Start of Shift Checklist for Emergency Department


Airway Cart

__ Laryngoscopes, lights working, scope blades, OPAs, NPAs, LMAs, ET Tubes, bougies, stylets,

__ NIV masks, vent circuits

__ Cricothyrotomy kit


__ Plugged in and working?

__ EtCO2 monitors – nasal and inline, O2 sat monitor

__ Pacer/defib pads


__ Plugged in and working

__ Settings: Mode S/T, IPAP 10, EPEP 5, FiO2 100%, Breath rate 14


__IO drill – location and working

__Ultrasound machine working

__ Physical restraints

__ Resuscitation drugs: top drawer resus cart, paralytics (Roc in fridge), Phenylephrine (med cupboard)

__ Do you know how to mix a push dose pressor? (Epi and Phenylephrine)


__do you know the names of everyone you are working with? Do they know your name?

__do you know where to find gloves, gown and mask with eye protection?

__do you have a plan for a dangerous patient- chemical, physical

__do you know how to initiate Non-Invasive Ventilation?

__do you know how to Mechanically Ventilate a patient?

__do you know how to use the defibrillator - defibrillate, cardiovert and pace?

__do you know where to find protocols for acute STEMI and stroke?

__do you have a plan for treating acute anaphylaxis?

__do you have a plan for status epilepticus?

__do you have a plan for severe asthma?

__do you know where the antidote kit is?


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