Claiborne County Department of Education

4th Grade Science Curriculum MapAdditional Resources Software--K-6 Interactives K-6 K-12Pete's PowerPoint Station Steve Spangler ExperimentsInternet4Classrooms-Science ActivitiesEcology ActivitiesPBS Kids--ZOOM Science Activities Science Resources (Rockingham, VA)Magic School Bus Science ExperimentsK-8 "Science Kids" Activitiesscience- (K-8)Bill Nye Printable Science Activities3-6 Grade Science Interactives (uen)4th Grade Science SitesGrade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___Embedded_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**Embedded InquiryGrade Level ExpectationsGLE 0407.Inq.1 Explore different scientific phenomena by asking questions, making logical predictions, planning investigations, and recording data. GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.GLE 0407.Inq.3 Organize data into appropriate tables, graphs, drawings, or diagrams. GLE 0407.Inq.4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations.GLE 0407.Inq.5 Recognize that people may interpret the same results in different ways.GLE 0407.Inq.6 Compare the results of an investigation with what scientists already accept about this question.Checks for Understanding0407.Inq.1 Identify specific investigations that could be used to answer a particular question and identify reasons for this choice.0407.Inq.2 Identify tools needed to investigate specific questions. 0407.Inq.3 Maintain a science notebook that includes observations, data, diagrams, and explanations. 0407.Inq.4 Analyze and communicate findings from multiple investigations of similar phenomena to reach a conclusion.State Performance IndicatorsSPI 0407.Inq.1 Select an investigation that could be used to answer a specific question.Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___Embedded_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**Embedded Technology & EngineeringGrade Level ExpectationsGLE 0407.T/E.1 Describe how tools, technology, and inventions help to answer questions and solve problems.GLE 0407.T/E.2 Recognize that new tools, technology, and inventions are always being developed.GLE 0407.T/E.3 Identify appropriate materials, tools, and machines that can extend or enhance the ability to solve a specified problem.GLE 0407.T/E.4 Recognize the connection between scientific advances, new knowledge, and the availability of new tools and technologies.GLE 0407.T/E.5 Apply a creative design strategy to solve a particular problem generated by societal needs and wants.Checks for Understanding0407.T/E.1 Explain how different inventions and technologies impact people and other living organisms.0407.T/E.2 Design a tool or a process that addresses an identified problem caused by human activity.0407.T/E.3 Determine criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of a solution to a specified problem.0407.T/E.4 Evaluate an invention that solves a problem and determine ways to improve the design.State Performance IndicatorsSPI 0407.T/E.1 Select a tool, technology, or invention that was used to solve a human problem.SPI 0407.T/E.2 Recognize the connection between a scientific advance and the development of a new tool or technology.Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ____0____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**0407.Inq.3 Maintain a science notebook that includes observations, data, diagrams, and explanations. **SET UP SCIENTIST NOTEBOOK TO BE USED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR**Excellent site to provide guidance and examples: HYPERLINK "" Assignment: Draw a ScientistHave students imagine a scientist at work and “draw what they saw.” Use their sketches to discuss misconceptions about what scientists look like, what they wear, what they do, etc. 2nd Assignment: Scientists _____________.Have students make a list of verbs to fill in the blank. Examples may include: discover, think, explore, experiment, measure, test, etc. Use their answers to jumpstart discussion of things scientists do. Grade_____4____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ____1____Academic Vocabulary: variable Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.***See Week 0*GLE 0407.Inq.1 Explore different scientific phenomena by asking questions, making logical predictions, planning investigations, and recording data. 0407.Inq.1 Identify specific investigations that could be used to answer a particular question and identify reasons for this choice.SPI 0407.Inq.1 Select an investigation that could be used to answer a specific question.-----------------------------------GLE 0407.T/E.3 Identify appropriate materials, tools, and machines that can extend or enhance the ability to solve a specified problem.0407.T/E.2 Design a tool or a process that addresses an identified problem caused by human activity.-----------------------------------GLE 0407.T/E.5 Apply a creative design strategy to solve a particular problem generated by societal needs and wants.0407.T/E.3 Determine criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of a solution to a specified problem.0407.T/E.4 Evaluate an invention that solves a problem and determine ways to improve the design.