
Political Party ProjectYou are a campaign manager for a major political party in the United States.??Your task is to create an informational visual presentation (poster, brochure, PowerPoint, etc.) highlighting your party’s political platform on current issues, history, important members, mascot, and philosophy.? You will need to research your political party thoroughly using the official websites of the political parties and organize the information in a logical manner.?Your goal is to persuade other citizens to join your political party.Performance Task RubricCATEGORY1 point5 points10 points15 pointsHistorical Background?(Who started it? When? Why? Accomplishments? Etc.)Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.Includes essential information about the political historical background, but there are 1-2 factual errors.Accurately describes the political party’s historical background in a paragraph (5 sentences or less). Includes essential knowledge about the political party with less detail. Subject knowledge appears to be good.Accurately describes the political party’s historical background in a coherent paragraph (6-8 sentences). Provides facts supported with details. Subject knowledge is excellent.Party Philosophy?(What do they believe? Goals of the party?Role of the gov’t? What rights or freedoms should be protected? Why do they believe this? Etc…)Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.Includes essential information about the political party’s philosophy, but there are 1-2 factual errors.Accurately describes the political party’s philosophy of the party in a paragraph (5 sentences or less). Includes essential knowledge about the philosophy with less detail. Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good.Accurately describes the political party’s philosophy in a coherent paragraph (6-8 sentences). Covers philosophy in-depth with details. Subject knowledge is excellent.Persuasive pieceCreates a poem, song, or political cartoon that explains why citizens should join your party. Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit.Creates a poem, song, or political cartoon that explains why citizens should join your party. Uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking.Creates a poem, song, or political cartoon that explains why citizens should join your party. Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights.Creates a poem, song, or political cartoon that explains why citizens should join your party. Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.Famous People?(Politicians, celebrities, etc.)Features only 1 famous person (living or deceased) who is/was affiliated with the political party. Missing one or more requirements: name, photo, and/or relevant quote for famous person.Features only 1 famous person (living or deceased) who is/was affiliated with the political party. Name & photo of the person. Must include a relevant, meaningful quote from the famous person.Features 2 famous people (living or deceased) who are/were affiliated with the political party. Names & photos of each person. Must include a relevant, meaningful quote from each famous person.n/aMascotContent is minimal OR there are several factual errors.Mascot is correctly identified, however background information includes 1-2 factual errors.Accurately describes the background/origin of the political party’s mascot. Must include a visual.n/aWOW Factor!Use of font, color,graphics, effects etc. is minimal or distracts from the presentation content.Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation.n/an/a?3 points10 points20 points30 pointsCurrent Issues?(Ex: marriage, taxes, death penalty, war, minimum wage, health care, etc.)Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.Presents an accurate representation of the party’s views on at least one of the three issue categories: social, political, and economic; but there are 1-2 factual errors. Must include a visual for each.Presents an accurate representation of the party’s views on at least two of the three issue categories: social, political, and economic. Must include a visual for each.Presents an accurate representation of the party’s views on a social, political, and economic issue. Must include a visual for each.POLITICAL PARTY LINKSDemocratic Party: Republican Party: Green Party: Libertarian Party: Socialist Party: Party: POLITICAL PARTY PROJECT TIPSHistorical BackgroundUse the party's official website ("About Us", "History") & other reliable internet sitesWhen researching, created a bulleted list of important events in the party's history, major successes, important leaders, etc.Use your research to write a cohesive 6-8 sentence informative paragraph that demonstrates excellent knowledge of when/why your party started, where it is today, and the pivotal moments in-between!PhilosophyUse the party's official website ("About Us', "Philosophy", "Mission")?What are your party's beliefs/vision for the role of our government, how the US should interact with other nations, the role of citizens, etc.?You are looking for the BIG picture here!Compile research into a bulleted list.Use your research to write a cohesive 6-8 sentence paragraph that demonstrates excellent knowledge of the philosophy/vision of this party!Persuasive PieceDO THIS SECTION LAST!!!!Use the party's official website ("About Us", "Current Issues", "History", "Philosophy", "Leaders", etc.)Create a list of various accomplishments, important leaders, powerful views on controversial/important issues, etc.Use this research to write a persuasive poem, song or political cartoon to convince people to join this party!Famous PeopleUse the party's official website ("Leaders", "History") & other reliable internet sitesCompile a diverse list of famous politicians and celebrities that are affiliated/associated with this party. Mix it up!!Find a quote from each person that relates to an issue/event that is meaningful to your party.Must include the name, a picture, and the quote for 2 famous people.Current IssuesUse the party's official website to research your party's opinion on 3 controversial/important issues.?(1 social issue, 1 economic issue and 1 political issue)Ex. Afghanistan, guns, abortion, marriage, health care, taxes, immigration, drugs, energy, etc.Write an informative paragraph about this issue and your party's opinion on it.? Be sure to include a corresponding picture!MascotUse the party's official website, as well as other reliable internet sites.Research when & why your party began using this symbol.Include an image of this symbol & write a few sentences to fully explain its history.Edit all work for accuracy & spelling/grammar! Type all work! Label all 6 sections. Put YOUR NAME on your project! Put a TITLE on your project! Use color! Make sure your final product is polished & convincing!! See me if you need any help!? ? ................

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