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Php pdf export

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There are few people who claim that the website of the standard PHP standard API documentation is nice to watch, but there is a better version that you can use today. Take the regular URL for the strpos function, and you'll see: Now, add the prototype as a sub-domain on the URL, http: // prototype. / manual / it / function.strpos.php and a much more readable page is displayed: The Prototime PHP site was active and operational for at least six months now, and I am starting to curse the days when I continue To watch the old version of the site when the new look was already available and it's much better. The quick connections on the right side will be particularly useful for moving in API documents. PHP's PostgreSQL extension provides a complete API for developers to interact with a PostgreSQL RDBMS. In addition to basic SQL operations, the API also supports prepared statements, transactions, table metadata recovery and server variable inspection. It's not a secret that PHP and MySQL go well together. Both PHP and MySQL are open source projects, are widely used in the developer community and play well together due to PHP integrated MySQL support. While MySQL has obtained the fee of lion's attention, PostgreSQL also deserves a nod. PostgreSQL is a RDBMS full of functionality, open-source with a faithful follow-up in the developer community which is a viable alternative to commercial products. This tutorial will introduce you the PHP PostgreSQL API and show how PHP can connect to the PostgreSQL databases, save and retrieve records, inspect PostgreSQL Variables server and retrieve information about the table. Recruitment before launching in the tutorial, I want you to tell you about three hypotheses I am doing with you and your development environment: you know the basics of SQL and PHP. You have installed a PostgreSQL RDBMS and is active in your development environment. If this is not the case, you need to download and install a PostgreSQL version that is compatible with the operating system. You have an Apache Web server working with support for PHP 5.1, and the PHP build has support for the PostgreSQL extension. If this is not the case, you will probably have to recompile PHP with the '-with-pgsql' option (UNIX) or activate the appropriate extension file (Windows). The PHP manual explains how to make these tasks. Prerequisites We set the basic table that I will use in the following examples. Start creating a new database named Test: Postgres @ Thor: ~ $ / usr / local / pgsql / bin / creatob test forward, start the interactive psql shell and create the following table: postgres @ Thor: ~ $ / usr / local / pgsql / Bin / PSQL Test Welcome to PSQL 8.2.3, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: a copyright for the terms of distribution ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, h for help with sql commands ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,? For help with PSQL commands ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, go to terminate with point and comma to execute the query ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, q to go out postgres = # created countries table ( Postgres (# ?, Countryid Char (2) Not Null, Postgres (# ?, Countryname Varchar (255) Non Null, Postgres (# ?, Primary Key ((Common) Postgres (#); create table postgres = # then, add Some records to the table to get rolling things: Postgres = # Enter in the values of the countries ('al', 'albania'); enter 0 1 postgres = # insert in the values of the countries ('dz', 'algera'); insert 0 1 Postgres = # Enter in the values of the countries (as', 'American Samoa'); Insert 0 1 Postgres = # Enter in the values of the countries ('A', 'Andorra'); enter 0 1 Postgres = # Insert in Values of the countries ('ao', 'angola'); enter 0 1 postgres = # insert in the values of the countries ('ai', 'anguilla'); enter 0 1 postgres = # to insert in the values of the countries ('aq', 'Antarctica'); enter 0 1 Postgres = # Enter in the values of Countries ('AG', and Barbuda '); Insert 0 1 postgres = # insert in the values of the countries ('ar', 'argentina'); Enter 0 1 When you're done, check that records are successfully entered: success: Select * from countries; ? countryID | ? ? ? countryname ----------- + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALA ? ? ? ? ? ? | Albania ? DZ? ? ? ? | Algeria ? ? ? | American Samoa ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Andorra ? Ao ? ? ? | Angola ? ? ? ? | Anguilla ? Aq ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Here is a PHP script that illustrates the process: < < < < < < < < < < > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > < < < < < < > > > > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > < < < > > > < < < > > > > > < < < < < < < < Php // attempt a connection $ dbh = pg_connect ("host = localhost dbname = user test = postgres)); if (! $ DBH) {? Die ("Error in connection:". PG_LAST_ERROR ()); } // Run $ sql query = "Select * from countries"; $ Result = PG_Query ($ DBH, $ SQL); if (! $ Result) {? Die ("Error in SQL query:". PG_LAST_ERROR ()); } // Iterate on the results set // Print each line while ($ row = pg_fetch_array ($ Result)) {? ? Echo "country code:". $ row [0]. " " ? ? ? Echo "Name of the country:". $ line [1]. "" } // Free memory PG_Free_RESULT ($ Result); // close the pg_close connection ($ dbh); > Follow these four standard steps to query SQL on a PostgreSQL database with PHP: Create a connection to the RDBMS server by calling the PG_CONNECT function () and passing a string containing information about the host name, database username and password ("host = localhost dbname = user test = postgres"). If a connection to the server is possible, a new connection resource will be returned; Otherwise, the PG_Connect function () will return false. Create the SQL query string and run it with the PG_Query method (). For successful query, a result object is returned; For unsuccessful ones, the function returns false. If a query is not successful, you can recover the reason for failure via a pg_last_error call (). For selected queries, you can further process the result object to extract data from it. The easiest way to process the result object is with a bit() loop, which calls PG_Fetch_array () to recover the next record in the result set as an indexed numerical array; This continues until records are left for the process. If you prefer that each record is returned as an array indexed by strings, pass pg_fetch_array () the PGSQL_Assoc flag as an additional argument. End the database session by destroying the result object with PG_Free_Result () and closing the connection to the database with PG_CLUSE (). Adding and editing data The PG_Query method () also works with Insert, update and delete queries as it does with the selected queries. To illustrate this point, consider the following list, which requires the user to enter a country name and code and then generates an input query to save the data sent in the database with PG_QUERY (): ? < body < body> < body Php se ($ _post ['invia']) {? // Tent a connection ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $ dbh = pg_connect ("host = localhost dbname = user test = postgres)); ? ? ? If (! $ DBH) {? ? ? "Beam in connection:". Pg_last_error ()); ? ? ?} ? // Escape strings in input data ? ? ? ? ? Stock = PG_ESCAPE_STRING ($ _ POST ['cCode']); ? $ NAME = PG_ESCAPE_STRING ($ _ POST ['CNAME']); ? ? // Perform query ? ? ? ? ? ?l sql = "Insert the values of countries (countryname, countryname) ('$ code', '$ name')"; ? $ Result = PG_QUERY ($ DBH, $ SQL); ? ? ? IF (! $ Result) {Die ("Error in SQL query:". PG_LAST_ERROR ()); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "The data entered successfully!"; ? ? // Memory?, ?, ?, ?, ?, pg_free_result ($ Result); ?, ?, // Close connection ?, ?, ?, ?, pg_close ($ dbh); }?> ?,

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