List of phobias and meanings


List of phobias and meanings

Reviewed by Jeffrey Ditzell, do ? ? ?,? "Written by Kate Bettino - updated April 28, 2021Fear and anxiety may appear in almost all situations, but they are often very treatable. If you have strong anxiety and panic feelings around certain Objects or situations could be caused by a phobia. Feeling scary or anxious can be normal and even useful. But when fear is overwhelming and disproportionate to the real threat, we move to the territory of phobias. Dozens of millions of people in the United States They live with phobias every year. But even if the phobies range among the most common anxiety disorders, few seek professional help despite treatments to relieve symptoms. The word ? ? ?,? ? "phobia? ? ?,? is coming from From the Greek word Phobos, which means fear or horror. But having a diagnostic phobia is more than simply scary. The fear of objects or specific situations are widespread. More than 70% of Americans report to have one or more OR more ? ? ?,? ? "unrable? ? ?,? fears. This does not mean, however, 70% of the public has diagnosed the phobias. Fears are: an emotional response to a real threat or perceived espousously from everyone to a certain point part of how we protect at our point of view by how we protect our states from emotional stereesse and physyphobia, unlike fear, It is defined by: intense and excessive anxiety for a feared object or a melting situation as if the fear of the object or the situation is keeping you to cut the feared object or the situation, however, many people would have been scared or even screaming at the sight of a snake by slipping through their foot, not everyone would feel this fear keeps them back or altered them .. Someone with a real snake phobia would feel intense anxiety when the snakes could be present or avoid the situation of everything. If you have a phobia, you could try physical symptoms such as: the rapid cardiac braemor anti-tosspaniciswatingnauseaphabuss is the most common type of anxiety disorders in the United States. The estimated prevalence of specific phobia in the United States varies according to the study. But generally, between 7, 12.5% of adults can live with a specific phobia. 6.8% of adults lived with social anxiety disorder, although new studies suggest that the actual number could be much higher. About 1.3% of U.S adults. Agoraphobia. The phobias generally develop during childhood or years of adolescence, even if this is not always the case. The elderly could develop phobias due to specific experiences or medical conditions. Women are more than twice the probability of diagnosing a specific phobia. Although the data is less coherent, the social anxiety disturbance rates seem to be higher in women, while the prevalence of agoraphobia is similar through the sexes. Women tend to show more intense signs of phobia and they are more likely to have more types of anxiety disorders. But men with phobias are more likely to experiment with problems with the use of substance than women. Curiously, phobias rates are constantly higher in the United States than in other countries. This could be explained by cultural differences or diagnostic tests satisfied to Americans. It is needed more research on different rates of phobias by country. The phobias are generally divided into three diagnosis: specific anxiety disorder Fobsocial (social phobia) AgorafobiaSpecific phobiaabout 19 million adults in the United States live with a specific phobia, making it the diagnosis of the most common phobia. If you have a specific phobia, you may have strong feelings of anxiety or panic to a specific stimulus. These feelings can make it difficult (and sometimes impossible) to function as usual. A total of 21.9% of adults with specific phobia experiments a serious This means that Phobia has a larger impact on the way they live day by day. Avocolo the stimulus reduces the symptoms of anguish for many people with phobia, but it is unlikely that the condition is away from time to time without any treatment. According to the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5), specific specific They are typically divided into five sub-categories: blood, injection and wound. Includes fear of needles, blood or wounds. Natural environment. Includes fear of heights, natural disasters, darkness or water. Animals. Includes the fear of dogs, cats, snakes, spiders, birds, sharks and other animals. Includes fear of being in a closed space, flying or using public transport. Other. Includes the fear of objects or situations that do not adapt to any of the other categories. Most people with specific phobia fear more than an object or situation. Some municipalities ? ? ?,? "and less common - phabias includes: achlufobia: fear of darknessochophobia: fear of balanciaphabia: fear of waterbelonephobia: fear of nedesclaustrophobia: fear of closed spaces coulrophobia: fear of clowns cynofobia: fear of dogs by Dogs: fear of dentististenochlophobia: fear of crowdsheliophobia: fear of sunhemophobia: fear of bloodmopophobia: fear of misemyfobia: fear of germs and contamination nyctophobia: fear of darkness: fear of snakespyrophobia: fear of firetrypophobia: the fear of darkness the level of difficulty It can change depending on how long it has been exposed to the stimulus and what you are closed. Social anxiety disorder You have a social anxiety disorder, social situations can cause intense anxiety. You may be afraid to be negatively judged by people around To you, or worry about blushing, sweating or