UNIT PLAN - Mesa Athletics



|___Frisbee___UNIT |Grade Level |

|Length of unit: 3 Weeks | | |7th Graders |8th Graders |9th Graders |

|Written By: Jessica Darst, Smith Junior High | | | | | |

|Educational Objectives & Standards |

|Unit Objectives |State Standards |

|To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |1PA- E1-PO1, E2-PO2 |

| |E3-PO1, E4-PO1, E5-PO1 |

|2. To learn and practice various Frisbee catches. |3PA- E2-PO1 |

|3. To become proficient in aiming the Frisbee. |4PA- E1-PO1, E2-PO2 |

|4. To learn and practice various Frisbee throws. |5PA- E2-PO1, E3-PO1, E4-PO1 |

|5. To be exposed to a Frisbee-Golf course. |6PA- E2-PO2 |

|6. To experience scoring a Frisbee-Golf course. |7PA- E1-PO2 |

|7. To participate in an Ultimate Frisbee game. | |

|8. To understand the rules and strategies of Ultimate Frisbee. | |

|9. To be exposed to the novelty Spin Jammers. | |

| | |

|Mastery Elements |

|Backhand Throw |Frisbee Golf Strategies | |

|Bowling Throw |Frisbee Golf Scoring |

|Thumber Throw |Frisbee Golf Etiquette |

|Sidearm Throw |Ultimate Frisbee Rules |

|C-Catch |Game Strategies | |

|Sandwich Catch | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Daily Overview |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Throws |Group Jigsaw |-Review Skills |-Review Skills |Spin Jammers |

|-Backhand |-Groups of 4, teach skill to |-Pass to a moving partner |5 Pass |(Frisbee w/ center ring) |

|-Bowling |their own group. |5 Pass |-Try to complete 5 (or let |-Individual tricks |

|-Thumber |Game: 21 |-Try to complete 5 passes |students choose #) passes |-Partner tricks |

|-Sidearm | |without interceptions or any |without interceptions or any | |

|Catches | |drops |drops | |

|-Sandwich Catch | | |-Establish Man-On-Man defense | |

|-C-Catch | | | | |

|Game: 21 | | | | |

|Day 6 |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |

|Ultimate Frisbee |Ultimate Frisbee |Ultimate Frisbee |Frisbee Softball |Frisbee Softball |

|-4 teams |-review rules |-review rules |-One big game or two smaller |-One big game or two smaller |

|-Discuss rule |-make playing area larger than |-Game 2 of tournament |games. |games. |

|-Practice game |yesterday | | | |

| |-Game 1 of tournament | | | |

|Day 11 |Day 12 |Day 13 |Day 14 |Day 15 |

|Frisbee Golf |Frisbee Golf |Frisbee Golf |Frisbee Program Practice Sheet |Frisbee Written Test |

|-Set up course before |-Set up course before |-Set up course before |-Teacher can watch skills or do|-If there is remaining time, |

|school-designate each “hole” |school-designate each “hole” |school-designate each “hole” |the activity with a partner. |students may choose between |

|with a hula hoop and |with a hula hoop and |with a hula hoop and | |Ultimate, 5-Pass, or Frisbee |

|well-marked cone or flag. |well-marked cone or flag. |well-marked cone or flag. | |Golf. |

|-Students record their |-Students record their |-Students record their | | |

|“strokes” or throws for each |“strokes” or throws for each |“strokes” or throws for each | | |

|hole. |hole. |hole. | | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 1 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To learn fundamental throws and catches used with Frisbee’s. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| |Throws |

|THROWS |Backhand-thumb on top, fingers on bottom, regular Frisbee throw. Step with|

|Backhand Throw |same foot as throwing arm. |

|Bowling Throw |Bowling-backhand grip, step w/opposite foot. Frisbee goes from vertical to|

