Unit 5 Notes

I.  Major Themes 1914-Present

A.  New World Order

1.  Western Europe no longer dominant.

2.  Cold War

B.  International Organizations

1.  Nation-States de-emphasize.

C.  Nationalism

1.  Extreme Nationalism-Fascism.

2.  Cold War culture.

3.  Nationalism changes.

D.  Revolution

1.  Democratic Revolutions continue.

2.  Communist Revolutions.

E.  Social Reform

1.  Changes in gender roles.

2.  Religious fundamentalism.

F.  Globalization

1.  Technology

2.  Economics

3.  Science

4.  Culture

G.  Demographic Transition

1.  Europe de-populates.

2.  East/Southern Asia populates.

3.  Post-Industrial Era in U.S. & Western Europe.

4.  Industrial era in Russia & Japan.

5.  Africa stagnates. 

II.  Causes of World War I

A.  Long-Term Causes

1.  Long-Term reflects events & themes from early 1800s to 1914.

2.  The "3 Isms":

a.  Nationalism: Unification of Europe;

b.  Imperialism: "Scramble for Africa";

c.  Militarism: Arms Race/Otto Von Bismarck;

B. 1914 Global Status:

1.  England: World political, economic, & military power.  Industrially slowing down.  U.S. & Germany catching up (concern).

2.  Germany: Extreme Nationalism.  "Be the best."

3.  Austria-Hungary: Fading fast.  Losing Eastern European empire.

4.  France: Republic; century removed from Napoleon;

5.  Italy: Trying to become imperial power.

6.  Russia: Industrialized (finally); Massive civil unrest by 1914.

7.  Japan: Industrializing; Quietly about to begin conquering East Asia.

8.  Ottoman Empire: Vast control but fading

9.  U.S.: Isolationist.

10.  India: British colony

11.  China: Fighting off colonization; End of monarchy looming.

12.  Africa: Colonized

13.  South America: Failing at democracy

C.  Rivalries

1.  England vs. Germany: England has world's best navy.  Germany wants to be the best.  England has largest global empire.  Germany catching up to England industrially.

2.  France vs. Germany: France unhappy over Franco-Prussian War-Germany took Alsace-Lorraine (southeast France)

3.  Russia vs. Germany: Russia wants a Poland to be created, Germany doesn't.

4.  Austria-Hungary vs. Yugoslav States: Serbia gained independence.  Holding onto Bosnia.

5.  Ottoman Empire vs. Europe: Ottomans left behind industrially; trying to fend off European need for oil control. 

D.  Alliances

1.  Triple Alliance: 1902; 2 major reasons-imperialism & English/French/Russian surrounding of Central Europe

2.  Triple Entente: 1907; response to Triple Alliance.

3.  Russian/Serbian Alliance: Pan-Slavism; secret alliance 

E.  Short-Term Causes

1.  Franz Ferdinand:

2.  Black Hand:

3.  Sarajevo, Bosnia:

F.  Alliance System

1.  Following Ferdinand's assasination, the alliances "kick in" & war begins. 

III.  Course of the War

A.  Sides

1.  Total War/Homefront/Conscription:  

2.  Central Powers: 

3.  Allied Powers: 

B.  Battlefronts

1.  Western Front:

2.  Eastern Front:

3.  Trench Warfare:

4.  New weapons of war:

C.  U.S./Russian Involvement

1.  U.S.:

2.  Russia:

3.  Brest-Litovsk Treaty:

D.  Ottoman Empire

1.  Balfour Declaration:

E.  Women In WWI

1. Increasing Rights:  

F.  Minorities In WWI

1. Segregation:

G.  Propaganda

1. Total War:

IV.  End of War

A.  U.S. Impact

1.  Woodrow Wilson:

2.  Fourteen Points:

B.  Treaty of Versailles

1.  War Guilt:

2.  Territorial Losses:

3.  Military Restrictions:

4.  League of Nations:

C.  Consequences

1.  Self-Determination:

2.  Mandate System  

3.  Ottoman Empire:

4.  Problems with League of Nations:

V.  Russian Revolution

A.  Background

1.  19th Century Industrialization:

2.  Alexander III:

3.  Nicolas II:

B.  Causes

1.  Russo-Japanese War:

2.  Bloody Sunday:

3.  World War I: (Brest-Litovsk Treaty)

C.  Abdication

1.  Provisional Government:

2.  Alexander Kerensky:

D.  Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

1.  Vanguard of the Revolution: "Peace, Land, & Bread” 

2.  Civil War:

3.  Bolsheviks (Red Army):

4.  Leon Trotsky:

5.  White Army:

6.  Casualties: 

E.  Communist Russia

1.  Nationalization:

2.  New Economic Policy:

3.  Democratic Centralism:

  4.  Formation of U.S.S.R.

F.  Rise of Stalin

1.  Lenin's Death:

2.  Stalin vs. Trotsky:

G.  Stalin's Command Economy

1.  Industrial Revolution:

2.  Agricultural Revolution: (Collective Farms) 

H.  Great Purge

1.  Kulaks:

2.  Siberia:

3.  Pogroms:

4.  Propaganda:

5.  Socialist Realism

VI.  Chinese Revolution

A.  End of Qing Dynasty

1.  Sun Yat-Sen:

2.  Guomindang: (National People's Party)

3.  Treaty of Versailles:

4.  Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek):

B.  Mao Zedong

1.  Chinese Communist Party:

2.  May 4th Movement:

3.  Long March:

4.  Japanese Invasion: 

VII.  Great Depression

A.  Roaring Twenties

1.  Post-WWI Industry:

2.  Stock Market Crash:

3.  Great Depression:

B.  Effects on Germany

1.  Weimar Republic:

2.  Inflation:

C.  Effects on British/French

D.  Effects on U.S.S.R.

1.  "Socialism In One Country":

E.  Effects on Latin America

1.  Primary Producing Economies:

F.  Effects on U.S.

1.  New Deal:

VIII.  Fascism

A.  Theory

1.  Extremism:

2.  Anti-Communism:

B.  Italy

1.  Benito Mussolini (Il Duce):

2.  Background:

3.  Purpose:

C.  Germany

1.  Adolf Hitler:

2.  Background:

3.  Purpose: (Scientific Racism)

4.  Road to Power:

D.  Japan

1. Create Defense State:

2.  Samurai/Military Complex:

3.  Massacre of Nanking:

IX.  Causes of WWII

A.  Unresolved Problems

1.  League of Nations:

2.  Germany:

a.  Military Restrictions:

b.  War Debt:

c.  Rise of Nazi Party

B.  Japan

1.  Pacific Empire:

2.  U.S./British/French Petroleum Domination: 

C.  Italy

1.  Ethiopia:

D.  Spain

1.  Spanish Civil War:

X.  Germany

A.  Austria


C.  Munich Conference

1.  Appeasement:

D.  Axis Powers

1. Rome-Berlin Axis:

2.  Tripartite Pact:

XI.  War

A.  Non-Aggression Pact:

B.  Invasion of Poland

1.  British Response:

2.  French Response:

a.  Maginot Line:

3.  U.S. Response

4.  Total War:

XII. Holocaust

A. Hitler’s Beliefs

1. Anti-Semitic:

2. Aryans:

3. German Culture:

4. Lebensraum:

B. Beginning

1. 1922:

“Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows – at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example – as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews.”

