Guidelines for the Use of the Behaviour Tracking Form




Electronic Behaviour Tracking

Educational Programs & Services

Department of Education

250 King Street

2nd Floor, Place 2000

Fredericton, NB E3B 9M9

March 2006

Updated October 2006

Guidelines for Electronic Behaviour Tracking

Rationale: For a number of years, schools, districts and the Department of Education have been interested in implementing electronic behaviour tracking. Electronic Behaviour Tracking is a means to use office referral data for decision making about discipline and for implementation of interventions at a school, district and provincial level. With accurate, reliable and timely office discipline referral information, more effective decisions can be made with respect to individual and schoolwide interventions.

Decision Making for:

Individual Student Interventions – The information and data recorded is of assistance in the development of behaviour plans, and communication with teachers and parents.

School Interventions– An evaluation of the data collected should be addressed in the School Improvement and Positive Learning Environment plans, in the allocation of resources, and for program development.

School District Interventions – The data can assist in the development and monitoring of school district programs and services. Furthermore, data may be used at suspension meetings or student services meetings.

Provincial Interventions – The data will assist in monitoring of high risk behaviours as identified in the Positive Learning Environment Policy. Additionally the data be used:

• to inform decisions about professional development and resource materials that are organized or developed by the department,

• to provide concrete information about types and dispersion of incidents for common planning of services and public messaging with other departments,

• to share with institutions engaged in the training of teachers, teacher assistants, child care workers and others to inform their programming

• to share with parents and communities to assist us in addressing behaviour issues in a strategic and holistic manner


The following guidelines are designed to assist staff with the implementation of behaviour tracking.

1. The Behaviour Tracking Form is intended to be used to assist schools and school staff in identifying strategies and initiatives to create positive learning environments. Applications of the information obtained from the behaviour tracking form can be beneficial in the classroom, at a school-wide level and for individual student interventions.

2. The school administrator or designate will be responsible for inputting the information from the Behaviour Tracking Form into Win School for office referrals only. Each separate incident should be recorded in Win school, as well as actions taken. The time of the incident and any other additional information the school feels is pertinent can be recorded in the comment field.

3. School personnel must ensure that proper documentation of each incident is maintained. This documentation, and any electronic record, should be maintained only as long as it is considered relevant.

According to Section 6.6 POLICY 703 (Positive Learning Environment) ,

“Records documenting pupil conduct shall be kept as long as a pupil poses a threat to him/herself or others or is receiving assistance related to the conduct. Assistance may include: participation in programs, special services and classroom management techniques directed specifically towards the pupil.

Teachers shall review pupil records, including conduct records, at the end of each school year and prior to transfer to another school. At these points, any information which has not been relevant to the provision of service to a pupil for two years or more shall be destroyed.”

Policy 802 (Information Technology and Data Standards) indicates;

“The management of data containing personal information must be in compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act ( and its regulations at ) ; and all school, school district and Department of Education staff must follow the principles stated in the ‘Statutory code of Practice” of the Act.”

4. School Administrators are required to communicate with parents by phone call, conduct report (Win school), suspension letters, meetings or case conference.

At the School level, the electronic tracking of behaviour will provide a record of problem behaviours for individual students, as well as information about areas of difficulty in a school and the effectiveness of the consequences applied. The goal is to provide information that allows schools to make informed and effective decisions related to discipline.

Districts will have access only to their schools, and this access will be limited to district staff who have a legitimate need. A regular review, by superintendents and /or Directors of Education, with all principals of the behaviour tracking form and the data generated is encouraged to ensure there is district consistency in the use and interpretation of the data collected. Furthermore, the information collected should be reviewed on a monthly basis by each school and district to determine if resource allocation is appropriate to the needs of the school, to monitor whether changes made are achieving success, and to identify individual students with persistent problem behaviours who warrant more intensive intervention.

Provincially, this data will be in aggregate form only (no personal information), with limited access to monitor high risk behaviours and the Positive Learning Environment Policy objectives.

The process of tracking behaviour includes collecting data about discipline and entering this information in the Win-School system. Conduct reports in Win School can then be generated for use in the development of Individual Behaviour Support Plans (IBSP) for students, and school decisions pertaining to planning and programs. Inputting data into Win School will enable schools and school districts to make more informed and effective decisions.

Elements of the Behaviour Tracking Process:

▪ Behaviour Tracking Form – paper copy – information gathering

▪ Electronic Tracking – conduct reports – Win School

▪ Templates for reporting and decision making.

