80. A patient has joint pain, turbid and painful urination, red, itching and watering rashes due to damp heat and toxin. Which of the following herb is the best?

A.Tu Fu Ling(smilax glabra)

B. Pu Gong Ying(Herba taraxaci mongolici cum)

C. Bai Xian Pi(Cortex dictammi dasycarpi)

D. Ma Chi Xian(portulaca oleracea)

81. Which of the following herb has functions of clearing heat, detoxifing fire poison, benefiting throat, and stopping bleeding as well?

A. Shan Dou Gen(Ophora subprotrata)

B. She Gan(belamcanda chinesis)

C. Ma Bo(lasiosphaera fenslii)

D. Pu Gong Ying(Herba taraxaci mongolici cum)

82. Which of the following herb is the best for swollen and painful throat due to excessive fire, or cough and wheezing due to phlegm obstruction?

A. Shan Dou Gen(Ophora subprotrata)

B. She Gan(belamcanda chinesis)

C. Ma Bo(lasiosphaera fenslii)

D. Pu Gong Ying(Herba taraxaci mongolici cum)

83. Which of the following herb is the best for clearing summer heat and generating body fluid?

A. Bai Bian Dou(dolichos lablab)

B. Qing Hao(artemeisia apiacea)

C. He Ye(nelumbo nucifera)

D. Xi Gua(citrullus valgaris)

84. A patient has loss of appetite and loose bowels, excessive leucorrhea due to weakness of the spleen and stomach. Which of the following herbs that clear summer heat is the best?

A. Bai Bian Dou(dolichos lablab)

B. Qing Hao(artemeisia apiacea)

C. He Ye(nelumbo nucifera)

D. Xi Gua(citrullus valgaris)

85. What is the functions of Qing Hao(artemeisia apiacea)?

A. To remove damp-heat, to quench fire and counteract toxicity, to arrest bleeding, and to prevent abortion

B. To remove damp-heat, quench fire and counteract toxicity

C. Reduce heat and resolving dampness, clear away liver-heat and brightening vision, relieve red eyes and nebula

D. To remove summer-heat, to relieve consumptive fever, and to stop malarial attacks

86. Which of the following herbs that drain downward also can clear heat and stop bleeding?

A. Fan Xie Ye(Cassia angustifolia)

B. Huo Ma Ren(cannabis sativa)

C. Da Huang((Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)

D. Mang Xiao(mirabilitum)

87. Which of the following herb is the best for treating constipation and softening dried feces?

A. Fan Xie Ye(Cassia angustifolia)

B. Huo Ma Ren(cannabis sativa)

C. Da Huang(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)

D. Mang Xiao(mirabilitum)

88. Which of the following herb is the mildest draining downward?

A. Fan Xie Ye(Cassia angustifolia)

B. Huo Ma Ren(cannabis sativa)

C. Da Huang(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)

D. Mang Xiao(mirabilitum)

89. A 81-year-old patient, he has constipation, thirst, thing tongue body without coating. Which of the following herb is the best for his condition?

A. Fan Xie Ye(Cassia angustifolia)

B. Huo Ma Ren(cannabis sativa)

C. Da Huang(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)

D. Mang Xiao(mirabilitum)

90. Which of the following herb has functions of draining bowl downward and expelling water rentention and phlegm?

A. Fan Xie Ye(Cassia angustifolia)

B. Qian Niu Zi(phabitis nil)

C. Da Huang(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)

D. Mang Xiao(mirabilitum)

91. A patient has asthma with watering phlegm, stuffy chest, and general edema. Which of the following herb is the best for sending down adverse flow of Qi and inducing diuresis?

A. Yi Yi Ren(coix lachryma-jobi)

B. Qian Niu Zi(phabitis nil)

C. Ting Li Zi(lepidium apetalum)

D. Mang Xiao(mirabilitum)

92. Which of the following herb has the function of promoting urination, leeching out dampness, strengthen the spleen, transforming phlegm, quieting the heart and calming the spirit?

