
PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION PROF-EDUCATION… SET- C1.You are very much interested in a quality professional development program for teachers. What characteristic should you look for?Prescribe by top educational teachersDependent on the availability of fundsRequired for renewal of professional licenseResponsive to identified teacher’s needs.2.To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the following measures must be implemented?A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development planThe implementation of what is learned in a training must be monitored.I only c. II and IIII and IIId. II only3.As a community leader, which of the following should a teacher NOT do?Support effort of the community to improve their status in life.Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by the community politics.Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community.Play an active part in the activities of the community.4.In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of the teacher?SafeGender-biasedSecureI and II c. II onlyI, II and IIId. I and III5.A teacher is said to be “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage”. Which practice makes the teacher fulfill such obligation?Use interactive teaching strategies.Use the latest educational technology.Observe continuing professional educationAs a class, study the life of Filipino heroes.6.Which actions show that political factors affect schools as agents of change?The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippine school.The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculumThe practice of mainstreamingThe turnover of day care centers for DSWD to DepEd for supervision.I and III c. II and IIII and IId. II and IV7.For more efficient and effective management of school as agents of change, one proposal is for the DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has the strongest influence on this proposal?Psychological c. GeographicalHistoricald. Social8.What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls.The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning system.Practice of inclusive educationThe concentration on formal education system9.The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice which management practice?Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises.Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office.Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planningAllowing schools to do what they think is best 10.Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public schools. Which measure/s have schools taken to offset the effects of large class?The deployment of more teachersThe implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratioThe conduct of morning and afternoon sessionsI, II and III c. III onlyI and IId. II only11.The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to students’ ____________.unpreparedness fro schoolingambivalencehigh degree of independencehigh degree of independence on authority12.The schooling incidents in school campuses abroad have made school to rethink the curriculum. Which is believed to counteract such incidents and so is being introduced in schools?Inclusion of socio-emotional teachingThe emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against othersFocus on academic achievement and productivityI and III c. I and IIII and IIId. I, II and III13.Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to teach sustainable development. which one does this prove about schools?The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth.Schools can easily integrate sustained development in their curriculum.Sustained development cannot be effectively taught in the classroom.Environment factors influence the school as an agent of change.14.A father tells his daughter “You are a woman. You are meant for the home and so for you, going to school is not necessary.” Is the father CORRECT?It depends on the place when the daughter and the father live.Yes, women are meant to be a mother only.No. today women can take on the jobs of men.No, there is gender equality in education.15.Is there a legal basis for increasing the teacher’s starting salary to P18,000 an months?No, it is a gift to teachers from CongressYes, R.A 7836No, it is simply an act of benevolence from President GMAYes, the Phil. Constitution16.As provided for the Educational Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encourage to set higher standards of equality over the minimum standards required for state recognition?Granting of Special PermitAcademic freedomContinuing Professional EducationVoluntary accreditation 17.Despite of opposition from some school official, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no collection of fees” policy during enrolment period in public schools. In this policy in accordance with EFA goals?No, it violates the mandate of equality educationYes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparitiesYes, it supports equitable access to basic educationNo. it does not support parent of adult education 18.“Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less”. Hence, it is better to be a generalist, claims Teacher F. Which Philosophy does Teacher F. subscribe to?Existentialism c. EssentialismPerennialismd. Progressivism19.Mencius believed that all people are born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it easier toour pupils. teach c. likeRespectd. motivate20.The specialization requires of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent is in line with which pillar of learning?Learning to knowLearning to beLearning to live togetherLearning to do21.Which pillar of learning is aimed at the wholistic development of man and his complete fulfillment?Learning to beLearning to knowLearning to live togetherLearning to do22.Material development at the expense of human development points to the need to do more in school.