*See Week 0*Circle Graph PowerPointLine Graph PowerPointBar Graph PowerPoint?Pictograph?Power PointVenn Diagram Power Point?BrainPOP Science ProjectsBrainPOP Scientific MethodDiscovery Education Clips:Observing an ArtifactShow and Tell: Recreating HypothesesMagic School Bus: Recreating a Hypothesis...Information and Creating HypothesesArtifacts and Hypotheses ----------------------------------------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxx----------------------------------------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxTEXTBOOK p. 2-16; “Be a Scientist”Grade_____4____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week _____2-3___Academic Vocabulary: cell, cell membrane, cell parts, cell wall, cytoplasm, function*, model*, nucleus, structure*, vacuole, chloroplast* Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.1.1 Recognize that cells are the building blocks of all living things.0407.1.1 Use illustrations or direct observations to compare and contrast the basic structures of plant and animal cells.0407.1.2 Create a basic model of the cell that illustrates different cell structures and describes their functions.SPI 0407.1.1 Compare basic structures of plant and animal cells.-------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.0407.Inq.2 Identify tools needed to investigate specific questions. GLE 0407.T/E.4 Recognize the connection between scientific advances, new knowledge, and the availability of new tools and technologies.Cell Quiz The Virtual Electron Microscope Interactive Plant and Animal Cells from Cells AliveParts of the CellA tour of the Cell Lesson plan—Travel brochure for a cellTEXTBOOK p. 26-37Cell InspectorMaking 3D Cell ModelsHow big is a cell?BrainPOP Cell SpecializationBrainPOP Cell StructuresBrainPOP CellsBrainPOP Passive TransportBrainPOP Active TransportBrainPOP PhotosynthesisBrainPOP Carnivorous PlantsBrainPOP SpongesComparing Pant and Animal Cells:? A Venn Diagram Plant and Animal Cell Graphic Organizer Discovery Education Clips:The Nucleus and CytoplasmPlant CellsGenes and DNAThe Parts of a Cellskills_4th_science.htm (Scroll down to section on cells and activities 12-16 tie in well. Activities 1-4 in the next section correspond, too.)Interactive Cells Interactive Diagrams Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___4-5_____Academic Vocabulary: competition*, ecosystem Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.2.1 Analyze the effects of changes in the environment on the stability of an ecosystem.0407.2.1 Analyze how an increase or decrease in competition or predation affects an ecosystem.0407.2.2 Design a simple experiment to illustrate the effects of competition, predation, and interdependency among living things.SPI 0407.2.1 Recognize the impact of predation and competition on an ecosystem.-----------------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations.0407.Inq.4 Analyze and communicate findings from multiple investigations of similar EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 39 phenomena to reach a conclusion.BrainPOP Air PollutionBrainPOP Global WarmingBrainPOP Humans and the EnvironmentBrainPOP Water PollutionLoose in the Lab Activity—Soapy SeedsReconstruct a barren prairieBrainPOP CamouflageBrainPOP Giant SquidTEXTBOOK p. 38-49BrainPOP EcosystemsBrainPOP SymbiosisBrainPOP Shark AttacksBrainPOP Food ChainsBrainPOP Underwater WorldBrainPOP BatsBrainPOP CatsWolves and Rabbits This Old Habitat National Geographic HabitatsWWF habitats?List of animals and their habitats?BBC Habitat online activity?BBC Habitats offline lessonReconstruct a barren prairieDiscovery Education Clips:Ecosystems, Populations, and HabitatsWhy Butterflies are Important to Other Creatures...How the Weather Affects the Balance of Nature...A Trip to the Rain ForestThe Role of Beavers and Otters in the Cascade... Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___6_____Academic Vocabulary: carnivore, chemical energy, consumer, energy pyramid, food web, herbivore, omnivore, producer, radiant energy Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.3.1 Demonstrate that plants require light energy to grow and survive. GLE 0407.3.2 Investigate different ways that organisms meet their energy needs.0407.3.1 Create a food web that illustrates the energy relationships between plants and animals and the key issues or assumptions found in the model.0407.3.2 Classify organisms as carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores.0407.3.3 Identify how a variety of organisms meet their energy needs.SPI 0407.3.1 Determine how different organisms function within an environment in terms of their location on an energy pyramid.