A. Yi Yi Ren(Semen Coicis Armeniacae)

B. Bai Zhu(Rhizoma Atractylodis)

C. Fu Ling(Sclerotium poria cocos)

D. Dong Gua Ren(benicasa hispida)

93. What is the main property of Fu Ling(Sclerotium poria cocos)?

A. Sweet, bland, and neutral

B. Bitter, sweet, and cold

C. Acrid, sweet, and warm

D. Sour, bitter, and neutral

94. A patient has soft pus-filled carbuncle, poor appetite, yellow and cloudy urination, thick and greasy coating. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Yi Yi Ren(Semen Coicis Armeniacae)

B. Bai Zhu(Rhizoma Atractylodis)

C. Fu Ling(Sclerotium poria cocos)

D. Tong Cao(tetrapanax papyriferus)

95. Which of the following herb is the best for cough due to damp heat in the lungs?

A. Qu Mai(dianthus superbus)

B. Deng Xin Cao(juncos effusus)

C. Che Qian Zi(plantago asiatica)

D. Tong Cao(tetrapanax papyriferus)

96. Which of the following herb is the best for dark burning, scanty urine, and itching skin due to damp heat?

A. Qu Mai(dianthus superbus)

B. Deng Xin Cao(juncos effusus)

C. Di Fu Zi(kochia scoparia)

D. Tong Cao(tetrapanax papyriferus)

97. A patient has cloudy urine. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Qu Mai(dianthus superbus)

B. Bei Xie(dioscocrea hypolglauca)

C. Che Qian Zi(plantago asiatica)

D. Tong Cao(tetrapanax papyriferus)

98. A patient has painful and hot urination due to stone in the urinary track. Which of the following is the best for expelling the stone?

A. Qu Mai(dianthus superbus)

B. Bei Xie(dioscocrea hypolglauca)

C. Jin Qian Cao(glechoma longituba)

D. Chi Xiao Duo(phaseolus calcaratus)

99. A patient has edema, difficulty in urination. He also has deficient heat in kidney. Which of the herb is the best?

A. Zhu Ling(polyporus umbellatus)

B. Ze Xie(alisma plantago-aquatica)

C. Chi Xiao Dou(phaseolus calcaratus)

D. Bei Xie(dioscocrea hypolglauca)

100. Which of the following herb is the best for jaundice?

A. Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis)

B. Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis)

C. Ze Xie(alisma plantago-aquatica)

D. Yin Chen Hao(Herba artemisiae yinchenhao)

101. A patient has wind cold damp Bi syndrome of lower back. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Du Huo (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

B. Niu Xi (Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae)

C. Chuan Xiong (Radix Ligustici Chuanxiong)

D. Qiang Huo (Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii)

102. Which of the following herbs has functions of expelling wind damp Bi syndrome, and revoming deficient heat and jaundice?

A. Du Huo(Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

B. Qin Jiao (Radix Gentianae Qinjiao)

C. Han Fang Ji (Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae)

D. Sang Zhi (Ramulus Mori Albae)

103. Which of the following herbs that expel wind dampness is also used for fish bones loded in the throat?

A. Du Huo (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

B. Wei Ling Xian(clematis chinensis)

E. Qin Jiao (Radix Gentianae Qinjiao)

D. Qiang Huo (Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii)

104.A patient has cramping severe pain of lower extremities. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Du Huo(Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

B. Wei Ling Xian(clematis chinensis)

C. Qin Jiao(Radix Gentianae Qinjiao)

D. Mu Gua(chaenomeles lagenaria)

105. Which of the following herb is the best for shoulder joints pain that are red, swollen?

A. Du Huo(Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

B. Wei Ling Xian(clematis chinensis)

C. Sang Zhi(morus alba)

D. Mu Gua(chaenomeles lagenaria)

106. A 78-year-old patient, he has numbness and pains due to pathogenic wind dampness, muscular constructure of the extremities, lassitude in the loins and knees. It is Bi syndrome due to wind dampness with deficiency of liver and kidney. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Du Huo(Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