“Learning to do”“Learning to know”“Learning to live together”“Learning to be”23.A student complains to you about his failing grade. When you recomputed you found out that you committed an error in this grade computation. Your decision is not accept the erroneous computation before the student and so leave the failing grade as is for fear that you may lose credibility. Is this morally right?No, the reason for not accepting the error before the students in flimsy.No, the end does not justify the meansYes, the end justifies the meansYes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility24.Which violate(s) the principle of respect?Teacher A tells her students that what Teacher B taught is wrong.To retaliate, Teacher B advises students not to enroll in Teacher A’s class.Teacher C secretly gives way to a special favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by student A who is vying for honors.II and III c. I and III, II and IIId. I and III25.Which is/are in accordance with the principle of pedagogical competence?Communication of objectives of the course to studentsAwareness of alternative instruction strategiesSelection of appropriate methods of instructionI and III c. III onlyI, II and IIId. II and III26.With a death threat over his head, Teacher D is directed to pass an undeserving student. Which will a utilitarianist do? Pass the student, why suffer the threat?Don’t pass him; live by your principle of justice. You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next.Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you.Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in other to pass.27.Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply?The end does not justify the meansThe end justifies the meansAlways do what is rightBetween two evils, do the lesser evil28.To earn units for promotion, a teacher pays her fee but does not attend class at all. Does this constitute professional growth?Not immediately but yes after promotionIt depends on the school she is enrolled inNo, it is simply earning MA units for promotionYes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth29.If a teacher asks more higher-order questions, he has to ask more questions.fact c. convergentclosed. concept30.Misdemeanor has a “ripple effect”. This implies that as a classroom manager, a teacherreinforces positive behaviorresponds to misbehavior promptlyis consistent in her classroom management practicecount 1 to 10 before she deals with a misbehaving student31.Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”, which activity is farthest from the real thing?Watching demo c. Video discAttending exhibitd. Viewing images32.The students of Teacher Y scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on subject, or look at related topics at the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which device/s des teacher Y’s class have?Teaching machinesCDVideo discVideotaped lesson33.Which is an INAPPROPIATE way to manage off-task behavior?Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing workMake eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicateMove closer to the child to make him feel your presenceStop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task34.To be an effective classroom manager, a teacher must be friendly but must at the same time be .confident c. analyticalbusinessliked. buddy-buddy35.Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculations on numerical data?DatabaseSpreadsheet ProgramMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Powerpoint36.Which of the following questions must be considered in evaluating teacher-made materials?In the material new?Does the material simulate individualism?Is the material expensive?Is it fake?37.Kounin claims that “with-it-ness” is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager. What is one sign of “with-it-ness”?Giving attention to students who are having difficulty with school workSeeing only a portion of the class but intensivelyKnowing where instructional materials are keptAware of what’s happening in all parts of the classroom38. Which of these is one of the ways by which the internet enables people to browse documents connected by hypertext links?URLBrowserWelcome pageWorld Wide Web39.Which characteristics must be primary considered as a choice of instructional aids?Stimulate and maintain students interestsSuited to the lesson objectivesUpdated and relevant to Filipino settingNew and skillfully made40.You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school bytelling them the importance of good gradesgiving your students a sense of belongingness and acceptancemaking them feel you know what you are taking aboutreminding your students your authority over them again and again 41.I would like to use a model to emphasize particular part. Which of these would be MOST appropriate?Regalia c. StimulationAudio recordingd. Mock up42.What must a teacher do to ensure orderly transitions between activities?Allow time for the students to socialize in between activitiesHave the materials ready at the start of the activityAssign fewer exercise to fill the allotted timeWait for students who lag behind 43.The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management is a task that a teacher should undertakeas soon as the students have adjusted to their scheduleson the very first day of schoolevery day at the start of the sessionevery homeroom day44.Teacher S uses the low-profile classroom control