1. The practice of phrasal verbs

The author prepared presentation of phrasal verbs in six different methods. Each method presented no more than 5-6 phrasal verbs and consisted of three stages: presentation, practice, and production. There were variety of methods in order not to get the students bored. The main task of the informants was to find out the meaning of phrasal verbs and implement the knowledge of these phrasal verbs into practice..

1.1. Plan of Task 1 – Introducing phrasal verbs in physical context

School: junior high school

Level: Intermediate

Number of students: 15

Teaching points: Introducing new phrasal verbs

Overall aim of the task: To provide and practice new verbs

Length: 10 minutes

Materials: BB, a chalk, a book, sheet of papers with

exercise on them

Author’s special notes: It is important:

( To prepare enough copies of the sheet of papers with


( To prepare chalk which is useful at the stage of


( To make sure that every student has a book, a pen,

and a copybook

( To know that it is a good element of lesson, especially

for young people

Presentation stage

Teacher’s activity:

It is essential to explain what a phrasal verbs are and why they are used (see the Theory Part p. ). Teacher writes six verbs on the board (BB) and draw Ss attention that these verbs are the roots of phrasal verbs. They are used in a very literal sense showing mostly the direction, place, or physical orientation.

Practice stage

Teacher’s activity:

T asks Ss to look at T and do what T does and checks if Ss know the meaning of verbs

Students’ activity:

Ss practice this physical and oral activity twice or three times.

Stand up and then sit down

Pick up your pen then write down some words in your copybooks

Take your paper and turn it over

Open your books then cover up page with a piece of paper

Production stage

Students’ activity:

S is asked to give Ss simple orders by using new phrasal verbs. Then they write down the verbs in their copybooks.

1.2. Plan of Task 2 – In the context of a sentence

School: junior high school

Level : Intermediate

Number of students: 15

Teaching points: Introducing new phrasal verbs which are

useful in everyday life

Overall aim of the task: To provide and practice new phrasal verbs

Length: 15-20 minutes

Materials: BB, a coloured chalk, sheets of paper with

exercises on them

Author’s special notes: It is important:

( To prepare enough copies of the sheets of paper with


( To prepare a coloured chalk which is useful in the

presentation stage

( To teach verbs which are common in everyday life

( To know that guessing the meaning of a verb from

the context of a sentence is an exciting activity

Presentation stage

Teacher’s activity:

T explains the Ss’ task while distributing the sheets of paper with exercises, then writes the verbs on the BB. Ss are to guess the meaning of the verbs. They are divided into groups and get points. T presents the first verb in the sentences.

Practice stage

Ss’ activity:

They read the sentences aloud and give the meaning of the verbs in the context.

1 Sharon will be late for work today.

Her car broke down on the way to the freeway.

His taxi broke down on the way to the airport. He missed the plane.

2 Tim and Julie aren’t going steady any more.

They got really angry each other and broke up.

I’m sorry to hear that their marriage broke up.

I’m sure the divorce will be difficult for the children.

3 Lucy’s parents died when she was a baby.

Her grandparents brought her up.

Zosia and her husband are Catholics.

They’ll bring their children up as Catholics.

4 We don’t have school today.

The mayor called classes off today because of snow.

My flight will be called off because of dense fog.

I must call off my birthday party because I’m sick.

5 I’ve lost my extra car keys.

If you come across them while you are cleaning the room, please put them in a

save place .

I came across my best schoolmate when I was traveling around Scotland.

6 George won’t be at the office today. He came down with the flu over the


I think I will come down with flu.

I’m tired, weak, and have a terrible sore throat.

Production stage

Ss’ activity:

Ss in their groups write sentences using new verbs, whereupon sentences are read aloud across the class.

1.3. Plan of Task 3 – Miming

School: junior high school

Level: Intermediate

Number of students: 15

Teaching points: Introducing new phrasal verbs grouping by

a main verb - take

Overall aim of the task: To provide and practice new phrasal verbs

Length: 15-20 minutes

Materials: BB, a coloured chalk, strips of paper with

the description of phrasal verbs

containing the verb take

Author’s special notes: It is important:

( To explain to Ss that not only are these

phrasal verbs closely linked with one

main verb, but also the same phrasal verb

(the same particle) can have different


( To allow Ss to divide themselves into

groups in order to achieve better effect

in their work

( To prepare enough stripes of phrasal

verbs for three groups

Presentation stage

Teacher’s activities:

At first, T writes all the verbs on the BB with a coloured chalk. After that, T gives each group stripes with two different phrasal verbs with explanation of meaning in English and asks to mime them or present a drama without using new phrasal verbs. It is essential to control working in groups. T gives advice and checks the Ss’ ideas.