--------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.1 Explore different scientific phenomena by asking questions, making logical predictions, planning investigations, and recording data. EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 51GLE 0407.Inq.4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations.0407.Inq.4 Analyze and communicate findings from multiple investigations of similar phenomena to reach a conclusion.BrainPOP Plant GrowthBrainPOP PhotosynthesisBrainPOP Scientific MethodGrow an Indoor Salad Garden What is Photosynthesis? Biology4Kids: Photosynthesis and Light EnergyLoose in the Lab Activity—Photosynthetic FunnelBrainPOP EcosystemsTEXTBOOK p. 50-63BrainPOP Underwater WorldBrainPOP SymbiosisBrainPOP BatsBrainPOP MetamorphosisLoose in the Lab Activity—Yeasty Beasty BurpsChain ReactionFood Web GameWhat do animals eat?Root factory—explore types of roots and if they are edible or notClassify vegetables based on what part we eatHerbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore – PowerPoint Food ChainIlluminating Photosynthesis Discovery Education Clips:The Energy PyramidFood Webs in the SeaIngredients for Life: The Food ChainProducers, Consumers, and DecomposersEnergy Pyramid and Food Web of Living Things Food Chains and Food Webs Grade___4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___7-8_____Academic Vocabulary: complete metamorphosis, incomplete metamorphosis Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.4.1 Recognize the relationship between reproduction and the continuation of a species.0407.4.1 Design a simple demonstration that illustrates the relationship between reproduction and survival of a species.SPI 0407.4.1 Draw conclusions about the relationship between reproduction and the survival of a species. ----------------------------------------------------GLE 0407.4.2 Differentiate between complete and incomplete metamorphosis.0407.4.2 Study the life cycles of a variety of organisms and determine whether these processes illustrate complete or incomplete metamorphosis.SPI 0407.4.2 Distinguish between complete and incomplete metamorphosis.Hatching Baby ChicksTEXTBOOK p. 72-81BrainPOP ProtozoaBrainPOP HoneybeesBrainPOP BabiesBrainPOP PollinationAnimals’ Life Cycle - Webquest Discovery Education Clips:Preserving and Conserving Animal Habitats...Endangered SpeciesWhy Is Extinction Increasing?How Human Activity Affects the Diversity of Life on Earth...How Extinction Affects the Diversity of Life...------------------------------------BrainPOP MetamorphosisComplete and Incomplete Metamorphosis Circle of LifeGrow Up- interactiveButterfly life cycleLife cycles--learn about the life cycles of animals Life cycle cards-printableTEXTBOOK p. 82-93Hatching Baby ChicksDNA MovieAnimals, BabiesGiant Panda California CondorTurtles in TroubleLife Cycle” Plants” Interactive Whiteboard ActivityLife Cycle “Animals” Interactive Whiteboard ActivityBrainPOP MetamorphosisDiscovery Education Clips:Metamorphosis ReviewComplete MetamorphosisSimple MetamorphosisA Monarch's Life Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ____9____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.***REVIEW ACTIVITIES FOR WEEKS 1-8*EXTENSION ACTIVITIES FOR WEEKS 1-8Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___10_____Academic Vocabulary: behavioral adaptation, camouflage, defense*, hibernation*, locomotion*, migration, mimicry, physical adaptation, tropism* Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.5.1 Analyze physical and behavioral adaptations that enable organisms to survive in their environment.0407.5.1 Classify animals according to their physical adaptations for obtaining food, oxygen, and surviving within a particular environment.SPI 0407.5.1 Determine how a physical or behavioral adaptation can enhance the chances of survival. -------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct anEXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 103 investigation.See how pond life changes based on population of different animals WWF habitats – BiodiversityLoose in the Lab Activity—Adaptable CactusScholastic: animal adaptationsRain Forest adaptationsEcoKids- Animal AdaptationsList of animals and their habitatsNational Geographic HabitatsCompare ways different animals breatheBrainPOP GillsBrainPOP HibernationTEXTBOOK p. 102-111BrainPOP HoneybeesBrainPOP Natural SelectionBrainPOP PandasBrainPOP PenguinsBrainPOP ArachnidsBrainPOP BatsDesign a Fish to Survive Camouflage Field Guide Discovery Education Clips:Characteristics of ButterfliesNatural Selection and Mimicry for Survival...Butterfly AdaptationsButterflies: Hide, Trick, and SurpriseExploring the Adaptations of OwlsVirtual Zoo Adaptations Game How Animals Meet Their NeedsHuman and Animal HabitatsCreature Features and Habitats Structural and Behavioral Adaptations Adaptations PowerPointGrade___4______ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___11_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.5.2 Describe how environmental changes caused the extinction of various plant and animal species.0407.5.2 Describe how animal behaviors such as migration, defense, means of locomotion, and hibernation enable them to survive in an environment.0407.5.3 Investigate tropisms that plants exhibit in response to changes in their environment.0407.5.4 Gather fossil information to draw conclusions about organisms that exist today. 