trumming on words. Rest anxiety disorder can cunge Operation in your workplace, school or social events. The concern for the breaking of social norms, offending others, or that turns into a negative light can cause many people with social anxiety disorders to avoid entirely these situations. Even doing daily activities, like eating or drinking in front of people, talking to a cashier, or use a public bathroom can cause intense anxiety if you have social anxiety. Agoraphobia strictly related to the specific phobia, Agoraphobia is the sometimes overwhelming fear of situations and places that could be difficult to escape. If you have agoraphobia, you are likely to avoid any setting that you bring on these panic feelings, like being outside the house alone or be in the crowd. In some cases, this condition can make it more difficult to leave the house, which could affect everyday life for some people. Photos are usually diagnosed by a psychologist or another mental health professional. Even if the phobias are a common anxiety disorder, many people do not get a formal diagnosis. According to the DSM-5, a specific diagnosis of the phobia requires: fear and anxiety in the presence of a particular situation or fear of the object and anxiety almost every time you are in contact with the situation or object or the object or situation if possible, or strong anxiety if you can't separate or anxiety that is disproportionate for real danger at least 6 months of symptoms, the situation or object causes you anxiety and makes everyday life more hard for Managechildren often has fears Temporary that does not don ? "? ?" ? cause a lot of impairment. In these cases, specific phobia should not be diagnosed. If you have any of these symptoms or you think you may have a phobia, reaching your doctor is a good first step. They can direct you to a mental health specialist. Like many other anxiety disorders, the exact cause of the phobias is not well known. However, scientists believe that the potential causes of the phobias are: temperamental. The tendency to hear uncomfortable emotions, being withdrawn, and a fear of being considered negatively are linked to the development of Phobies.Environmental. The bad or traumatic experiences with the object feared often Before a phobia comes up. For example, hanging in a narrow space could cause claustrophobia. Genetic. Fobages are often in families. Some types, such as animal and situational phobias, are about 30% inheritable. Brain structures and connectivity could also contribute to phobias. Other risk factors for development development Include: Parental or Separate Loss or Sexual or Sexual Abalements to another mental health condition The use of experience or testimony of traumatic events around 60% of people with a life of life also has another health condition mental. In adults, phobias tend to coexist with medical conditions such as: coronary heart disease disorierroid disorder obstructive obstructive candy disease (COPD) between 10 and 17% of people with COPD also has a specific phobia. Fobages are also strong predictors from other mental health disorders and use of substances. Up to 70% of people with social phobia also live with major depression (MD), making MD the most commonly shaky condition with social anxiety disorder. About 16% of people with social anxiety disorder also has a disturbance for use of substances. Although the reason for this is not completely clear, it is likely that substances are used to manage strong emotions caused by phobia. People with a specific phobia are significantly more likely to attempt the suicide of those without diagnosis. But even anxiety disorders and mood disorders could contribute. Sostenna your phobia is possible. Many methods can reduce or eliminate phobias symptoms. Some common treatments include: systematic desensitization treatment. This leads to the use of mental images and anxiety management techniques to move from at least the most feared stimuli. This can be done with the stimulus actually present, on a computer or through virtual reality. Therapy. Behavioral cognitive therapy (CBT) includes both exposure to fearful stimuli and construction of more constructive ways of thought. Medications. Although no drug can completely remove a phobia, beta-blockers, benzodiazepines, antidepressants or d-cycloserine can be useful to reduce anxiety and other symptoms. Children and adolescents are more likely to overcome their phobias. In adults, about 80% of the new phobias becomes chronic. It is still possible, though, to recover from adult phobias, especially if you find a treatment it helps. If you or someone you know by living with a phobia that you feel in the midst of everyday life, the first step is often reaching a doctor. The right treatment for you can help reduce symptoms and terror and anxiety you may feel. Do you want to get a better idea if you have a specific phobia? You can check this item to learn more about specific phobias symptoms. You can also connect with the people who have similar experiences in online support groups for people with anxiety disorders, including specification phobias. Ultimate medical revised 12 April 2021 2021 lists of phobias and meanings. list of phobias and meanings a-z pdf. list of phobias and meanings pdf. list of funny phobias and their meanings. list of most common phobias and their meanings. list of phobias and their meanings pdf. list of phobias and their meanings a-z. what are some phobias and their meanings

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