|Thumber |horizontal, behind body, to out in front. |

|Sidearm |Thumber-thumb under, fingers on top, bring it down from ear. |

| |Sidearm-same throw as thumber, but put index and middle finger under disc,|

|CATCHES |and thumb on top. |

|Sandwich Catch |Catches |

|2) C-Catch |Sandwich- one hand on top, one hand on bottom |

| |C-Catch- above waist, thumbs down, below waist, thumbs up. Make a “pacman”|

| |with hands. This can be one-handed or two-handed. |

|Closure: |Review: |

|Game “21” |Demonstration of each throw and catch, question group on what each throw |

|-Work with a partner trying to reach 21 points. With each successful throw and|is called and what each catch is called. |

|catch, the group gets 2 points for a one-handed catch, and 1 point for a | |

|two-handed catch. | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbee’s, cones, Jigsaw signs |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 2 LOCATION: Outside Fields |

|STANDARDS: 1PA-E1-PO1,PO2, 5PA-E3, 6PA-E2-PO2 |

|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To learn fundamental throws and catches used with Frisbee’s. |

|Work cooperatively as a teacher and a learner. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: Group Jigsaw | |

| | |

|Teacher makes 4 signs, each sign has a Frisbee throw. The sign has a picture |-Give students adequate time to re-learn the skill at the sign. |

|of the throw and corresponding cues. Each sign is placed on a cone in the four|-Give signal for students to return to original group. |

|outer corners of the field. |-Instruct “1’s to begin teaching group”, give time to teach then signal |

| |for the next teacher to begin. |

|If you don’t want to review the skills from yesterday in the jigsaw, add new | |

|skills. | |

| | |

| | |

|*Groups of 4 Students | |

|-students number off 1-4 | |

|-each number goes to the correlating sign, for a Frisbee | |

|“jigsaw”. Students go to a station with a specific Frisbee | |

|throw and catch. They learn the skill by reading the sign, | |

|then they bring what they learned back to the group and | |

|teach their group of four students | |

|Closure: |Review: |

|Game “21” |Discuss positives and frustrations to teaching to a group. |

|-Work with group trying to reach 21 points. With each successful throw and |-What made a good teacher? |

|catch, the group gets 2 points for a one-handed catch, and 1 point for a |-How could you have been a better student? |

|two-handed catch. | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones, pinnies |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 3 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To learn fundamental throws and catches used with Frisbee’s. |

|To apply skills in a game situation, play defense, and move to throw and catch. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

|-Review throws and catches with partner |-Receiver begins walking slowly in one direction with hands out so thrower|

|-Practice throwing to a moving target |can see target |

| |-As groups get better, move to a slow jog |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|5-Pass | |

|-play 5 on 5, or 4 on 4 |Rules- |

|-designate teams with pinnies or flags |1. Object- complete 5 passes to team without dropping the Frisbee or |

| |having an interception. |

|*As games continues, move teams to play different |2. Anytime Frisbee touches ground, the other team gets it, and starts at |

|opponents. |zero passes |

| |3. When team reaches 5 passes, they earn a point and turn the Frisbee over|

| |to the other team. |

|Closure: | |

|Discussion: | |

|-What throws worked best in the game situation? | |

|-What catches worked best in the game? | |

|-What strategies could be used while playing | |

|defense? | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones, pinnies |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 4 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To become proficient in one or more Frisbee throws or catches. |

|To help team-mates on offense and defense. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

|-Review throws and catches with partner | |

|-Practice throwing to a moving target | |

| | |

|5-Pass |Rules- |

|-play 5 on 5, or 4 on 4 |1. Object- complete 5 passes to team without dropping the Frisbee or |

|-designate teams with pinnies or flags |having an interception. |

| |2. Anytime Frisbee touches ground, the other team gets it, and starts at |

|*As games continues, move teams to play different |zero passes |

|opponents. |3. When team reaches 5 passes, they earn a point and turn the Frisbee over|

| |to the other team. |

| |*Variations: Let students choose their level of difficulty by choosing how|

| |many throws they want reach before they earn a point- maybe between 3 and |

| |8. |

| |**Discuss Man-on-Man defense |

| |***Establish a 2-step distance on defense |

| |****Boundaries or no boundaries |

|Closure: | |

|Discussion: | |

|-How does it make you feel when one person on your team does not move to throw| |