technique most of the time. what does this imply?She is reactive in her disciplinary orientationShe manages pupils personalitiesShe reacts severely to a misbehaving studentShe stops misbehaving without disrupting lesson flow 45.When teacher tries to elicit clarification on a student response or solicits additional information, which of these should be use?Directing c. StructuringProbingd. Cross examining46.Which priority criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?Novelty c. AttractivenessCostd. Appropriateness47.Which learning activity is MOST appropriate if a teacher’s focus is attitudinal change?Fieldtripc. Role playExhibitd. Game48.Teacher H strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion. Which of these student needs is she trying to address? The need to.shoe one’s oral abilities to the rest of the classfeel significant and be part of a groupget everything and be part of a groupbe creative49.Instead of teacher giving this comment a student response. “You’re on the wrong track!”, what should be teacher do?Change the question to an easier oneRedirect the question by calling another student to reciteProbe to redirect the response into a more productive areaPause, ask the question, lecture, then ask the question again 50.If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which feature(s) apply(ies)?The aims of the curriculum are set by professionals and expertsInterested groups (teachers, students, communities) are assumed to agree with the aims of the curriculumConsensus building in not necessaryIII only c. I, III, II, IIId. I, III51.I want my student to develop the ability to look at a problem from various perspectives. Which approach will be MOST fit?Behaviorist approachComputer-based EducationModular approachCognitive approach52.One’s approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardner’s MI Theory. What is he/she challenged to do?To come up with 9 different ways of approaching lesson to cater to the 9 multiple intelligenceTo develop all student’s skill in all nine intelligencesTo provide worthwhile activities that acknowledge individual difference in childrenI, II and III c. II onlyII, IIId. III only53.If my approach to my lesson is behaviorist, what features will dominate my lesson?Copying notes III. LecturingReasoning IV. DemonstrationIII, IV c. I, II, III, IVI, III, IVd. II, III, IV54.You practice inclusive education. Which of these applies to you?You accept every student as full and valued member of the class and school communityYour special attention is on learners with specific learning or social needsYour address the needs of the class as a whole within the context of the learners with specific learning or social needsII only c. I onlyI and IId. I and III55.School curriculum reflects the world’s economic and political integration and industrialization. What does this point in curriculum development?The trend towards the classical approach to curriculum developmentThe trend toward the globalization and localizationThe trend toward participatory curriculum developmentThe shift in the paradigm of curriculum development from a process-oriented to a product-oriented one56.You choose cooperative learning as a teaching approach. What thought is impressed on your students? Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face to-face interactionStudent’s success depends on the success of the groupStudent’s individuality evaluate how effectively their group worked.The accountability for learning is on the group not on the individual 57.What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, as though it is the only education technology available?Isolated use c. VarietyFlexibilityd. Uniformity58.Which statement applies a CORRECTLY to Edgar Dale’s ”Cone of Experience”The farther you are from the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.The farther you are from the bottom, the more direct the learning experience becomes.The closer you are from the base, the more indirect the learning experience becomesThe closer you are from the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes59.“When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.” What is an application of this principle?Appeal to student’s sense of imaginationUse multisensory aidsMake your students touch the instructional materialUse audiovisual aids because the eyes and the eras are the most important senses in learning.60.Which is a classroom application of the theory of “operant conditioning”?Help student see the connectedness of facts, concepts, and principlesCreate a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxationReinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the responseMake students learn by operating manipulatives Read the following teacher-student situation61.TEACHER: Why is the process called photosynthesis?STUDENT: I don’t knowWhich questioning technique should be the teacher use?Clarification c. PromptingMultiple responsed. Concept review62.Here is the test item.