The Vine



(Christ healing the sick)

2015 September VINE


The mission of St. John’s Evangelical

Lutheran Church is to lovingly proclaim

the Gospel among all people in order to

form and nurture loving communities

which confess by word and deed that

Jesus is Lord and Savior

The Newsletter of St. John’s

Evangelical Lutheran Church & School

(718) 761-1600

Volume 2015 Issue #7

Roster of Officers

St. John’s Lutheran

Church & School

[pic] 2015 Church Committees [pic]

Reverend Michael Bagnall, Pastor

President Gerard Valles

Vice President Michael Clandorf

Treasurer Fred Bock

Secretary Bonnie Selletti

Board of Elders Thomas Sax

Board of Christian Education Robert Holls

Board of Evangelism-Social Ministry Elsa Webb

Board of Properties Henry Heinsohn

Board of Elders Board of Properties

Thomas Sax Henry Heinsohn

Dave Decker Daniel Ferucci

Bruce Mohlenhoff Doug Moat

Board of Christian Education Board of Evangelism-Social Ministry

Robert Holls Elsa Webb

Audrey Mahoney Joy Rouse

Susan Neitzel Christine Ferucci

Yvonne Clinton Joan Mohlenhoff

Mildred Clandorf Charles Small

Ruth Roscheska Leonor Abugel

Karen Gannon Pam Cavagnaro


Pastor’s Page


      Dear Baptized in Christ, as I write my first article for the Vine, I am reminded of the irony, that this among many of the "Firsts" that I have experienced here since arriving among first ever raw oysters (strange for a guy raised on the coast of Maine I know), my first ever New York Pizza (an experience that has possibly changed my outlook on life), my first experience formally teaching in a classroom (an experience that I have come to relish), and after 13 years in the Office of the Holy Ministry, writing my first ever article for a church newsletter.  And while this seems a trivial thing, I can't help but see in it a wonderful future.  What a blessing it is to be the Pastor of a flock large enough to need a newsletter, as well as a flock that is so interested and committed that most of you have noticed that I have not written an article yet. 

            I am absolutely astounded at the willingness that so many of you have to incorporate new things into our common calendar, and the relish with which many of you embrace this expansion of Christ's voice among ourselves and the community around us.  But we as the Body of Christ have many challenges ahead of us, as we face a world that is increasingly against us, whose collective voice seeks to drown out the pure comfort of the Gospel.  We must not allow ourselves to be pushed into the background, the message with which we have been blessed is the life of the world, we must boldly proclaim the glory of Christ's life, death, and resurrection in our thoughts, our words, and in our deeds.  We must also be careful, never to believe that this is our task, to "bring the unbelievers to Jesus." This is the work and purpose of the Holy Spirit, but we as forgiven children, recipients of God's grace and mercy, are called to live as forgiven children and recipients of God's grace and mercy in a world fallen into sin and death, to forgive as we have been forgiven, to love as we have been loved, to simply be what God has made us in the precious blood of Christ, baptized Christians, a people redeemed by Christ the Crucified.  Let us always remember who we are and revel in the gifts we have been given, standing firm in the truth of Christ but always speaking that truth in love.

          It is with great joy and anticipation that I look forward to the days, months and years ahead, as we work together in the love of Christ, recipients of His mercy in the Means of Grace, to carry His Gospel into a world lost in sin.  Our mission begins here, at the altar of St. John's Lutheran Church as faith is fed with God's love and mercy in the promise of Christ's death and resurrection.  Thanks be to God our Eternal Father, that through His Son Jesus Christ we have fellowship in His name. 

In Christ's Peace,

Pastor Bagnall

A Message from the Elders

Dearest Family in Christ,

We give thanks to God for answering our prayers and sending us a called pastor. Welcome Pastor Michael Bagnall to our St. John’s Family. As most of you know, Pastor Bagnall was our vacancy pastor who started with us on March 1st of this year.