|or catch passes? | |

|-What would be a good way to help that team member? | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Spin Jammers, Music |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 5 LOCATION: Outside Fields |

|STANDARDS: 7PA-E2, E3, 1PA-E1-PO3 |

|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To take a break from basic throws/catches and try a fun novel activity. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

|Spin Jammers are a Frisbee with a notch on the bottom of the Frisbee that |*This activity day can replace any day that it rains or on a short day. |

|allows you to spin the Frisbee on your finger. They are inexpensive in the |Spin Jammers can be done inside in a small area. |

|Sportime catalog and are a good weight Frisbee for throws, catches, and | |

|Ultimate Frisbee games. | |

| | |

|Spin Jammers | |

| |Ways to Start Spin: |

|Individual Activities |1) Use inside cup with two fingers. |

|1) Spin on own finger |2) Toss up from outside lip of Frisbee. |

|2) Toss from hand to hand | |

|3) Under leg and toss up to finger | |

|4) Toss behind back and catch | |

| | |

|Partner Activities | |

|1) Toss back and forth to finger | |

|2) Under leg, or behind back then to partner | |

|3) Invent new tricks | |

|Closure: | |

| | |

|Put on music and let students come up with routines with the Spin Jammers. | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones, pinnies |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 6 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To apply skills in an Ultimate Frisbee game. |

|To use rules and apply them in the game |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| | |

|Ultimate Frisbee | |

|Review throws and catches with a partner. |Rules: |

|Ultimate Frisbee |Can’t run with the disc. |

|-set up four teams so you can have two games |Person w/disc has 5 seconds to pass to someone on team. |

|going. |When offense drops disc, it goes to other team who picks up the game where|

|-set up two large rectangles with end zones for |they dropped the pass. |

|scoring. |Arms-distance defense |

|-designate teams with pinnies or flags. |To score, you must receive a pass inside the end zone. |

| |6. Can play with a 3 or 5 step rule- when you |

| |have the disc you can take 3 or 5 steps |

| |before you must pass. |

|Closure: | |

|1. Talk about defensive strategies, ways to intercept passes. | |

|2. Discuss movement in the game- How you most benefit | |

|your team on offense? Where should you move to? | |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones, pinnies, tournament papers |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 7 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To apply skills in an Ultimate Frisbee game. |

|To use rules and apply them in the game. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| | |

|Choose teams for a 2-day tournament | |

|Record teams and let them choose a team name. | |

| | |

|Ultimate Frisbee | |

|Warm up throws and catches with team. |Review: |

|Ultimate Frisbee |-rules for defense |

|-set up two rectangles with end zones. |- movement of the game |

|-talk about rules | |

|-designate teams with pinnies or flags. | |

|-make playing field bigger than Day 1. | |

| | |

|Closure: | |

|Discuss: | |

|-Questions about rules? | |

|-Tournament results | |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones, pinnies |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 8 LOCATION: Outside Fields |

|STANDARDS: 1PA-E1-PO1,PO2, 1PA-E2-PO1, PO2, 3PA-E2-PO1 |

|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To apply skills in an Ultimate Frisbee game. |

|To use rules and apply them in the game. |

|To work with team to become more efficient. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| | |

|Game 2 of tournament | |

| | |

|Ultimate Frisbee |Review: |

| |-rules for defense, change if necessary |

|-keep same teams as day 2, play a different |- movement of the game |

|opponent. | |

|-set up two large rectangles with end zones for | |

|scoring. | |

|-designate teams with pinnies or flags. | |

| | |

| | |

|Closure: | |

|Discuss: | |

|-Tournament results | |

|-Ways to set up own Ultimate Frisbee games at home | |

|-Leagues in the area | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, bases |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 9 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To intermix rules of various sports in a game situation. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| | |