“From the data presented in the table, from generalizations that are supported by the data”.Under what type of question does this item fall?Convergent c. ApplicationEvaluatived. Divergent63.I want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. Which method will be MOST appropriate?Discovery c. Direct instructionIndirect instructiond. Problem solving64.Teacher A teaches English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blanks sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having les talkThe teacher emphasizing reading and writing skillsThe teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same mannerThe teacher is applying Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive learning65.Teacher A an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lessons in order to introduce a new lessonreflect on how he presented the previous lessonsprovide his pupils with a sense of continuitydetermine who among his pupils are studying66.I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for interdisciplinary teaching. Which strategy did I use?Reading-writing activityThematic introductionUnit methodProblem-centered learning67.To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that the election of class officers shall be patterned after local elections. There are qualifications set for candidates, limited period for campaign and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use?Symposium c. Pole playingSimulationd. Philips 6668.Which are effective methods in teaching student critical reading skills?Interpret editorialRead and interpret three different movie reviewsRead a position paper and deduce underlying assumptions of the position papersII and III c. I and III and IIId. I, II and III69.Here is a test item“The improvement of basic education should be the top priority of the Philippine government. Defend or refute this position”.Under what type of question does this test item fall?Low-level c. AnalysisEvaluatived. Convergent70.When I teach, I often engage in brainstorming. Which do I avoid?Break down barriersIncrease creativityGenerate many ideasSelectively involves pupils71.Teacher S teaches a lesson in which students must recognize that ? is the same 0.25. They use this relationship to determine that 0.15 and 0.20 are slightly less than ?. Which of the following concept/s is/are being taught?Numeration skillsPlace value of decimalsNumeration skills of decimals and relationships between fractions and decimalsRelationship between fraction and decimals72.What is the best way to develop math concept?Solving problems using multiple approachesSolving problems by looking for correct answerLearning math as applied to situations, such as being a tool of sciencesolving problems by applying learned formulas 73.After the reading of a selection in the class, which of these activities can enhance students creativity.Reader’s theaterReading aloudSilent readingI and II c. I onlyII onlyd. III only74.Teacher C, a Reading teacher, advised he class to “read between the lines”. What does she want her pupils to do?Make an educated guessDetermine what is meant by what is statedApply the information readDescribe the characters in the story75.To nurture students’ creativity, which activity should a teacher AVOID?Ask “hat if…” questionsAsk divergent thinking questionsEmphasize the need to give right answersBe open to “out-of-this-world” ideas76.Teacher R wants to develop his student’s creativity. Which type of questions will be MOST appropriate?Synthesis questionsFact questions“What if….” questionsAnalysis questions77.In my attempt to develop creative thinking skills, I want to test fluency of ideas. Which activity for my students will be MOST appropriate?Solve this math problemList animals covered with hair in 1 minuteSolve this puzzleCompare pictures 1 and 2. Where are the differences?78.You want your students to answer the questions at the end of a reading lesson. “What did I learn did?”,”What still puzzle me?”, “What did I enjoy, hate accomplish in the class today”?,”How did I learn from the lesson?”.Which of the following are you asking them to do?Work on an assignmentMake journal entryWork on a drillApply what they learned79.After reading an essay. Teacher B wants to help sharpen her students’ ability to interpret. Which of these activities will be most appropriate?Drawing conclusionsMaking inferencesGetting the main ideaListing facts separately from opinionRead the following then answer the question80.A man and his son are driving in a car. The car crashes into a tree, killing the father and seriously injury his son. At the hospital, the boy needs to have surgery. Looking at the boy, the doctor says (telling the truth),”I cannot operate on him. He is my son. How can this be? ASWER: The doctor is the boy’s mother.The above brain twister helps develop critical reading skills. Which activity was used?ComparingClassifyingInferring meaningLooking for cause and effect81.Research says that mastery experiences increase confidence and willingness to try similar or more challenging tasks as reading. What does this imply for children’s reading performance?Children who have not mastered the basic skills are more likely to be motivated to read in order to gain mastery over basic skills.Children who have mastered basic skills are more likely to be less motivated to read because they get fed up with too much reading.Children who have a high sense of self-confidence are not necessarily those who can readChildren who have gained mastery over basic skills are more motivated to read82.The value that students put on reading is critical to their success. In what way/s can teachers inculcate his value for reading?Sharing the excitement of read-aloudShowing their passion for readingBeing rewarded to demonstrate the value of readingII and III c. I, II and IIII and IId. II only83.Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying Bruner’s theory. How would you teach?Be interactive in approachBegin with the abstractBegin with the concretedo direct instruction84.A person who has painful experiences at the dentist’s office may become fearful at the mere sight of the dentist’s office building. Which theory can explain this?GeneralizationOperant ConditioningAttribution theoryClassical conditioning84.Which is/are the basic assumption/s of behaviorists?The mind of newborn child is a blank state.all behaviors are determined by environmental eventsThe child has a certain degree of freedom not to allow himself to be shaped by his environment.III only c. II onlyI and IId. I and II86.If a student is encourage to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs, the highest needs to satisfy according to Maslow is .psychological need c. belongingnessself-actualizationd. safety needs87.In a Social studies class. Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks student what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s technique based?Bandura c. KohbergPiagetd. Bruner88.Teacher F is convinced that whatever a student performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement and soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle is Teacher F’s conviction based?Environmentalism c. CognitivismBehaviorismd. Constructivism89.Bandura’s social learning theory, states that children often imitate those who _______have substantial influence over their livesbelong their peer groupbelong to other racesare successful and seem admiredIV only c. I and III and IVd. II and IV90.According to Erikson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence?High school yearsCollege yearsPreschool yearsElementary school years91.Which of the following does NOT describe the development of children aged 11 to 13?They exhibit increased objectivity in thinkingThey shift from impulsivity to adaptive abilitySex difference in IQ become more evidentThey show abstract thinking and judgment 92.Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling, demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become more skillful, he stands back from the man and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did Teacher H do?ApprenticeshipGuided participationPeer interactionScaffolding93.What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for effective instruction?Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate in the classroomTeach beginning with the concreteSequence instructionReward good behavior94.William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior in inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn?Make teaching-leaning interactiveAvoid giving assignmentsOrganize a curriculum in a spiral mannerMake schoolwork relevant to students’ basic human needs.95.Soc exhibit fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?extinction c. acquisitiongeneralizationd. discrimination96.Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmates at the height of anger?Ego c. Id and Ego interactIdd. Superego97.Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when he and her family went to Enchanted Kingdom. The mere sight of a roller coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Bernadette’s behavior?Operant conditioningSocial learning theoryAttribution theoryPavlovian conditioning98.According to Frued, with which should one be concerned if he/she has to develop in the students a correct sense of right and wrong?Super-ego II. Ego III. IdI and II c. IIId. III99.When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive development theory?reversion c. accommodationassimilationd. conservation100.Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience a number of areas of the brain are simultaneously activated. Which of the following is/are implication/s of this research finding?Make use of field trips, guest speakersDo multicultural units of studyStick to the “left brain and right brain” approachI and III c. I and III onlyd. II only101.Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional center is tied into its ability to learn”.Establish the discipline of being judgmental in attitudeCome up with highly competitive games where winners will feel happyTell the students to participate in class activities or else won’t receive plus points in class recitationCreate a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feeling and ideas freely102.Research on Piagetian tasks indicates that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal operations stage. What is an educational implication of this finding?Engage children in analogical reasoning as early as preschool to train them for higher order thinking skills (HOTS)Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning from ages 8 to 11 lag behind in their cognitive developmentLet children be childrenExpect hypothetical reasoning for learners between 12 to 15 years of age103.Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to external causes.”Based on this finding, what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely motivated to succeed?Tell them the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivatedConvince them that genuine motivation is the only factor that matters for a person to succeedMake them realize that failure is a part of lifeMake them realize that both success and failure are more a function of internal causes.104.Which characterize/s a learning environment that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, family background and gender?InclusiveExclusiveGender-sensitiveI only c. I and IIIIII onlyd. II and III104.Which of the following steps should be completed first in planning an achievement test?Define the instructional objectiveSet up a table of specializationSelect the types of test items to useDecide on the length of the test105.The computed r fro scores in Math and Science in 0.92. What does this mean?Math score is positive related to Science scoreThe higher the Math score, the lower the Science scoreMath score is not in any way related to Science scoreScience score is slightly related to math score106.Which types of test is most appropriate if Teacher Y wants to measure student’s ability to organize thoughts and ideas?Short answer type of