Problem Behaviour

Educators complete Behaviour Tracking Form

(For classroom use – information gathering or Administrative Referral)

If sent to the office

Administration will follow up with student

Information will be inputted in Win School

Appropriate Notifications made – phone call, letter, meeting …

Generate conduct reports for school

Generate Conduct Reports for School districts


( Office – Administration Referral

Name of Student DATE ______________

Indicate if Student is on a ( Special Education PLan (SEP) or ( INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT PLAN (ibsp)

Homeroom Teacher

Referring Staff

Administrator tIME OF iNCIDENT


|Assembly |Extra Curricular |Off-site |

|Bus |Gym |Parking Lot |

|Bus Loading Zone |Hallway |School Grounds |

|Cafeteria |Library |Washroom |

|Classroom |Lab |Other: |

|Co-Extra Curricular Trip |Communication Device (Internet/ | |

| |e-mail…) | |

Problem Behaviours:


|Attendance |Misuse of equipment – student misuses school |POLICY 703 Violations |

|Absenteeism – missing school more than 1 week per |equipment or technology, either by damaging it | |

|semester, without excuse |or using it for personal and inappropriate |Arson/Combustibles – possession and misuse of |

|Skipped class/truancy-absence from class(es) or full |purposes |materials which can cause a fire |

|school day without permission or parental excuse |Property damage – deliberately impairing the |Bomb Threat - Policy 703 violation |

|Skipped Detention –absence from an assigned detention|usefulness of property belonging to self, |Discrimination Policy 703 – based on gender, race, |

|without excuse |others or school |colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, culture, |

|Skipped Alternate Setting –absence from an assigned |Vandalism –engaging in activity that results |language group, sexual orientation, age or grade |

|alternate placement without an excuse |disfigurement of property |level. |

|Tardy - chronic lateness for class(es), school | |Drug/Alcohol Policy – Policy 703 violation |

| |BULLYING (Power Imbalance) |Harassment Personal- Policy 703 violation |

|General Violations |Inappropriate Message –written or visual |Harassment Sexual- Policy 703 violation |

|Cheating/Plagiarism-presenting the work of another as|Name Calling –rude or demeaning verbal threat |Hate Propaganda – spreading information or ideas |

|one’s own |Physical bullying- kicking, pushing, tripping, |intended to injure an individual or a group on the |

|Dress Code Violation – clothing is inappropriate, as |and punching. |basis of differences of religion, gender-identity, |

|defined in the dress code |Taunting –repeated unkind, unwelcome put-downs |ethnic background, etc. |

|Failure to do class work-assignments are consistently| |Inappropriate Sexual Act – Policy 703 violation |

|and intentionally incomplete or undone by a student |DISRUPTIVE AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR |Intimidation -Policy 703 violation |

|able to do the work assigned |Argumentative- oppositional exchange with staff|Physical Violence – policy 703 violation – the use of |

|Failure to report –when asked to report to |Defiance – openly resisting or opposing |force or inciting others to use force to cause |

|administration, etc., student refuses or ignores |authority; and/or showing contempt |physical injury |

|request |Disorderly conduct- acting out that disrupts |Theft – Policy 703 violation |

|Forge signature –falsifying another’s signature on an|the learning environment |Verbal Threat – student policy 703 violation – |

|official document |Disrespect – rude verbal comments or gestures |communicating intent to: cause bodily harm or death, |

|Homework incomplete –persistent failure to complete |Fighting – causing physical harm |destroy or damage property or to kill or injure an |

|homework assignments which the student is able to do |Inappropriate language –language unsuitable to |animal.) |

|Lying –delivering a message that is untrue, actively |the school climate, including vulgarity, |Weapons - Possession/use/selling of weapons Policy 703|

|or passively |racial/sexual slurs. |violations - a weapon is any object used, designed to |

|Tobacco use |Rough Play engaging in rough physical tussles |be used, or intended to be used to cause injury or |

|Throwing objects |with another student |death, or to threaten or intimidate a person. |

|Unprepared for class – student is chronically | | |

|unprepared to engage in classroom learning | | |

|Walked out without permission – student left the | | |

|classroom/office, etc., without permission | | |

Educator Comments:

Educator Signature:




|Detention |Attendance Contract |Alternate Placement -within the school |

|Recess |Behaviour contract | |

|Lunch |Parent contact |Alternate Placement – out of school |

|After School |by phone | |

| |by letter |Alternative Educational Setting (more than a |

|Loss of privilege – (Describe ____ |by meeting |day – out of home school, for example; home |

|____________________________ |home visit |tutoring, temporary student placement ) |

|____________________________ |Referral to Outside agencies/supports | |

|____________________________) |Family and Community Services | |

| |Mental Health | |

|Restitution |Public Health |SUSPENSIONS |

| |Addictions |Bus Suspension |

|Time-out |Police |1-5 day(s) |

| |District Office |6-10 days |

| |other |10+ days |

| |Student met with |In-school suspension |

| |Principal |Suspension Warning |

| |Vice-principal |Suspension |

| |Teacher(s) | |

| |Guidance | |

| |Psychologist | |

| |Mentor | |

| |School Intervention Worker | |

| |Social Worker | |

| |Team meeting / Case Conference | |

| |Action Plan Developed | |

| |Individual Behaviour Plan Developed | |

| |Conflict Resolution | |

| |Student Skills Training | |

Administration Comments:

