XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Central Bucks School District

Content and Instructional Time

Content Instructional Time

Unit 1 Introductory Topics 3 days

Unit 2 Motion in One Dimension 4 weeks

Unit 3 Newton’s Laws 4 weeks

Unit 4 Motion in Two Dimensions 2 weeks

Unit 5 Circular and Satellite Motion 2 weeks

Unit 6 Work & Energy 3 weeks

Unit 7 Impulse and Momentum 2 weeks

Total 17 weeks

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|Unit # - 1 – Introductory Topics (3 days) |

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|Standards |Student Learning Objectives |Content |Learning Activities and Instructional |

|Addressed |For this Unit |Skills and Knowledge |Strategies |

| | |Content Skills, Knowledge, and Performance | |

|NSES Standards: | | | |

|Physical Science |Students will understand how to make measurements with attention to significant|Apply the rules of significant figures in measuring. |Labs & Demonstrations |

|-Structure/Properties Matter |digits. |Solve mathematical problems using dimensional | |

|Science as Inquiry |Students will understand how to convert from one unit of measurement to |analysis. | |

|Science & Technology |another. |Represent numbers in scientific and standard | |

|History & Nature of Science |Students will understand how to express numbers in scientific notation. |notation. |Technology |

| |Students will understand how to perform a lab to determine the mathematical |Given a task, identify the independent and dependent |LoggerPro |

|PA STEE Standards: |relationship between two variables. |variable and design an appropriate lab procedure. |PhET (equation grapher) |

|3.1.10.C UT Models | |Describe the proportion represented by a graph. | |

|3.1.10.D Unifying Themes | |Calculate the slope of a graph. | |

|3.4.10.A Physical Science | |Obtain an equation from a graph of data. | |

|3.4.12.A Physical Science | |Identify the effect on the dependent variable caused | |

|3.1.10.B Unifying Themes | |by a change to the independent variable. | |

|3.1.12.B Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.1.12.C Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.2.10.A Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.10.B Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.10.C Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.B Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.C Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.7.10.B Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.A Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.B Technological Dev. | | | |

| | | | |

|1.2 Reading | | | |

|1.4 Writing | | | |

| | | | |

|2.2 Comp/estimation | | | |

|2.3 Measurement/Estimation | | | |

|2.5 Problem Solving | | | |

|2.6 Data Analysis | | | |

|2.8 Algebra | | | |

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|Unit # - 2 – Motion in One Dimension () |

| | | | |

|Standards |Student Learning Objectives |Content |Learning Activities and Instructional Strategies |

|Addressed |For this Unit |Skills and Knowledge | |

| | | | |

|NSES Standards: |Understand the meaning of position, displacement, velocity, and |Solve word problems using the definitions of displacement,| |

|Physical Science |acceleration. |average velocity, and average acceleration. |Labs & Demonstrations |

|-Structure/Properties Matter |Understand and interpret graphs of position, velocity, and | |Constant velocity lab (toy buggys) |

|Science as Inquiry |acceleration vs. time. |Solve word problems (including free fall) using the |Constant acceleration lab |

|Science & Technology |Use the equations of constant acceleration to analyze motion. |equations for constant acceleration. (including problems |Basketball lab |

|History & Nature of Science |Students will understand the motion of an object in free fall. |involving multiple segments of constant acceleration and |Collision Lab |

| | |determining the location where two particles will meet by | |

|PA STEE Standards: | |solving simultaneous equations using the quadratic |Technology |

|3.1.10.D Unifying Themes | |equation) |PhET simulations (moving man) |

|3.4.10.A Physical Science | | |LoggerPro, motion detector |

|3.4.10.B Physical Science | |Given a description of motion, identify or sketch a graph | |

|3.4.12.A Physical Science | |of position or velocity vs. time. | |

|3.4.12.B Physical Science | | | |

|3.1.10.B Unifying Themes | |Given a graph of position or velocity vs. time, describe | |

|3.1.12.B Unifying Themes | |the motion of the object and use the slope to calculate | |

|3.1.12.C Unifying Themes | |the appropriate quantity. | |

|3.1.12.D Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.2.10.A Inquiry & Design | |Given a graph of velocity or acceleration vs. time use the| |

|3.2.10.B Inquiry & Design | |area to calculate the appropriate quantity. | |

|3.2.10.C Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.B Inquiry & Design | |Identify the velocity and acceleration of an object in | |

|3.2.12.C Inquiry & Design | |free fall in all segments of motion: going up, coming | |

|3.7.10.B Technological Dev. | |down, and at the top. | |

|3.7.12.A Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.B Technological Dev. | | | |

| | | | |

|1.2 Reading | | | |

|1.4 Writing | | | |

| | | | |

|2.2 Comp/estimation | | | |

|2.3 Measurement/Estimation | | | |

|2.5 Problem Solving | | | |

|2.6 Data Analysis | | | |

|2.8 Algebra | | | |

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|Unit # - 3 – Newton’s Laws (3 weeks) |