A special thank you to Bruce Mohlenhoff and to everyone who pitched in during the vacancy period. After the unforeseen departure of our previous pastor on January 4th, we only had to cover seven Sunday’s (two of which were lay services) before Pastor Bagnall arrived. For those who are familiar with finding a vacancy pastor here in Staten Island and the Divine Call process, this is unheard of. As always, we see that our Lord and Savior is in charge and tends to His children.

Matthew 21:22

And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.

Philippians 4:5-7

5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

In Christ,


Philippians 4:13King James Version (KJV)

13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.



Principal’s Corner

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your summer and are ready for school. I look forward to a school year of new opportunities, academic and spiritual growth, fun and friendship. Already we have an exciting month planned. September 22 the school will be hosting a “Meet and Greet” for parents and teachers at 7:00pm. St. John’s will be offering an Academic Enrichment program after school at no additional cost.  Topics will include organizational skills, time management, and study skills.  More information will be sent home in September. Also, this year, Karate will be added as an after school activity.

Basketball Tryouts, for those in 3rd – 8th grade, will be on September 16th (Boys) & 17th (Girls) at 3:30 pm.  Medical Agreements must be completed to participate.  If you have an interested child who is younger than 3rd grade, please let the Athletic Director, Mr. Paone, know via note or e-mail.


Mrs. Speiser


More on Stewardship


What is most striking about the rich man and Lazarus is not their differences but their similarities (Luke 16:19–31). Both men die because both men are sinners, and the wages of sin is death. Both men are beggars, for all men are beggars. But, here is where the most striking difference between them takes shape. Lazarus knows it and lives it. The rich man, however, does not.

Lazarus was a beggar in thought, word, and deed. But, he was God’s beggar. He relied upon God for all that he had and all that he was. He looked to God for all things, in good times and in bad. He went to God in all trouble, sought Him for all help, and trusted in His Word and promises to provide for all that he needed for this life and the next. This is, after all, what his name means: God is my help.

The rich man, too, was a beggar. But he didn’t realize it. His status, his wealth, his clothing and his food all came from God’s gracious hand. But the rich man didn’t recognize it. He thought he had earned it, and that he deserved it. And thus, his trust is not in God, who by His Word and promise gives it, but rather in himself, in what he has done, and in what he has.

And so it is that when death comes to Lazarus and the rich man—as it does for all of us because we have all sinned, and death is no respecter of persons—Lazarus is carried by the holy angels to Abraham’s side; while the rich man is in torment in hell. The rich man forgot God. He despised being a beggar, and thus, despised Lazarus. He despised God and His Word, and refused to have mercy on those whom God placed at his doorstep.

Now, the tables were turned. What the rich man didn’t realize or recognize on earth, he now lived out in torment in hell. He knew what it was to beg. But he still didn’t see himself as a beggar of God. He still didn’t look to His Father in heaven for all good and help in every time of need. He instead appealed to His status as a descendant of Abraham, calling out Father Abraham and not “Abba, Father” (Gal 4:6; Rom 8:15).

We are all beggars. We brought nothing into this world and we will take nothing out of it (1 Tim 6:7). Everything we have and everything we are comes from God’s fatherly divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in us, for He gives everything to us by grace. Thus, we are to love one another and be generous to one another in thought, word, and deed. For you cannot love God and hate your brother. And hating your brother means not to forgive as you’ve been forgiven, to give as you’ve been given to, to love as you’ve been loved.

We are all beggars. This is true. But we, like Lazarus, are God’s beggars. He not only gives us what we need for this body and life—food and clothes, house and home, husband, wife, and

children - but He also blesses us with His Word and Spirit, so that we will enter into paradise in the life to come. He claims us as His own by water and the Word in Holy Baptism. In this

washing, rich in grace, He gives to us what His Son, Jesus Christ, won for us on His cross: forgiveness of sins. And where there is the forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation. He puts His own name on us, thereby giving to us the right of children, the right to call Him Father and the right to His inheritance as His beloved sons. He gives us a seat at His table, in His house, in His kingdom, which has no end.

