Current Events Format

Current Event Format: Physical Education

Ms. Fields


Clip, photocopy, or download an article from a mainstream newspaper (a reliable, online newspaper is acceptable) or magazine that interests you. Articles from newspapers, magazines, and online should be within the last 6 months. Online articles must include the title, date and full URL.

The topic must relate to Physical Education or Health. Choose reputable online sources.

Attach the article to your paper and address the following questions in paragraph form:

✓ Paragraph #1: Restate the article in your own words. Then explain why this article is important?

✓ Paragraph #2: Discuss the relevance of this article to class. What impact does this have on humans? Teens? Is there a positive or negative outcome. Be as thorough as possible in discussing your article.

✓ Paragraph #3: Clearly state your opinion about the article and the topic in general. Support your opinion with facts, past experiences, personal beliefs, and so on.

I will read the actual article that you have attached to your written assignment. Concentrate on writing a thoughtful and complete RESPONSE to the article you have chosen.

You will be graded on the thoughtfulness of your reflection about the topic, the clarity of your writing, the effort you have devoted to the assignment, and your ability to follow directions.

a) Your assignment must be a MINIMUM of three paragraphs.

b) It must be typed (12 pt. Times New Roman font) and double-spaced.

c) Current Event is DUE the last P.E. class meeting for the week. This is your participation grade for the week.

Your assignment must be turned in at the start of class while roll is being taken. No LATE CREDIT will be given. [Note: No exceptions will be made! You may turn in your assignment EARLY!]

If you have any questions please see Ms. Fields before your assignment is due.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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