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|Standards |Student Learning Objectives |Content |Learning Activities and Instructional |

|Addressed |For this Unit |Skills and Knowledge |Strategies |

| | | | |

|NSES Standards: |Students will understand Newton’s three laws of motion. |Given the description of a situation, draw a free-body |Labs and Demonstrations |

|Physical Science |Students will differentiate between mass, weight, inertia, and |diagram that identifies all of the forces acting on the |Newton’s 2nd Law lab |

|-Structure/Properties Matter |momentum. |object and represents the relative magnitudes of the forces.|Newton’s 3rd Law investigation |

|Science as Inquiry |Students will understand the effects of friction on motion. | |Mass & weight lab |

|Science & Technology | |Given the description of a situation, identify whether the |Mass of unknown lab |

|History & Nature of Science | |forces acting on the objects are balanced or unbalanced. |Hovercraft |

| | |(Newton’s First Law of Motion) |Egg drop project |

|PA STEE Standards: | | |Friction lab |

|3.1.10.D Unifying Themes | |Recognize, both graphically and mathematically, the | |

|3.1.10.E Unifying Themes | |relationships between acceleration and net force and |Technology |

|3.4.10.A Physical Science | |acceleration and mass. |LoggerPro, motion detector, force sensor |

|3.4.10.B Physical Science | | |Freebody |

|3.4.12.B Physical Science | |Given an object’s weight or mass, calculate the other |PhET Simulations (forces in one dimension, |

|3.1.10.B Unifying Themes | |quantity. |lunar lander) |

|3.1.12.B Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.1.12.C Unifying Themes | |Given two of the following quantities, determine the third: | |

|3.2.10.A Inquiry & Design | |net force, mass, acceleration. | |

|3.2.10.B Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.10.C Inquiry & Design | |Identify the two objects involved in any force interaction | |

|3.2.12.B Inquiry & Design | |and recognize that the forces that they exert on one another| |

|3.2.12.C Inquiry & Design | |are equal and opposite. (Newton’s Third Law) | |

|3.7.10.B Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.A Technological Dev. | |Write down the vector equation that results from applying | |

|3.7.12.B Technological Dev. | |Newton’s Second Law to the object, and take components of | |

| | |this equation along appropriate axes. | |

|1.2 Reading | | | |

|1.4 Writing | |Analyze situations in which an object moves with specified | |

| | |acceleration under the influence of one or more forces so | |

|2.2 Comp/estimation | |they can determine the magnitude and direction of the net | |

|2.3 Measurement/Estimation | |force, or of one of the forces that makes up the net force | |

|2.5 Problem Solving | |including: (a) motion up or down, as in an elevator (b) the| |

|2.6 Data Analysis | |motion of a pulley (c) motion along an inclined plane the | |

|2.8 Algebra | |motion of a pulley | |

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| | |Recognize, both graphically and mathematically, the | |

| | |relationship between friction and normal force. | |

| | | | |

| | |Compare and contrast static and kinetic friction. | |

| | | | |

| | |Analyze situations in which an object moves along a rough | |

| | |inclined plane or horizontal surface. | |

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|Unit # - 4 – Motion in Two Dimensions (1 week) |

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|Standards |Student Learning Objectives |Content |Learning Activities and Instructional Strategies |

|Addressed |For this Unit |Skills and Knowledge | |

| | | | |

|NSES Standards: |Students will analyze the motion of an object in a plane. |Students should be able to add, subtract, and resolve |Labs and Demonstrations |

|Physical Science |Students will analyze the motion of a projectile. |displacement and velocity vectors, so they can: (a) | |

|-Structure/Properties Matter | |determine components of a vector along two specified, |Horizontally-launched marble lab |

|Science as Inquiry | |mutually perpendicular axes (b) determine the net | |

|Science & Technology | |displacement of a particle (c) determine the velocity of|Marble-launcher lab |

|History & Nature of Science | |one particle relative to another. | |

| | | |Tennis ball launcher |

|PA STEE Standards: | |Identify the acceleration of a projectile in the | |

|3.1.10.C Unifying Themes | |horizontal and vertical directions. |Ballistic Cart demo |

|3.1.10.D Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.1.10.E Unifying Themes | |Solve word problems involving projectiles, including |Monkey & Hunter demo |

|3.4.10.A Physical Science | |projectiles launched at an angle that start and end at | |

|3.4.12.A Physical Science | |different heights and require the use of the quadratic |Technology |

|3.1.10.B Unifying Themes | |equation. |Interactive Physics |

|3.1.12.B Unifying Themes | | |PhET simulations (projectile motion, motion in 2-D) |

|3.1.12.C Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.2.10.A Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.10.B Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.10.C Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.A Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.B Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.C Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.7.10.B Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.A Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.B Technological Dev. | | | |