Yes, indeed, we are beggars. This is true. But we are beggars of the God who loves us, the God who created us from His love, the God who redeemed us by His love in the sending of His Son to die so that we would live and have life to the full. This is His promise. It’s what Moses and the prophets longed to see and of what they spoke. They see it now, not in a mirror dimly, but face to face, just as you shall on the last day.

And as God’s beggars, we have mercy on those who would be beggars of us, who rely upon our giving, even as we rely upon the gracious giving of God. We give to our family, our society, our church. He gives; we receive. Thanks be to God. We give; they receive. Thanks be to God. We count it all a joy to give as He has given to us.

(Taken from the LCMS September Stewarship Article)




10 Janis Szoke

13 Alpha Pearl Williams

17 Walter Heiman

20 Hunter Peters

28 Mark Hewitt

30 Irene Olsen

30 Diane Hansen



14 Stephen & Linnet Szoke

18 Peter & Sandra Sollog

26 John & Carol Gencarello

30 Les & Janis Szoke



Please remember in your prayers the following that are ill:

Heinz Zeller ~ Robert Browne

Sonia Ingerson ~Elaine Lewis ~ Janis Szoke

Mary Francis ~ Kathy Francis ~ Eric Hansen

Dorothy Mohlenhoff ~Audrey Hansen

Flo Karl ~ Ruth Roscheska


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• Thrivent Choice Dollars - Our church is now one of the choices that you can choose with your Thrivent Choice Dollars. You can either go to and register or call 1-800 THRIVENT (847-4836) and speak to a live person. When you call the toll free number, you will say “Choice Dollars,” at which time you will be transferred and asked for the last 4 digits of your social security number. You then will speak to a representative who will assist you. Please note that if you use the website, we are listed as St John without the ( 's) Lutheran. We thank all those who have inquired, and we thank everyone who has chosen to help further the ministry of our church. May God richly bless you. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who is a part of this program.

• Youth Group - The lock-in on June 12 went well. In addition to Pastor Bagnall, 3 parents stayed overnight. The undersigned stopped in for a couple of hours during the kick off. 12 of our church youth were in attendance. Pastor has requested that our youth group meet once a month, even through July and August of this year. Please see Michael Clandorf for more information. (Youth Group is open to students from 6-12th grade)

• Mary Martha Workshop – Continues to meet each Tuesday in the church basement from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 pm.

• Ladies Guild – Meetings resume on Thursday, September 10 at 7:30pm

• Worship time – Beginning on Sunday, September 13, we will resume worship at 10:30a.m. Thank you to everyone for your patience during the call process.

• Rally Day – This year we will be celebrating Rally Day immediately following worship on September 20, from 12-3pm. As always we are looking for everyone to bring a homemade dish. There will be the usual barbeque as well as some new activities for the children. Volunteers are always needed to set up and break down. Please see Elsa Webb for further details.

• The following will resume on these dates and times;

Adult choir – Tuesday, September 8 at 7:30pm

Hand-bell choir – Sunday, September 13 at 9:00a.m.

Sunday School – 9:00 a.m. September 27

Sunday Bible Study – 9:00 a.m. September 27

Children’s choir and Violin Rehearsal - After worship September 27

Breakfast Bible Study – 9:30 a.m. Thursday October 1




Our Annual Rally Day barbeque and block party will immediately follow worship on September 20 from 12-3pm. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish. Hot dogs, hamburgers and beverages will be provided. Please bring a friend and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship and fun. Volunteers are also needed to set up and break down. Please contact Elsa Webb for further details. 718-727-9889.

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On September 27th St. John’s begins a new Sunday School season of celebrating God’s amazing love. We look forward to having our “almost four year olds” with us, as well as familiar, smiling faces. Jesus is our wonderful Shepherd and we are His sheep.

Together in God’s Word we will learn and grow in His love. We meet from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the church basement. If you have any questions please call me (Joan) at

(718) 273 2644.