Administrator Signature:

Connection to school-wide discipline:

The Province of New Brunswick encourages approaching school-wide discipline from the perspective of Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS). School wide discipline is a multifaceted approach involving basic consensus on ideas, definitions and approaches by all staff to issues involving discipline and school climate. PBIS is a problem solving approach designed to enhance the capacity of the school with data collection. The behaviour tracking form is a tool available to schools to assist in this process. Whole school interventions and individual behaviour plans can be strengthened by the use of the behaviour tracking form and the data available. The reports generated can assists schools in creating a school profile that identifies where disruptive behaviours occur, how frequently they occur, who is involved, and specific behaviours that need to be targeted.

George Sugai has looked at the components of the students who make up the whole school population. A whole school approach would implement a school climate that is nurturing for all students, recognizing that the approximate 15% of students who are at-risk can be influenced positively by the programs and practices put in place for the whole population.

The PBIS approach to discipline is both consistent and supportive of Policy 703, the Positive Learning Environment Policy. PBIS looks at a range and diversity of interventions that impact the whole school, or are specific to non-classroom settings, classroom settings or individual students’ plans. School-wide discipline decreases the incidents of misbehaviour, and enhances student and teacher satisfaction and engagement with the school environment.

Resources: - Student Services

• Meeting Behavioural Challenges – Creating Safe and Caring Learning Environments , A Teacher Resource

• Meeting Behavioural Challenges – Creating Safe and Caring Learning Environments , A Staff Development Resources

• Positive Learning Environment Policy (703)

▪ Discipline and Classroom Management – strategies and guidelines for teachers and administrators

▪ When Conflict Arises; Communication Between Home and School Brochure

Win School


This section provides the users of Win School

with a quick reference to the

Win School Behaviour Tracking applications.

The Win School – School Setup module is used for:

o Managing access to student conduct information

o Defining conduct codes

o Defining conduct actions


Since student conduct information is considered very sensitive information, only school administration staff should be able to access it. The following show Win School administrators how to setup users to manage users rights to student conduct in Win School.

In School Setup, within the Passwords menu, double-click on System Passwords.

To view/modify a user’s access to Win School Conduct, double click the user name under the Staff Pool. The left panel will display the current user access to Win School components.

Defining Conduct Codes and Actions

In order to use the conduct codes and actions, each school must initially create them in School Setup.


To enter conduct for a student, double click on the student record in the Details module. Click on the Cond. tab.

The Summary view lists all the conduct The Details view shows the details of 1 incident,

records in chronological order. including conduct comments. Use the horizontal

scroll bar to see different incidents.


|In either view of the tab, click New Conduct | |

|Select the Incident from the list | |

|Select the teacher name from the list | |

|Select the school administrator name from the list. *** | |

|The system will default to today’s date, you can change if| |

|required | |

|Type in the location of the incident | |

|Select the Action taken from the list | |

|Enter the Action start date | |

|Enter the Action end date | |

|Type in any extra comments for the incident in the | |

|Comments field | |

|Click Done to save changes | |


A conduct report, which can be sent home to parents, can be printed from the Conduct Tab. Each report is complete with spaces for signatures and special comments, and allows for a message to parents.

Select Print

from the

System menu

to print the

report on paper.


The student conduct report is located in the Details module – Details menu. Before launching this report make sure you select the student(s) you wish to report on.

Use this report to track conduct trends. Some of the reports you can print are:


The student conduct summary report uses the same report/interface as the student detailed conduct report: Details module – Details menu – Conduct Report. Before launching this report make sure you select the student(s) you wish to report on.



Double-click user in the list

User rights to Win School are displayed in the left panel.

To change the user rights to Student

Conduct, click and select the proper

access from the list of access levels

Click OK to save changes


To add a Conduct Action, put your cursor in the code or text of the last code in the list and press Enter.

To delete a Conduct Action, delete the conduct short code and click OK.

To add a Conduct Action, put your cursor in the code or text of the last code in the list and press Enter.

To delete a Conduct Action, delete the conduct short code and click OK.

The Win School Details module is used to:

o Track Student Conduct (add, modify student conduct)

o Generate Letter to parent(s)

o Generate Detailed Conduct Report

o Generate Summary Conduct Report



*** This selection is based on the Administrator flag located in the Details – Teacher information




The last page of the report always shows the summary of what was printed.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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