0407.5.5 Analyze the common causes of extinction and explain how human actions sometimes result in the extinction of a species.SPI 0407.5.2 Infer the possible reasons why a species became endangered or extinct.EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 113, 121-----------------------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.1 Explore different scientific phenomena by asking questions, making logical predictions, planning investigations, and recording data. GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.BrainPOP DinosaursBrainPOP ExtinctionBrainPOP InvertebratesBrainPOP PandasBrainPOP AlgaeBrainPOP Global WarmingBrainPOP Humans and the EnvironmentBrainPOP BatsBrainPOP Water PollutionLoose in the Lab Activity—Squished Fish & Clues to Climate ChangeFind Your Way - Salmon migration????Plant TropismsTEXTBOOK p. 112-119TEXTBOOK p. 12-131Skeleton Jigsaws If Rocks Could TalkTypes of fossils fossilsEndangered Speciesendangered or threatened?Save or species- EPAExtinction Major causes of extinctioncauses of extinctionWhy do Animals Become Endangered? (Fact Monster)Wild Times for Kids: Why Do Animals Become Extinct??Animal Port: Listings of Endangered and Extinct AnimalsAnimals Myths and LegendsDiscovery Education Clips:Endangered FrogsConservation Efforts: Protecting the Cheetah from Extinction...Birds and ExtinctionHow Extinction Affects the Diversity of Life ...Endangered SpeciesGrade___4______ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___12_____Academic Vocabulary: length*, mass, physical change, volume*, weight* Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.9.1 Collect data to illustrate that the physical properties of matter can be described with tools that measure weight, mass, length, and volume. 0407.9.1 Use appropriate tools to measure and compare the physical properties of various solids and liquids. SPI 0407.9.1 Choose an appropriate tool for measuring a specific physical property of matter.SPI 0407.9.2 Determine the mass, volume, and temperature of a substance or object using proper units of measurement.----------------------------------------------EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 249GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.GLE 0407.Inq.3 Organize data into appropriate tables, graphs, drawings, or diagrams. Density??????? ?Loose in the Lab Activity—Density ColumnBrainPOP Measuring MatterBrainPOP MicroscopesTEXTBOOK p. 248-259Using a MicroscopeDiscovery Education Clips:Introduction: Standard Units of Measurement...The Metric SystemStudent Activity: Observations from the Seed Growth Activity...Weight vs. Mass: What's the Difference?ReviewBrainPOP Customary UnitsBrainPOP Measuring MatterBrainPOP Temperature Density?Characteristics of Materials?Changing StateDiscovery Education Clips:Measuring Volume and DensityMeasuring LiquidsLiquidsMaking Accurate MeasurementsMeasuring Gases Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___13_(2 PAGES)____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.9.2 Explore different types of physical changes in matter.0407.9.2 Compare the causes and effects of various physical changes in matter.SPI 0407.9.2 Determine the mass, volume, and temperature of a substance or object using proper units of measurement.SPI 0407.9.3 Interpret the causes and effects of a physical change in matter.CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEBrainPOP FireworksBrainPOP Property ChangesBrainPOP Matter Changing StatesBrainPOP States of MatterChanging matter?physical changesQuia: chemical or physical changesTEXTBOOK p. 260-271Chemistry 4 kidsThe Mixtures LabThe UnmixablesLoose in the Lab Activity—Atoms in a CageThe Mixtures LabPhysical changesQuia: chemical or physical changesChemistry 4 kidsBrainPOP Customary UnitsBrainPOP Measuring MatterBrainPOP TemperatureDensity?Characteristics of Materials?Changing StateDiscovery Education Clips:Measuring Volume and DensityMeasuring LiquidsLiquidsMaking Accurate MeasurementsMeasuring Gases ON NEXT PAGEGrade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ____13 CONTINUED____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**-------------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.0407.Inq.2 Identify tools needed to investigate specific questions.EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 261BrainPOP Property ChangesBrainPOP TidesChanging matterBBC: States of MatterChemistry 4 KidsStates of MatterWebquest: MatterWhat is matter?Gases Around UsReversible and Irreversible ChangesDiscovery Education Clips:Using Our Five Senses to Determine Properties of Matter...States of MatterEvaporationMatter Can ChangeCondensation------------------------------------------Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___14_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.10.1 Distinguish among heat, radiant, and chemical forms of energy. 