In Jesus’ love,

Joan Mohlenhoff (Mrs. M)

Leonor Abugel (Mrs. A)


Congratulations to Vincent Arthur and Olivia Frances Chicarelli who have become members of our growing family in Christ through the new birth of water and the Word. Let us pray that they remain faithful to their baptismal vows and continue to grow in the faith unto life everlasting.

Vincent’s sponsors are: Michelle Schmitt-DeBonis

Steven Tomei

Olivia’s sponsors are: Holly LaGrega

Joseph Amodeo

Thank You

Thank you for all your cards and prayers for my recovery. It was much appreciated and brightened my day. I thank God for the speedy recovery He is granting me, and hope to be back at St. John’s in several weeks. Keep me in your prayers.

Dorothy Fiore

Thank You

Thanks to everyone who helped celebrate my 96th birthday. I received many beautiful cards expressing prayers for my health and love from the Lord. I pray for God’s richest blessings to all the members of the church.


Mildred (Millie) E. Wangler


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Psalm 100:1-2

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!

Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Summer break is over and our choirs are preparing to start a new year. I am very happy to announce that in addition to our adult, children and hand-bell choir, we now have two violinists. We are blessed with the talents of Jennifer Mahoney and Emily Sullivan who I will be accompanying each month with selected violin duets. Also from time to time we will be adding our church musicians to assist with hymns throughout the church year.

Please note that the Service of Lessons and Carols will take place on Sunday, December 13, at 3pm. We hope you will come out with family and friends and support our church’s music ministry. There will be a free will offering which will be used to purchase additional hand-bells.

We are always looking for new members to all of our choirs. All are welcomed to tryout when each choir resumes on the dates listed below.

Adult Choir – Tuesday, September 8 at 7:30pm

Hand-bell Choir – Sunday, September 13 at 9:00 a.m.

Children’s Choir – Sunday, September 27 after worship

Violins – Each Sunday after worship

In Christ,

Thomas Sax

Organist/Choir Director


Pregnancy Care Center of NY

5K Run and Walk for life

Saturday, septmber 19,2015

Gateway National Recreation Area

(Near ball-field 8 at the end of

father capodanno blvd)

Registration 8:30 a.m.- event 9:00 a.m.

The PCC is a Christian, non-profit ministry offering FREE and CONFIDENTIAL services to those with preganancy-related concerns. Supported by churches, businesses and individuals in our community, the PCC exists to aid in giving life to precious babies, and to nurture their families. It truly matters to God that we care for the most vulnerable among us, created in His image.

Please join others in financially helping the PCC by becoming a walker, or sponsoring a walker with a pledge. Every dollar counts because each life counts to our Blessed Creator. We all can make a difference for His Name’s sake. Please see me or call me at (718) 273 2644.

Thank You.

In Christ,

Joan Mohlenhoff

Evangelical Pamphlets

The Evangelism Committee of St. John’s offers for your interest, booklets published by the Lutheran Laymen’s League, pertaining to everyday problems and concerns.

The following booklets are available at the display rack in the Narthex of the church. If there is a subject of concern not listed, please contact Rhoda Browne (718) 698-3356

• Alone, Alive, Fulfilled

• Alzheimer’s

• Battles with the Bottle

• Coping with Cancer

• Dealing with Depression

• Finding Peace

• Forgiveness Is for Giving

• Has God Abandoned Me?

• How to Know What’s Right…And Do It

• No Need to Fear

• Now You’re Talking

• Overcoming A Painful Childhood

• Parenting with Purpose

• Prayer and Thoughts for Caregivers

• Setting Priorities

• Raising Your Children with Respect

• So You Prayed for A Miracle…

• Surviving A Loved One’s Suicide

• Surviving Breast Cancer

• Take Heart in Your Grief

• Talking with God

• The Purpose of Living, The Purpose of Dying

• The Truth About Angels

• “THHHPPTT!” And Other Helpful Ways to Manage Anger

• Too Much to Do, Too Little Time

• Unlocking the Prison of Guilt

• When in Doubt…Read the Book!

• Where’s God in All of This?

• Why Should I go to Church?




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