)

Then draw up 8 cc of Normal Saline to fill the 20 cc syringe.

You know have 20 ml of Ketofol at 10 mg/ml

Dosage: Procedural sedation – 0.3 -0.5 mg/kg.


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