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|1.2 Reading | | | |

|1.4 Writing | | | |

| | | | |

|2.2 Comp/estimation | | | |

|2.3 Measurement/Estimation | | | |

|2.5 Problem Solving | | | |

|2.6 Data Analysis | | | |

|2.8 Algebra | | | |

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|Unit # - 5– Circular and Satellite Motion (2 weeks) |

| | | | |

|Standards |Student Learning Objectives |Content |Learning Activities and Instructional Strategies |

|Addressed |For this Unit |Skills and Knowledge | |

| | | | |

|NSES Standards: |Students will understand the dynamics of uniform circular motion. |Recognize, both graphically and mathematically, the | |

|Physical Science |Students will understand Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation |relationships among net centripetal force and speed, |Labs & Demonstrations |

|-Structure/Properties Matter |Students will understand orbital motion. |radius, and mass. |Centripetal force apparatus (lab) |

|Science as Inquiry | | | |

|Science & Technology | |Describe the direction of a particle’s velocity, |Marble & hoop demo |

|History & Nature of Science | |acceleration, and net force at any instant during uniform | |

| | |circular motion. |Water in bucket demo |

|PA STEE Standards: | | | |

|3.1.10.D Unifying Themes | |Solve problems involving motion in a horizontal circle |Coin on Hanger |

|3.4.10.A Physical Science | |(e.g., mass on a rotating merry-go-round, or car rounding | |

|3.4.10.B Physical Science | |a banked curve). |Bowling ball & bat demo |

|3.4.12.A Physical Science | | | |

|3.4.12.B Physical Science | |Solve problems involving motion in a vertical circle |Technology |

|3.1.10.B Unifying Themes | |(e.g., mass swinging on the end of a string, cart rolling |PhET simulations (Motion in 2-D, Solar System) |

|3.1.12.B Unifying Themes | |down a curved track, rider on a Ferris wheel). | |

|3.1.12.C Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.1.12.D Unifying Themes | |Students should know Newton’s Law of Universal | |

|3.2.10.A Inquiry & Design | |Gravitation, so they can: (a) determine the force that one| |

|3.2.10.B Inquiry & Design | |spherically symmetrical mass exerts on another (b) | |

|3.2.10.C Inquiry & Design | |calculate the net gravitational force on each object in a | |

|3.2.12.B Inquiry & Design | |three-body arrangement (c) derive the formula for the | |

|3.2.12.C Inquiry & Design | |strength of the gravitational field at a specified point | |

|3.7.10.B Technological Dev. | |outside a spherically symmetrical mass. | |

|3.7.12.A Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.B Technological Dev. | |Students should understand the motion of an object in | |

| | |orbit under the influence of | |

|1.2 Reading | |gravitational forces, so they can (a) derive the formula | |

|1.4 Writing | |for the speed required for a circular orbit (b) Derive the| |

| | |formula for the period of a circular orbit (Kepler’s Third| |

|2.2 Comp/estimation | |Law).(c) State Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion and| |

|2.3 Measurement/Estimation | |use them to describe in qualitative terms the motion of an| |

|2.5 Problem Solving | |object in an elliptical orbit. | |

|2.6 Data Analysis | | | |

|2.8 Algebra | | | |

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|Unit # - 6– Work & Energy (2 weeks) |

| | | | |

|Standards |Student Learning Objectives |Content |Learning Activities and Instructional Strategies |

|Addressed |For this Unit |Skills and Knowledge | |

| | | | |

|NSES Standards: |Students will understand the definitions of work and energy. |Identify whether the work done by a force is positive, | |

|Physical Science |Students will understand the relationship between net work and |negative, or zero. |Labs & Demonstrations |

|-Structure/Properties Matter |kinetic energy. | |Work vs. final speed lab. |

|Science as Inquiry |Students will understand the relationship between kinetic and |Relate the work done by a force to the area under a graph |Force & displacement lab. |

|Science & Technology |potential energy in the absence of nonconservative forces. |of force as a function of position, and calculate this |Swinging bowling ball demo |

