Alberta Homeschooling Association

Grade 5Alberta Home Education Planaccording to the Schedule of Learning Outcomes for Students Receiving Home Education Programs That Do Not Follow the Alberta Programs of Study (SOLO)Name: Year: __(Grade 5 ish)Philosophical Goals: We would like ______ to continue to pursue subjects of interest to him, interactively, and express himself creatively while acquiring academic, emotional, physical and social skills. We will continue to allow him to learn and grow through self-discovery and exploration of his own initiatives. We will follow an andragogical approach to the acquisition of knowledge, attitude and skills and assessment.OutcomeResources - (Items for reimbursement funding included are bolded).Assessment type: Observation, discussion notes, video, photographs, written work, visual artwork, models, presentation, time/activity logs, class certificates, quizzes, exams, oral expression.(a) read for information, understanding and enjoyment, Library books, home library and Internet. ____ is reading the Archie series, Garfield series, Abridged Classics, and will attempt the Harry Potter Series. Read The Incredible Journey and A Wrinkle in Time.Dad will continue reading to ___ nightly from various fiction and non-fiction texts.List of books read and started.(b) write and speak clearly, accurately and appropriately for the context, As required for grocery shopping, notes, story writing if desired.One writing sample(c) use mathematics to solve problems in business, science and daily life situations, Perplexus and board games such as Monopoly, Blokus, etc. Play with Lego, pattern blocks, fraction overlays, volume cubes and nets. Work on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers to 1 million.Photographs(d) understand the physical world, ecology and the diversity of life, Nature walks, discussions. Various videos from the library – Rocks and minerals, light and sound, etc, as per interests.This year, we will watch all "Bill Nye" videos, and “How Things Work,” and "Mythbusters" in addition to "Magic School Bus".Zoo visit and Bow Habitat station visit as well as wetlands in the park.Learn about cloud formations through Boy Scouts.Glenbow Museum Rock collection visitRock and mineral collectionBuild lego, knex, paper, wood and mechanno structuresNature hikes geo-caching with Dad.Play with magnets, Snap Circuits (electricity), and chemistry set.Build a homemade battery.Observation(e) understand the scientific method, the nature of science and technology and their application to daily life, Visit the Science Centre, COP Park, Zoo, CTV station and various places.Observation and photographs(f) know the history and geography of Canada and have a general understanding of world history and geography, Videos, and discussions. Read fiction books. Study a map of Canada and travel to the East. Visit the Glenbow Museum.Observation(g) understand Canada’s political, social and economic systems within a global context, Discussions on current news topics. Various library books according to interest, both fiction and non-fiction.Observation(h) respect the cultural diversity, the religious diversity and the common values of Canada, Help out neighbors.List of events attended(i) demonstrate desirable personal characteristics such as respect, responsibility, fairness, honesty, caring, loyalty and commitment to democratic ideals, Siblings and family life.Observation(j) recognize the importance of personal well-being and appreciate how family and others contribute to that well-being, Shower, soap, eat vegetables, Sibling Conflict resolution practice.Observation(k) know the basic requirements of an active, healthful lifestyle, Canoeing, swimming, skating, snowboarding. Ski passes. Kitchen supplies to learn how to cook healthy home-made meals.Observation(l) understand and appreciate literature, the arts and the creative process, Art supplies, theatre tickets, craft supplies for art projects.Photographs of art, ticket stubs to theatre(m) research an issue thoroughly and evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources, Computer and Internet access. Discussion.Observation(n) demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills in problem solving and decision making, Video games, online computer games. Clock.Certification of levels achieved(o) demonstrate competence in using information technologies, (p) know how to work independently and as part of a team, Computer and software programs. Siblings join in for team play.Demonstration(q) manage time and other resources needed to complete a task, Clock, computer games.Demonstration(r) demonstrate initiative, leadership, flexibility and persistence, Family lifeObservation(s) evaluate their own endeavors and continually strive to improve, and LifeDiscussion(t) have the desire and realize the need for life-long learning.Internet and various classesClass certificates ................

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