Practice stage

Students’ activity:

Ss work in groups on the given task. The group presents its work and the rest of the class guesses the meaning of the verbs in the Polish language.

Group I

Take off – leave ground (plane)

Take back – retract sth you said

Group II

Take off – leave school/work for a period; take 2 days off

Take back – return an item to a store

Group III

Take off – remove (a play)

Take in – deceive a person

Production stage

Ss’ activity:

Ss are asked to write six simple sentences using new phrasal verbs as homework.

1.4. Plan of Task 4 – Own story

School: junior high-school

Level: Intermediate

Number of students: 15

Teaching points: Introducing new phrasal verbs which are

chosen by students

Overall aim of the task: to provide and practice new phrasal verbs

Length: 10-15 minutes

Materials: BB

Author’s special notes: It is important:

( To suggest some verbs and Ss decide to

choose only five of them

( To be aware that Ss can make their own


( It is essential to say that this exercise is

more interesting and demanding when

the class can work in computers class

where there is an access to the Internet

Presentation stage

Teacher’s activity:

T presents some phrasal verbs and makes the students propose their own. Finally, five verbs are written on the BB. After a while T instructs Ss that they are to write their own funny story with new verbs, doing their best to use their imagination. Ss can work in a small group (2-3 Ss) or do it individually.

Practice stage

Teacher’s activity:

T explains how new phrasal verbs work in a sentence, which verb sets are separable and reminds Ss of irregular forms of some verbs.

Catch on – to understand

Take to – to like; to be kind or favorable

Throw up – to vomit

Show off ( in front of) – to behave so as to try to get admiration for oneself, one’s abilities, etc.

Step down – to stop doing sth

Productuction stage

Ss’ activity:

Ss write their stories using computers, they can consult with T. Lastly, Ss send the stories on their e-mail address and printed ideas are brought to the school.

1.5. Plan of Task 5 - Pictographs

School: junior high school

Level: Intermediate

Number of students: 15

Teaching points: Introducing new phrasal verbs with their

opposite meanings

Overall aim of the task: To provide and practice new verbs

Length: 10 minutes

Materials: BB, 4 pictographs of phrasal verbs, and

small ones for Ss

Author’s special notes: It is important:

( To have 15 copies of pictographs for Ss

( To bring 4 pictographs and hang them up on the BB

( To be aware that guessing the meanings of pictographs is

involving and makes the exercise funny

Presentation stage

Teacher’s activity:

T hangs up the pictographs with written phrasal verbs and elicits the Polish explanation of the verbs from Ss.

Practice stage

Students’ activity:

Ss say the meaning of the verbs (also the opposite meanings) in Polish language.

[pic] [pic] [pic]


turn on # turn off

hang up # take down

take in # let out

put up # pull down

Production stage

Students’ activity:

Ss give simple oral orders using new phrasal verbs across the class. They stick their small pictures with glue in their copybooks.

1.6. Plan of Task 6 – In the context of a story

School: junior high school

Level: Intermediate

Number of students: 15

Teaching points: Introducing new phrasal verbs connected

with fire

Overall aim of the task: To provide and practice new verbs

Length: 15 minutes

Materials: BB, sheets of paper with exercises on them

Author’s special notes: It is important:

● To know that blaze as a hazardous and useful device is

is liked by students

● To prepare a coloured chalk (at the stage presentation)

● To prepare enough copies of exercises

Presentation stage

Teacher’s activity:

Using a red chalk, T writes a “warmer” question: What is fire/ blaze? on the board. Secondly, T explains a subject and distributes sheets of paper with exercises and writes five phrasal verbs. Finally, T pre-teaches some new vocabulary (if necessary)

Practice stage

Students’ activity:

Ss try to guess the meaning of the verbs, they say them in Polish.

Hotel Blaze Escape Drama (A. Cirocki; Teaching Phrasal Verbs...)

At present it is not known how the fire started. It seems the fire, broke out in the early hours of the morning. The fire alarm went off at around 2.00 a.m. It is thought it was set off by smoke coming from one of the bedroom on the floor. The fire spread quickly from the first floor to the second floor. The fire brigade were called in immediately and fire fighters were on the scene within 15 minutes, but by this time hotel was already in flames. They fought the blaze and managed to get in under control, though it look them to hours to put the fire out.

Production stage

Students’ activity:

Ss are asked to translate the following sentences into English.

1. Jeden papieros może wywołać pożar.

2. Natychmiast zatelefonuj do straży pożarnej.

3. Pożar wybuchł w lesie.

4. Niestety alarm nie włączył się.

5. Na szczęście strażacy ugasili pożar.

Opracowanie Grażyna Wawrzyniak

nauczyciel języka angielskiego


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