|History & Nature of Science |Students will apply the Law of Conservation of Energy. |work in the case where the force is a linear function of |Multiple ramp demo |

| |Students will understand power. |position. | |

|PA STEE Standards: | | |Technology |

|3.1.10.D Unifying Themes | |Calculate the work done by a specified constant force on |PhET simulations (energy skate park) |

|3.4.10.A Physical Science | |an object that undergoes a specified displacement. |LoggerPro, motion detector, force sensor |

|3.4.10.B Physical Science | | | |

|3.4.12.A Physical Science | |Recognize, both graphically and mathematically, the | |

|3.4.12.B Physical Science | |relationship between work done or kinetic energy and | |

|3.1.10.B Unifying Themes | |speed. | |

|3.1.12.B Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.1.12.C Unifying Themes | |Calculate the change in kinetic energy or speed that | |

|3.1.12.D Unifying Themes | |results from performing a specified amount of work on an | |

|3.2.10.A Inquiry & Design | |object. | |

|3.2.10.B Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.10.C Inquiry & Design | |Calculate the work performed by the net force, or by each | |

|3.2.12.B Inquiry & Design | |of the forces that make up the net force, on an object | |

|3.2.12.C Inquiry & Design | |that undergoes a specified change in speed or kinetic | |

|3.7.10.B Technological Dev. | |energy. | |

|3.7.12.A Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.B Technological Dev. | |Apply the work-energy theorem to determine the change in | |

| | |an object’s kinetic energy and speed that results from the| |

|1.2 Reading | |application of specified forces, or to determine the force| |

|1.4 Writing | |that is required in order to bring an object to rest in a | |

| | |specified distance. | |

|2.2 Comp/estimation | | | |

|2.3 Measurement/Estimation | |State alternative definitions of “conservative force.” | |

|2.5 Problem Solving | | | |

|2.6 Data Analysis | |Cite examples of conservative and non-conservative forces.| |

|2.8 Algebra | | | |

| | |State the general relationship between a conservative | |

| | |force and potential energy. | |

| | | | |

| | |Calculate the gravitational potential energy of an object | |

| | |in a uniform gravitational field. | |

| | | | |

| | |Calculate the potential energy of a stretched or | |

| | |compressed spring | |

| | | | |

| | |Solve word problems involving the Law of Conservation of | |

| | |Energy (including in the presence of non-conservative | |

| | |forces). | |

| | | | |

| | |Differentiate between power and energy. | |

| | | | |

| | |Solve problems involving power, work, time, and/or | |

| | |velocity. | |

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|Unit # - 7 – Impulse and Momentum (1 week) |

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|Standards |Student Learning Objectives |Content |Learning Activities and Instructional Strategies |

|Addressed |for this Unit |Skills and Knowledge | |

| | | | |

|NSES Standards: |Students will understand the concept of charge. |Content Skills, Knowledge, and Performance |Labs or Demonstrations: |

|Physical Science |Students will understand the factors affecting the behavior of | |Impulse & Momentum Lab |

|-Structure/Properties Matter |charges |Define and calculate momentum. |Inelastic Collision Lab |

|Science as Inquiry |Students will understand how objects obtain a charge. |Define and calculate impulse. |Bungee Jumper |

|Science & Technology |Students will understand how to represent electric fields in a |Relate a graph of force vs. time to impulse. |Happy & Unhappy Balls |

|History & Nature of Science |diagram. |Solve word problems using the impulse-momentum theory. |Newton Balls |

| | |Identify situations under which momentum is conserved. |Astroblaster |

|PA STEE Standards: | |Solve word problems involving the Law of Conservation |Egg & Sheet |

|3.1.10.D Unifying Themes | |of Momentum. |Egg Drop Project |

|3.4.10.Aphysical Science | |Differentiate between elastic and inelastic collisions.| |

|3.4.12.A Physical Science | | |Readings: |

|3.1.10.B Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.1.12.B Unifying Themes | | | |

|3.1.12.C Unifying Themes | | |Technology Links |

|3.2.10.A Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.10.B Inquiry & Design | | |LoggerPro, motion detector, force sensor |

|3.2.10.C Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.B Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.2.12.C Inquiry & Design | | | |

|3.7.10.B Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.A Technological Dev. | | | |

|3.7.12.B Technological Dev. | | | |

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|1.2 Reading | | | |

|1.4 Writing | | | |

| | | | |

|2.2 Comp/estimation | | | |

|2.3 Measurement/Estimation | | | |

|2.5 Problem Solving | | | |

|2.6 Data Analysis | | | |

|2.8 Algebra | | | |

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