0407.10.1 Design an investigation to demonstrate how different forms of energy release heat or light.SPI 0407.10.1 Identify different forms of energy, such as heat, light, and chemical. ------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.6 Compare the results of an investigation with what scientists already acceptEXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 273 about this question.BrainPOP HeatBrainPOP FireBrainPOP Wind EnergyBrainPOP Analog and Digital RecordingTEXTBOOK p. 272-281BrainPOP Solar EnergyEnergy Quest?????Loose in the Lab Activity—Sizzling Sunset?Loose in the Lab Activity—Nichrome Wire HeaterTypes of energyInformation on forms of energy Kinetic vs. potential class activityGuide to electricityBrainPOP Electromagnetic SpectrumBrainPOP LasersBrainPOP Nuclear EnergyInformation on forms of energyRenewable vs. non-renewable energyKinetic vs. potential class activityTypes of energyDiscovery Education Clips:Summary of Light and ColorThe Prism and the Fresnel Lens: Two Special Kind of Lenses...A Look at LightCreating a Rainbow: Exploring the Spectrum of Colors in White Light...Summary of What's in a RainbowGrade___4______ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___15_____Academic Vocabulary: opaque, reflection, refraction, translucent, transparent Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.10.2 Investigate how light travels and is influenced by different types of materials and surfaces. 0407.10.2 Design an experiment to investigate how different surfaces determine if light is reflected, refracted, or absorbed.SPI 0407.10.2 Determine which surfaces reflect, refract, or absorb light.0407.10.3 Gather and organize information about a variety of materials to categorize them as translucent, transparent, or opaque.SPI 0407.10.3 Determine whether a material is transparent, translucent, or opaque.-----------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.1 Explore different scientific phenomena by asking questions, making logical predictions, planning investigations, and recording data. EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 283Loose in the Lab Activity—Theatre Fog FusionLoose in the Lab Activity—TP BinocularsBrainPOP Refraction and DiffractionBrainPOP LightBrainPOP RainbowsBrainPOP CamerasBrainPOP LasersBrainPOP Electromagnetic SpectrumBrainPOP Telescopes?Discovery Education Clips:Creating the Colors of the RainbowLight Movement and ReflectionTEXTBOOK p. 282-293Seeing in ColorLight?Grade___4______ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ____16-17_(2 PAGES)___Academic Vocabulary: distance*, friction, reference point*, speed*, time period* Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.11.1 Recognize that the position of an object can be described relative to other objects or a background. 0407.11.1 Identify the position of objects relative to fixed reference points. 0407.11.3 Complete a coordinate graph to describe the relative positions of objects. SPI 0407.11.1 Describe the position of an object relative to fixed reference points.-------------------------------------------------------GLE 0407.11.2 Design a simple investigation to demonstrate how friction affects the movement of an object. 0407.11.2 Design an investigation to identify factors that affect the speed and distance traveled by an object in motion.0407.11.4 Plan and execute an investigation that demonstrates how friction affects the movement of an object. SPI 0407.11.2 Identify factors that influence the motion of an object.-----------------------------------------------------CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGELoose in the Lab Activity—AstroblasterLoose in the Lab Activity—Colliding WashersForces in ActionBrainPOP Work???Discovery Education Clips:Imagining MovementRecognizing Athletic MovementExamining Patterns of MovementObserving Playground MovementMeasuring the Motion of an Object------------------------------------------------Friction Forces in Action Force, Gravity, FrictionAmusement Park Physics BrainPOP Newton's Laws of MotionBrainPOP TidesBrainPOP WorkBrainPOP PowerGrade 4: Force and MotionAmerican Museum of Natural History (Where is our Place in Space?)Gravity in ActionTEXTBOOK p. 302-309TEXTBOOK p. 310-317Friction gameBBC: Friction interactiveLet it Roll friction activityDiscovery Education Clips:GravityGravity in SpaceGravity on EarthThe Solar SystemLearning the Benefits of Gravity---------------------------------------------------CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEGrade_____4____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week _16-17 CONTINUED____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.11.3 Investigate the relationship between the speed of an object and the distance traveled during a certain time period. 0407.11.5 Design and implement an investigation to determine that the speed of an object is equal to the distance traveled over time.SPI 0407.11.3 Determine the relationship between speed and distance traveled over time.