B. Wei Ling Xian(clematis chinensis)

C. Wu Jia Pi(acanthopanax gracilistylus)

D. Mu Gua(chaenomeles lagenaria)

107. Which of the following herb is used for nourishing Yin?

A. Qian Fu(peucedanum praeruptorum)

B. Gui Lou Pi(trichosanthes kirlowii)

C. Zhe Bei Mu(fritillaria thunbergii)

D. Tian Hua Fen(radix trichosanthes)

108. Which of the following herbs that transform phlegm and stop cough is also used for nodules?

A. Zhe Bei Mu(fritillaria thunbergii)

B. Qian Fu(peucedanum praeruptorum)

C. Zhu Ru(phyllostachys nigra)

D. Tian Zhu Huang(bambusa textilis)

109. Which of the following herb can not be compatible with Wu Tou(radix aconiti)

A. Zhe Bei Mu(fritillaria thunbergii)

B. Zhu Li(succus bambusae)

C. Gui Lou Pi(trichosanthes kirlowii)

D. Tian Zhu Huang(bambusa textilis)

110. A patient has Chest Bi leading to sensation of distension. He also has cough with a lot of sputum. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Zhe Bei Mu(fritillaria thunbergii)

B. Zhu Li(succus bambusae)

C. Gui Lou(trichosanthes kirlowii)

D. Tian Zhu Huang(bambusa textilis)

111. Which of the following herbs that transform phlegm and stop cough is also used for morning sickness?

A. Bei Mu(fritillaria thunbergii)

B. Qian Fu(peucedanum praeruptorum)

C. Zhu Ru(phyllostachys nigra)

D. Tian Zhu Huang(bambusa textilis)

112. Which of the following herbs that transform phlegm is also the best used for acid regurgitation?

A. Hai Zao(sargassum fusiforme)

B. Kun Bu(laminaria japonica)

C. Zhu Ru(phyllostachys nigra)

D. Hai He Ke(cyclina sinensis)

113. Which of the following herb has functions of drying dampness, transforming phlegm and descending Qi downward?

A. Ban Xia(pinellia ternatae)

B. Tian Nan Xing(arisaema consanguineum)

C. Su Zi(perilla frutescens)

D. Kuan Dong Hua(tussilago farfara)

114. Which of the following herbs is the best for Bi syndrome due to wind-cold- dampness?

A. Du Huo (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

B. Qin Jiao (Radix Gentianae Qinjiao)

C. Han Fang Ji (Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae)

D. Sang Zhi (Ramulus Mori Albae)

115. Which of the following is an indication of Qin Jiao (Radix Gentianae Qinjiao)?

A. Exterior wind heat

B. Summer heat

C. Deficient heat

D. Excessive heat in the heart

116. Which of the following herbs are most likely used as tincture(medical wine)?

A. Herbs that clear heat and resolve phlegm

B. Herbs that relieve cough and wheezing

C. Herbs that dispel wind-dampness

D. Herbs that clear heat and cool blood

117. Which of the following herbs is the best for restless fetus due to liver and kidney deficiency?

A. Sha Ren (Radix Adenphorae seu Gleniae)

B. Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis)