testExtended response essayModified alternative responseLimited response essay107.With assessment of affective learning in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?Cloze test c. Reflective writingMoral dilemmad. Diary entry108.I want to test student’s synthesizing skills. Which has the highest diagnostic value?multiple choice test c. Essay testPerformance testd. Completion test is an example of a leafy vegetable.109.Why is this test item poor?The test item does not pose a problem to the examineeThere are variety of possible correct answer to this itemthe language used in the question is not preciseThe blank is near the beginning of a sentenceI and IIIII and IVI and IVI and IIWhat follows is a multiple choice type of test.Some test items .are too difficultare objectiveare poorly constructedhave multiple defensible answers110.What makes the multiple choice type of test poor?The options are not grammatically connected to the stemThe stem fails to present a problemThere are grammatical cluesThe options are not parallel111.If a teacher wants to measure her students’ ability to discriminate, which of these is an appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction?“Outline the Chapter on The Cell”.“Summarize the lesson yesterday”.“Group the following items according to shape”.“State a set of principle that can explain the following events”.112.A test item has a difficult index of 0.89 and a discrimination index of 0.44. What should the teacher do?Reject the itemRetain the itemMake it a bonus itemMake it a bonus item and reject it113.Which form of assessment is consistent with the saying “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”.Contrived c. TraditionalAuthenticd. IndirectWho is best admired for outstanding contribution to world peace?Kissinger c. KennedyClintond. Mother Teresa114.What is WRONG with this item?Item is overly specificContent is trivialTest item is option-basedThere is a cue to the right answer115.Student’s score were as follows: 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 84, 83, 85. The score 86 is the.mode c. medianaveraged. mean116.Which text form would you choose if you want to have a valid and reliable test based on the table below?Test FormValidity IndexReliability IndexA.47.68B.87.57C.20.86D.40.41E.63.07A only c. A and DB onlyd. B and E117.A mathematicians test was given to all Grade V pupils to determine the contestants for the Math Quiz Bee. Which statistical measure should be used to identify the top 15?Mean percentage scoreQuartile DeviationPercentile RankPercentage Score118.Nellie’s score is within x±1 SD. To which of the following groups does she belong?Below averageAverageNeeds ImprovementAbove average119.Use the inbox below to answer the question that follows:Percentage Grades for Final Examination 40 70 80 90 100Which of the following statement is TRUE about the plot of grades above?The median is a score of 80 and the range is 60.The median is a score of 70 and the range is 60.The median is a score of 80 and the range is 20.The median is a score of 70 and the range is 20.120.Which can be said of Arielle who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in a Grammar objective test?She performed better than 25% of her classmatesShe answered 75 items in the test correctlyHer rating is 75She answered 75% of the test items correctly121.The criterion of success in Teacher D’s objective is that “the pupils must be able to spell 90% of the words correctly”. Ana and 24 others in the class spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly while the rest scored 45 and above. This means that Teacher Dattained her lesson objectivedid not attain her lesson objective because of the pupils’ lack of attentionfailed to attain her lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concernedattained her lesson objective because of her effective spelling drill122.If the scores of your test follow a negatively skewed score distribution, what should you do?Find out ?why your items were easywhy most of the scores are highwhy most of the scores are lowwhy some pupils scored high 123.Principal A is talking about “grading on the curve” in a faculty meeting. What does this expression refer to?A student mark compares his achievement to his effort.A student’s grade or mark depends on how his achievement compares with the achievement of other students in a class.A student’s grade determines whether or not a student attains a defined standard of achievementA student mark tells how closely he is achieving to his potential. 124.Which tests determine whether students accept responsibility for their own behavior or pass on responsibility for their own behavior to other people?Thematic testsSentence-completion testsStylistic testLocus-of-control tests125Which of the one weakness of self-supporting personality checklists?Many personality measures have built-in lie scalesThey lack stabilityThey may not get true information because individuals can hide or disguise feelingsThey have poor internal consistency126.Which of these can measure awareness of values?SociogramMoral dilemmasProjective techniquesRating scales127.Marking on a normative basis means thatthe normal distribution curve should be followedsome should fallsome get high marksthe grading is based on a present criteria 128.Which process enhances the comparability of grades?Using a table specificationsDetermining the level of difficulty of the testsGiving more HOTS (higher order thinking skills)Constructing departmentalized examinations for each subject area.SITUATIONALSituation 1- In a faculty meeting, the principle told his teacher: “We need to improve our school performance in the National Achievement Test. What should we do?The teacher gave varied answers as follows:Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 85%Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performanceLet’s make the school environment conducive for learningLet’s make use of the experimental methods of teaching 129.Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist?#2 and #4c. #3 and #4#1 and #2d. #1 and #3130.On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?Existentialism c. ProgressivismEssentialismd. Bahaviorism131.If you learned toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response would you agree?#2 b. #3 c. #4 d. #1Situation 2- One principle in the utilization of technology of the classroom is appropriateness of material or activity.132.Teacher C wants his students to master the concept of social justice. Which series of activities will be most effective?Pretest-teaching-posttestPretest-teaching-posttest-re-teaching for unlearned concepts-posttestReview-pretest-teaching-posttestTeaching-posttest 133.Teacher A likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Which of the following materials available is most fit?Model c. ReplicaMock-upd. Realia134.Teacher B likes to concretize the abstract concepts of an atom. She came up with a concrete presentation of the atom by using wire and plastic balls. How would you classify Teacher B’s visual aids?Chart c. ModelReplicad. RealiaSituation 3- After reading and paraphrasing Robert frost’s “Stopping by the Wood on a snowy Evening”. Mr. Sales asked the class to share any insight derived from the poem.135.The class was asked to share their insights about the poem. The ability to come up with a n insight stems from the ability to analyze the parts of a wholeevaluate the worthiness of a thingrelate and organize things and ideascomprehend the subject that is being studied136.To ask the class any insight derived from the poem is based on the theory ofrealism c. conditioningbehaviorismd. constructivism137.On which assumption about the learner is Mr. Marquez’s act of asking the class to share their insight based?Learners are like empty receptacles waiting to be filled upLearners are meant to interact with one anotherLearners have multiple intelligence and varied learning stylesLearners are producers of knowledge not only passive recipients of informationSituation 4- Principal E wants her teachers to apply constructivism in teaching138.On which assumption/s is the principal’s action anchored?Students learn by personally constructing meaning of what is taught.Students are construct and reconstruct meaning based on experiencesStudents derive meaning from the meaning that the teacher givesII only c. I, II, and IIII and IId. I only139.Which materials will her teachers LEAST prefers?Controversial issuesOpen-ended topicsUnquestionable lawsProblem or cases140.Which concept/s of the learner will Principal E NOT accept?“Empty vesse!”“Tabula rasa”Candle to be lightedIII only c. II onlyI onlyd. I and IISituation 5- Study the matching type of test then answer the 3 questions that follow:Column AColumn Bequilateral triangleA. With 3 equal sidesright triangleB. With 5 equal sidesoctagonC. Has 90- degree anglepentagon D. Means manyheptagon E. with 7 sidespolyF. with 8 sides141.How can you make the items homogeneous?Increase the number of items in Column BAll items should be on polygonsRemove the word triangle in items #1 and #2 in column AThe word “gon” must be included in column B142.What is the main defect of this matching test?the matching type is an imperfect typethe items are NOT homogeneousthe items quite easyan obvious pattern is followed in the answering143.Which should be done to improve the matching type of test?Capitalize the items in Column AItems in Column A and B should be exchangedDrop #6 item in Column AThe item in Column A should be increasedSituation 6- Below the template for Scoring Rubric.5-Demonstrate complete understanding of the problem. All requirements of task are included in response4-Demonstrate considerable understanding of the problem. All requirements of task are included3- Demonstrate partial understanding of the problem. Most requirements of task are included2- Demonstrate little understanding of the problem. Many requirements of task are missing1- Demonstrate no understanding of the problem0-No response/task not attempted144.Which of these is/are essential in constructing a scoring rubric?Description of criteria to serve as standardClear descriptions of performance at each levelLevels of achievement (mastery)Rating schemeI, II, III c. I, II, III, IVI, IId. I only145.Which statement is TRUE of the rubric?It is developmentalIt is analyticalIt is both holistic and developmentalIt is holistic146.Which is TRUE of the scoring rubric?It describes criteria of levels of achievementIt has a rating schemeIt limit itself to 4 levels of achievementI and III and IIIII and IIII, II and IIISituation 7- Study the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters based on the results of a try-out test in Science. The letter marked with a asterisk is the correct answer.Item No. 1ABCDEUpper 27%104110Lower 27%65220 147.The table shows that the test item analyzed .has a positive discrimination indexhas a negative discrimination indexis extremely easyis extremely difficult148.Based on the table, which is the most effective distracter?Option DOption AOption COption B149.Based on the table, which group got more correct answer?Upper groupIt cannot be determinedLower groupData are not sufficient to give an answer150.In research, which is another term for independent variable? a. Response b. Outcome c. Criterion d. Input End of Prof.Ed.GOODLUCK!!! ................

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