2. Nuremberg Laws:

3. Kristallnacht:

C. Concentration Camps (1933-1945)

1. Purpose:

2. Locations:

D. Ghettos

1. Purpose:

2. Locations:

E. Death Squads

1. Eastern Front:

2. Einsatzgruppen (S.S.):

F. Final Solution (1942-1945)

1. Wannsee Conference:

2. Purpose:

3. Locations:

XIII. European Theatre

A. Blitzkrieg

1. Poland:

2. Belgium: (Western Front)

3. France: (Western Front)

B. Vichy France

1. Henri Petain:

2. Charles DeGaulle:

C. Battle of Dunkirk

1. Impact:

D. Battle of Britain

1. Royal Air Force:

2. Impact:

E. Invasion of U.S.S.R.

1. Eastern Front:

2. Problems:

3. Battle of Stalingrad (Volgagrad):

4. Impact:

F. U.S. Entry

1. Immediate Impact:

2. George S. Patton:

G. North Africa

1. Purpose:

2. El Alamein:

3. Patton vs. Rommel:

4. Impact:

H. Italy

1. German Retreat:

2. Mussolini:

3. Impact:

XIV. Pacific Theatre

A. Japanese Expansion

1. Japanese Imperialism:

2. Invasion of China:

B. Pearl Harbor

1. Why?

C. Island Hopping

1. Douglas MacArthur:

2. Battle of Midway:

D. Battle of Guadalcanal

1. Impact:

XV. End of War

A. D-Day

1. Purpose:

2. Battle of the Bulge:

3. Impact:

B. Iwo Jima/Okinawa

1. Purpose:

2. Impact:

C. German Surrender

1. U.S./Soviet Race:

2. Hitler’s Death:

D. Hiroshima/Nagasaki

1. Truman:

2. Impact:

XVI.  Post World War II

A.  Beginning of Cold War

1.  German Surrender:

2.  Japanese Surrender:

3.  Impact of Nuclear Weapons:

B.  Early Cold War Politics

1.  Tehran Conference:

2.  Yalta Conference:

3.  Potsdam Conference:

4.  Post-WWII Germany:

5.  Post-WWII Japan:

C.  New World Order

1.  New Superpowers:

2.  Truman Doctrine:

3.  Marshall Plan:

4.  "Iron Curtain": 

5.  NATO:

6.  Warsaw Pact:

XVII.  United Nations

A.  Purpose

1.  United Nations Charter:

2.  General Assembly:

3.  Security Council:

4.  Flexibility:

XVIII.  Korean War

A.  Zones of Occupation

1.  38th Parallel:

2.  Limited War:

B.  U.S. Forces

1.  Douglas MacArthur:

2.  Inchon Landing:

3.  Harry Truman:

C.  China

1.  Nuclear Weapons:

D.  Outcome

1.  De-militarized Zone:

2.  Cease Fire:

XIX.  Vietnam War

A.  Causes

1.  France:

2.  Japan:

B.  Dien Bien Phu

1.  French Withdrawal:

2.  U.S. Involvement:

C.  Military Advisors

1.  Dwight Eisenhower/John F. Kennedy:

2.  Unofficial War:  

D.  Official War

1.  Lyndon Johnson:

2.  Escalation:

3.  Ho Chi Minh:

4.  ARVN:

5.  Vietcong:

E.  Tet Offensive

1.  Richard Nixon:

2.  Total U.S. Involvement/Loss:

3. U.S. Withdrawal: 

XX.  Nuclear Arms Race

A.  U.S.S.R.

1.  1949:

2.  Hydrogen Bomb:

3.  Nuclear Arms Testing:

4.  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty:

5.  Helsinki Accords:

B.  Space Race

1.  NASA:

2.  Sputnik (1957)

XXI.  Cuban Missile Crisis

A.  Fulgencio Batista

1.  U.S. Support:

2.  Fidel Castro:   

B.  Nikita Khruschev:

1.  U.S.S.R. Support:

2.  JFK Response:

XXII.  Communist China

A.  Mao Zedong

1.  1949:

2.  Taiwan:

3.  United Nations:

B.  China-Stage 1

1.  The Soviet Model:

2.  Land Reform:

3.  Civil Reform:

4.  Five-Year Plans:

C.  China-Stage 2

1.  The Great Leap Forward:

2.  All-Around Development:

3.  Mass Mobilization:

4.  Political Unanimity & Zeal:

5.  Decentralization:

XXIII.  Cultural Revolution

A.  Failure of Great Leap Forward

1.  Bureaucratic Centralism:

2.  Liu Shaoqi:

3.  Deng Xiaoping:

B.  Cultural Revolution

1.  Primary Goal:

2.  Impacts:

C.  Mao's Death

1.  Factions:

2.  Radicals:

3.  Military:

4.  Moderates:

5.  Impact on Women's Rights:

6.  "The Gang Of Four":

D.  Reform

1.  Deng Xiaoping:

2.  "Open Door" Trade Policy:

3.  Educational Reform:

4.  Institutionalization of the Revolution:

XXIV.  De-Colonization

A.  3 Waves of Democratization

1.  Samuel Huntington:

2.  Basis of Democracy:

3.  1st Wave:

4.  2nd Wave:

5.  3rd Wave:

6.  Why Democratization?:

XXV.  Indian Independence

A.  Self-Government

1.  Indian National Congress:

2.  Muslim League:

3.  Government of India Act:

B.  Mohandas Gandhi

1.  Background:

2.  Passive Resistance:

3.  Soul Force:

C.  Muhammad Ali Jinnah

1.  Background:

2.  Pakistan:

D.  Jawarhalal Nehru

1.  Background:

2.  Indian Industrialization: 

E.  Self-Rule

1.  Post-Independence Chaos:

2.  Creation of Pakistan:

3.  Gandhi's Assassination:

XXVI.  Southeast Asian Independence

A.  Impact of India

1. Burma:/Ceylon (Sri Lanka):

2.  Malaysia:

3.  Vietnam/Creation of Laos/Cambodia:

4.  Philippines: 

XXVII.  African De-Colonization

A.  Independence Movement

1.  All-African People's Conference:

2.  Blaise Diagne:

3.  Kwame Nkrumah:

4.  Jomo Kenyatta:

B.  European Economic Issues-1930s

1.  Impact of Great Depression:

2.  Gold Coast (Ghana):

3.  Nigeria:

  4.  French Colonies:

5.  Belgium:

6.  Patrice Lumumba:

7.  Rwanda/Burundi:

C.  South Africa

1.  White Domination:

2.  African National Congress:

3.  Apartheid:

4.  Nelson Mandela:

XXVIII. De-Colonization-Middle East

A. Middle East/North Africa Colonization Patterns

1. Resources:

2. European Influence:

B. Turkey

1. Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk):

2. Secular Nationalism:

3. Kurds:

C. Iran

1. Pahlavi Dynasty:

2. Muhammad Reza Shah:

3. Muhammad Mossadeq:

4. European Influence:

5. The Shah’s Behavior:

D. Iran 1979 Revolution

1. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini:

2. The Great Satan:

3. Velayat-e faqih:

4. Shah’s Exile:

5. Cultural Revolution:

E. North Africa

1. League of Arab States:

2. Gamel Abdel Nasser:

3. Suez Canal:

4. Algeria:

XXIX. Arab-Israeli Conflict

A. Foundation

1. Jewish History:

2. Population Reality:

B. Zionist Movement

1. Balfour Declaration:

2. Theodore Herzl:

3. Chaim Weitzmann:

4. Sir Arthur Balfour:

C. Promises

1. British Promises to Jews:

2. British Promises to Palestinians:

D. United Nations

1. WWII:

XXX. Impact of Israel

A. 1948 Arab-Israeli War

1. Palestinian Refugees:

2. West Bank/Gaza Strip:

B. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

1. Purpose:

2. Yasser Arafat:

3. 1972 Olympics:

C. Egypt

1. Six-Day War:

2. Yom Kippur War:

3. Camp David Accords:

4. Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty:

D. Lebanon

1. First Lebanon War:

2. All-Out War:

3. Peace Accords:

4. Hezbollah:

5. Osama Bin-Laden:

E. Oslo Accords

1. Palestine:

XXXI. 20th Century Latin America

A. U.S. Influence in Central America

1. Import Substitution Industrialization:

2. Impact:

B. Mexico

1. Post-1911 Revolution:

2. Party of the Institutionalized Revolution:

3. Lazaro Cardenas:

C. Brazil

1. Getulio Vargas:

2. Corporatism:

D. Argentina

1. Juan Peron:

2. Eva Peron:

E. Guatemala

1. Juan Jose Arevalo:

2. United Fruit Company:

3. Jacobo Arbenz:

F. Che Guevara

1. Background:

2. Cuba:

3. “Revolucion!”:

G. Chile

1. Salvador Allende:

2. Augusto Pinochet:

XXXII. Post-Stalin U.S.S.R.

A. De-Stalinization

1. Nikita Khruschev:

2. De-Stalinization:

B. Cuban Missile Crisis

1. Politburo:

2. “Peaceful Coexistence”:

C. Leonid Brezhnev

1. Ukrainian Ties:

2. Anti-Khruschev:

3. Economic Problems:

4. SALT Treaty:

D. Mikhail Gorbachev

1. Glasnost:

2. Democratization:

3. Perestroika:

E. Revolution of 1991

1. Boris Yeltsin:

2. Extreme Reform:

3. Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.):

XXXIII. End of Cold War

A. New Attitudes

1. Vladimir Putin:

2. George H.W. Bush:

3. Bill Clinton:

4. U.S. Adjustments:

XXXIV. Worldwide Organizations

A. World Trade Organization

1. Purpose:

B. The World Bank

1. Purpose:

C. European Union

1. Purpose:

2. Integration:

3. Spheres of Authority:


1. Purpose:

2. Impact:



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