C. Ai Ye (Folium Artemisiae Argyi)

D. Xu Duan (Radix Dipsaci Asperi)

118. How is Sha Ren (Radix Adenphorae seu Gleniae) decocted?

A. To be decocted early

B. To be decocted late

C. To be melted

D. To de decocted separately

119. Bai Dou Kou (Fructus Amomi Kravanh) enters which of the following channels?

A. Liver and gallbladder

B. Liver and kidney

C. Heart and liver

D. Spleen and stomach

120. Which of the following herbs is the best for stagnation of meat or greasy foods?

A. Ji Nei Jin(Endithelium corneum)

B. Mai Ya (Fructus Hordei Vulgaris Germinantus)

C. Shen Qu (Massa Fermentata)

D. Gu Ya (Fructus Oryzae Sativae Germinantus)

121. Which of the following herbs can reduce food stagnation, soothe liver and inhibit lactation?

A. Qing Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride)

B. Yu Jin (Tuber Curcumae)

C. Mai Ya (Fructus Hordei Vulgaris Germinantus)

D. Mu Gua (Fructus Chaenomelis)

122. Which of the following herbs is the best if a patient complains of cough with scanty, sticky sputum that is difficult to expectorate, a dry mouth and throat, a dry tongue with less coating?

A. Chuan Bei Mu (Bulus Fritillariae Cirrhosae)

B. Zhe Bei Mu (Bulbus Fritilariae Cirrhosae)

C. Kun Bu (Thallus Algae)

D. Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae)

123. When of the following herbs can benefit the throat and is best at dispersing lung Qi and directing the effect of other herbs to the upper region of the body?

A. Pang Da Hai (Semen Sterculiae Scaphigerae)

B. Chan Tui (Periostracum Cicadae)

C. Jie Geng (Radix Platycodi Grandifori)

D. Mu Hu Die (Semen Oroxyli)

124. Which of the following herbs has descending and sinking actions?

A. Jie Geng (Radix Platycodi Grandifori)

B. Xuan Fu Hua (Flos Inulae)

C. Sheng Ma (Rhizoma Cimicifugae)

D. Ge Gen (Radix Puerariae)

125. Which of the following is an indication of Tian Nan Xing (rhizoma Ariaematis)?

A. Cough due to dry phlegm

B. Facial paralysis due to wind-phlegm

C. Cough due to wind-cold attacking the lungs

D. Cough due to heat phlegm accumulating in the lungs

126. Which of the following herbs can moisten the lungs and kill pinworms?

A. Bai Bu (Radix Stemonae)

B. Gua Lou (Fructus Trichosanthis)

C. Pang Da Hai (Semen Sterculiae Scaphigerae)

D. Chuan Lian Zi (Fructus Meliae Toosendan)

127. Sang Bai Pi (Cortex Mori Albae radicis) works better for cough due to which of the following factors?

A. Lung Qi deficiency

B. Kidney Qi deficiency

C. Lung heat

D. Cold phlegm in the lungs

128. If a patient has cough with profuse sputum that is easy to bring up, occasional nausea, a slightly red tongue with greasy coating, and a slippery pulse, which of the following herbs is the best to use?

A. Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi)

B. Qing Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride)

C. Da Fu Pi (Pericarpium Arecae Catechu)

D. Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae)

129. Which of the following herbs has the functions of promoting the circulation of middle Qi, relieving pain and preventing the cloying nature of tonifying herbs from causing stagnation?

A. Mu Xiang (radix Aucklandiae Lappae)

B. Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi)

C. Qing Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride)

D. Chuan Lian Zi (Fructus Meliae Toosendan)

130. Which of the following herbs is the best for hematuria (blood in urine) due to heat accumulation in the lower jiao?

A. Xiao Ji (Herba Cephalanoplos)

B. Bai Ji (Rhizoma Bletillae Striatae)

C. Ai Ye (Folium Artemisiae)

D. San Qi (Radix Notoginseng)

Answer: From 80-130

80. A 81. C 82. B 83. D 84. A 85. D

86. C 87. D 88. B 89. B 90. B

91. C 92. D 93. A 94. A 95. C

96. C 97. B 98. C 99. B 100. D

101. A 102. B 103. B 104 D 105. C

106. C 107. D 108. A 109. A 110. C

111. C 112. D 113. A 114. A 115. C

116. C 117. D 118. B 119. D 120. A

121. C 122. B 123. C 124. B 125. B

126. A 127. C 128. D 129. A 130. A


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