--------------------------------------- EXPLORE ACTIVITIES p. 303, 311GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.GLE 0407.Inq.5 Recognize that people may interpret the same results in different ways.Loose in the Lab Activity—Modified Marble RacesSpeed, distance, and time visualBrainPOP Distance, Rate, and TimeBrainPOP Wheel and AxleBrainPOP WorkDiscovery Education Clips:Newton's Second Law of MotionGrade_____4____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___18_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.***REVIEW ACTIVITIES FOR WEEKS 10-17*EXTENSION ACTIVITIES FOR WEEKS 10-17Grade_____4____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___19-20_____Academic Vocabulary: deposition, erosion, sedimentation*, weathering Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.7.1 Investigate how the Earth’s geological features change as a result of erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition. 0407.7.1 Prepare a demonstration to illustrate how wind and water affect the earth’s surface features.SPI 0407.7.1 Design a simple model to illustrate how the wind and movement of water alter the earth’s surface.------------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.0407.Inq.2 Identify tools needed to investigate specific questions.BrainPOP ErosionBrainPOP WeatheringBrainPOP GlaciersTEXTBOOK p. 176-185BrainPOP SoilBrainPOP FloodsBrainPOP RiversBreak It Down: Erosion (Geography4Kids)?????Erosion: Science for KidsMagic School Bus: Rocks and Rolls ExperimentLoose in the Lab Activity—Erosion BoxesBrainPOP WindBrainPOP TsunamiBrainPOP Natural DisastersBrainPOP Ice AgeHow does rain shape the Earth?erosion and weathering?????Discovery Education Clips:SeedsHow a Forest Begins: Soil Formation, New...How Climatologists Study ClimateBulbsErosion-----------------------------------------------EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 177Grade___4______ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___21_____Academic Vocabulary: deposition, erosion, sedimentation*, weathering Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.7.1 Investigate how the Earth’s geological features change as a result of erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition. 0407.7.1 Prepare a demonstration to illustrate how wind and water affect the earth’s surface features.SPI 0407.7.1 Design a simple model to illustrate how the wind and movement of water alter the earth’s surface.--------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.2 Select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation.0407.Inq.2 Identify tools needed to investigate specific questions.EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 187BrainPOP ErosionBrainPOP WeatheringBrainPOP GlaciersTEXTBOOK p. 186-197BrainPOP SoilBrainPOP FloodsBrainPOP RiversBreak It Down: Erosion (Geography4Kids)?????Erosion: Science for KidsMagic School Bus: Rocks and Rolls ExperimentLoose in the Lab Activity—Erosion BoxesBrainPOP WindBrainPOP TsunamiBrainPOP Natural DisastersBrainPOP Ice AgeHow does rain shape the Earth?erosion and weathering?????Discovery Education Clips:SeedsHow a Forest Begins: Soil Formation, New...How Climatologists Study ClimateBulbsErosion-----------------------------------------------Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___22-23_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.7.2 Evaluate how some earth materials can be used to solve human problems and enhance the quality of life.0407.7.2 Design an investigation to demonstrate how erosion and deposition change the earth’s surface.0407.7.3 List factors that determine the appropriate use of an earth material.0407.7.4 Use data from a variety of informational texts to analyze and evaluate man’s impact on non-renewable resources.SPI 0407.7.2 Analyze how different earth materials are utilized to solve human problems or improve the quality of life.EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 199--------------------------------------------------GLE 0507.T/E.1 Describe how tools, technology, and inventions help to answerquestions and solve problems.GLE 0407.Inq.6 Compare the results of an investigation with what scientists already accept about this question.BrainPOP Natural ResourcesBrainPOP Waste ManagementLoose in the Lab Activity—Bituminous CoalLoose in the Lab Activity—Flattened Ferns & Distilled Fossilsppt activity How erosion occursTEXTBOOK p. 198-209Scotts Bluff National MonumentArches National ParkMesas and Buttes--picturescanyon picturessummary of world’s 10 best geological features on earthMinerals in our environmentEarth water filter?A sticky situation: Designing wallsNASA: Soil Science EducationDiscovery Science: The Dirt on SoilSammy Soil: A coloring bookenergy sourcesrenewable and non renewable resourcesonline quizIs it environmentally friendly? Natural ResourcesBrainPOP Waste ManagementBrainPOP Wind EnergyDiscovery Education Clips:Nonrenewable ResourcesEnergy in Our Environment: A ReviewRenewable Sources of Electrical EnergyCarlsbad Cavern National ParkValuable Trash: Things Made from Renewable and Non-Renewable Natural Resources...Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___24-25__(2 PAGES)___Academic Vocabulary: climate, condensation, weather Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.8.1 Recognize the major components of the water cycle.0407.8.1 Prepare a model that illustrates the basic features of the water cycle.SPI 0407.8.1 Identify the basic features of the water cycle and describe their importance to life on earth.---------------------------------------CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEBrainPOP Water CycleBrainPOP CloudsBrainPOP HumidityBrainPOP SnowflakesBrainPOP ThunderstormsDiagram of Water CycleTIC TAC KNOW Game on Water Cycle? Water Cycle (NASA) The Water CycleWater Cycle animation?Water cycle movieDiagram of Water CycleLoose in the Lab Activity—Zip, Drip, SplashDroplet and the Water CycleBrainPOP SnowflakesBrainPOP Water CycleEvaporation CleanupDiagram of Water CycleDiscovery Education Clips:What is the Water Cycle? The Water CycleThe Water Cycle: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, and Runoff...Water CycleWater: Oceans, Fresh Water, and the Water Cycle...--------------------------------------CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEGrade_____4____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___24-25 CONTINUED_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.8.2 Differentiate between weather and climate.0407.8.2 Use long term weather data to distinguish between weather and climate.0407.8.3 Use an illustration to predict and draw conclusions about how weather and climate affect the water cycle.SPI 0407.8.2 Distinguish between weather and climate.------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.5 Recognize that people may interpret the same results in different ways.GLE 0407.Inq.6 Compare the results of an investigation with what scientists already accept about this question.0507.T/E.1 Explain how different inventions and technologies impact people and other living organisms.SPI 0507.T/E.1 Select a tool, technology, or invention that was used to solve a human problem.BrainPOP Climate TypesBrainPOP Weather Weather vs. Climate?EPA Weather vs. ClimateLoose in the Lab Activity—Weather vs. ClimateTEXTBOOK p. 210-221TEXTBOOK p. 222-231Be a Weather WatcherOceansUnit Oceans and WeatherBrainPOP Climate TypesAir Pressure NASA Wild Weather Adventure GameWeather Tools?Weather InstrumentsDiscovery Education Clips:HailClouds: Water DropletsSnowRain and SnowWater Vapor: Clouds, Dew, Frost, and Precipitation...---------------------------------EXPLORE ACTIVITIES p. 211, 223Grade___4______ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___26_____Academic Vocabulary: lunar cycle, lunar eclipse, phase of moon*, solar eclipse Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.6.1 Analyze patterns, relative movements, and relationships among the sun, moon, and earth. 0407.6.1 Chart the movements of the sun, moon, and earth to develop an explanation for the phases of the moon and solar and lunar eclipses.SPI 0407.6.1 Organize the phases of the moon in the correct sequence. ----------------------------------------------GLE 0507.T/E.2 Recognize that new tools, technology, and inventions are always being developed.GLE 0407.Inq.4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations.0407.Inq.4 Analyze and communicate findings from multiple investigations of similar EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 149 phenomena to reach a conclusion.BrainPOP MoonBrainPOP EarthBrainPOP SunTEXTBOOK p. 148-157BrainPOP Time ZonesBrainPOP Leap YearBrainPOP South PoleBrainPOP North PoleEarth’s RotationLoose in the Lab Activity—Sun, Moon, EarthShadows and Sounds What creates our shadow? Coloring shadows with a sundialBrainPOP MoonLunar Cycle Challenge - an interactive siteSimulation of Moon PhasesPhases of the moon math science integrationDiscovery Education Clips:What Did You Learn?Moon Facts and FunPhasesThe MoonPhases of the MoonGrade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___27_____Academic Vocabulary: lunar cycle, lunar eclipse, phase of moon*, solar eclipse Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.6.1 Analyze patterns, relative movements, and relationships among the sun, moon, and earth. 0407.6.1 Chart the movements of the sun, moon, and earth to develop an explanation for the phases of the moon and solar and lunar eclipses.0407.6.2 Sequence the major phases of the moon during a lunar cycle.SPI 0407.6.1 Organize the phases of the moon in the correct sequence. SPI 0407.6.2 Infer that the moon’s phases are caused by the revolution of the moon and earth around the sun.-----------------------------------SPI 0507.T/E.2 Recognize the connection between a scientific advance and the development of a new tool or technology.BrainPOP MoonBrainPOP EarthBrainPOP SunTEXTBOOK p. 158-167BrainPOP Time ZonesBrainPOP Leap YearBrainPOP South PoleBrainPOP North PoleEarth’s RotationLoose in the Lab Activity—Sun, Moon, EarthShadows and Sounds What creates our shadow? Coloring shadows with a sundialLunar Cycle Challenge - an interactive siteSimulation of Moon PhasesMoon PhasesBrainPOP MoonLunar Cycle Challenge - an interactive siteSimulation of Moon PhasesPhases of the moon math science integrationDiscovery Education Clips:EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 159What Did You Learn?Moon Facts and FunPhasesThe MoonPhases of the MoonDiscovery Education Clips:EarthThe Power of GravityThe Movement of the EarthPlanetary Rotation and Revolution: Days and Years ...IntroductionGrade_____4____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___28_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.***REVIEW ACTIVITIES FOR WEEKS 19-27*EXTENSION ACTIVITIES FOR WEEKS 19-27Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___29_____Academic Vocabulary: electromagnet*, magnetic pole* Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.12.1 Explore the interactions between magnets.0407.12.2 Design an experiment to investigate how a simple electromagnet affects common objects.SPI 0407.12.1 Identify how magnets attract or repel one another.--------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations.0407.Inq.4 Analyze and communicate findings from multiple investigations of similar phenomena to reach a conclusion.Loose in the Lab Activity—Levitating Magnets? Design and test an Electromagnet - Inquiry labOnline, Interactive Electricity and Magnetism Module Discovery Education Clips:What Makes Certain Materials Magnetic?ReviewAttract and RepelElectromagnetsThe ABCs of Magnets: Magnetite, Poles, Attraction, Lines of Force...TEXTBOOK p. 348-359--------------------------------------------Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___30_____Academic Vocabulary: electricity, electric charge* Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.12.2 Observe that electrically charged objects exert a pull on other materials.0407.12.1Explore the interactions between an electrically charged object and other materials.SPI 0407.12.2 Determine how an electrically charged material interacts with other objects.------------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations.0407.Inq.4 Analyze and communicate findings from multiple investigations of similar phenomena to reach a conclusion.SPI 0407.Inq.1 Select an investigation that could be used to answer a specific question. Loose in the Lab Activity—ElectromagnetsLoose in the Lab Activity—Flipping Poles The Famous Wire, Battery, and Nail Magnet Discovery Education Clips:Static ElectricityElectrical Charges: Creating SparksBalloons on the WallStatic ElectricityStatic Electricity(2)TEXTBOOK p. 326-335-----------------------------------EXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 327Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___31_____Academic Vocabulary: electricity, circuit*, electric charge*, simple circuit*, switch* Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**GLE 0407.12.3 Explain how electricity in a simple circuit requires a complete loop through which current can pass.0407.12.3 Describe how electricity passes through a simple circuit that includes a battery, wire, switch, and bulb.SPI 0407.12.3 Determine the path of an electrical current in a simple circuit.-------------------------------------GLE 0407.Inq.1 Explore different scientific phenomena by asking questions, making logical predictions, planning investigations, and recording data. 0407.Inq.1 Identify specific investigations that could be used to answer a particular question and identify reasons for this choice.SPI 0407.Inq.1 Select an investigation that could be used to answer a specific question.Circuit Builder Loose in the Lab Activity—Adaptable ElectronSimple Circuits Interactive siteHow Circuits WorkThe NASA SciFiles CircuitsCircuits and ConductorsTEXTBOOK p. 336-347 Blobz Circuit Guide?BBC: circuit interactive?Guide to electricityDiscovery Education Clips:Power Plants: Delivering Electricity to You ...Electrical CircuitsSwitches and Circuits: Moving Electricity from One place to Another...Two Kinds of ElectricityElectrical FlowEXPLORE ACTIVITY p. 337------------------------------------Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___32-33_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.****TCAP REVIEW**Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___34_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.****TCAP TESTING**Grade____4_____ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ___35-37_____Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.**Ideas:*Re-teach areas of weakness to prevent gaps*Technology lessons in back of book*Science Fair*Work with 5th grade science teacher to get ideas for things you can work on to prepare students for next grade level*Additional labs and hands-on activities*Science Enrichment*Reinforce Inquiry and Technology and Engineering StandardsGrade_________ Science Pacing GuideInstructional Week ________Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources **Include Embedded Inquiry and Technology & Engineering Standards as applicable.** ................

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