|Frisbee Softball |Rules: |

|-Play one big game, or two smaller games for more |Pitcher throws disc to batter who must catch disk, then throw it into |

|participation. |play. |

| |If batter drops the pitch, it is considered a strike. |

| |No bunting or stealing. |

| |4. Regular softball rules otherwise. |

|Closure: | |

|Discuss: | |

|-Strategies for getting on base | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, bases |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 10 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To intermix rules of various sports in a game situation. |

|To work as a team to cover all zones of the softball field. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| | |

|Frisbee Softball | |

|-Play one big game, or two smaller games for more |Rules: |

|participation. |1. Pitcher throws disc to batter who must catch disk, then |

| |throw it into play. |

| |2. If batter drops the pitch, it is considered a strike. |

| |3. No bunting or stealing. |

| |4. Regular softball rules otherwise. |

|Closure: | |

|Discuss: | |

|-How can outfielders help infielders cover their bases? | |

| |

|DATE: ________EQUIPMENT: Frisbee’s, hula hoops, cones w/ numbered flags, scorecards, pencils |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 11 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To be exposed to a Frisbee-Golf course. |

|To experience scoring a Frisbee-Golf course. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: Frisbee Golf |-This course takes a lot of set-up in the morning, but is easily run once |

|Students get a partner, one double-sided score sheet, one pencil, and two |students get the hang of it. This day carries over great into a golf unit.|

|Frisbees. |It can be done on a hot day, since students only walk from throw to throw.|

|Show students the course either by a printed out map, drawing on a board | |

|inside, or just show them when you get outside. |-Discus golf etiquette before beginning course. |

|Send groups to start at different holes, designated by flags on cones at each | |

|hula hoop (hole). | |

|One partner throws their Frisbee toward the next hole, then partner two does | |

|the same. The partner with the Frisbee closest to the hole throws first. Each | |

|throw counts as a point, or “stroke” like in golf. They record this number on | |

|the scorecard. | |

|Each station can be marked with a par, so students can learn golf terminology.| |

|Students walk throughout the course, recording their scores. | |

|The Frisbee must be completely inside the hula hoop to complete that hole. If | |

|it goes in, then bounces out, students have to use another stroke to finish | |

|the hole. | |

|Closure: | |

|-Discuss: | |

|Why is it important in golf to wait until the group before you is completely | |

|finished with the hole? | |

| |

|DATE: ________EQUIPMENT: Frisbee’s, hula hoops, cones w/ numbered flags, scorecards, pencils |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 12 LOCATION: Outside Fields |


|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To be exposed to a Frisbee-Golf course. |

|To experience scoring a Frisbee-Golf course. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: Frisbee Golf | |

|1) Students get a partner, one double-sided score sheet, |Use the same course on Day 2. Day 1 usually takes awhile for students to |

|one pencil and two Frisbees. |get started and figure out where they are going. On Day 2 of the same |

|2) Show students the course either by a printed out map, |course, students usually complete all 9 holes and are getting more |

|drawing on a board inside, or just show them when you |accurate. |

|get outside. | |

|3) Send groups to start at different holes, designated by |Discus golf etiquette before beginning course. |

|flags on cones at each hula hoop (hole). | |

|4) One partner throws their Frisbee toward the next hole, | |

|then partner two does the same. The partner with the | |

|Frisbee closest to the hole throws first. Each throw | |

|counts as a point, or “stroke” like in golf. They record | |

|this number on the scorecard. | |

|5) Each station can be marked with a par, so students can | |

|learn golf terminology. | |

|6) Students walk throughout the course, recording their | |

|scores. | |

|7) The Frisbee must be completely inside the hula hoop | |

|to complete that hole. If it goes in, then bounces out, | |

|students have to use another stroke to finish the hole. | |

|Closure: | |

|Discuss: | |

|-Results of course as compared to yesterday | |

|-What strategies did you use to make throws more | |

|accurate? | |

| |

|DATE: ________EQUIPMENT: Frisbee’s, hula hoops, cones w/ numbered flags, scorecards, pencils |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 13 LOCATION: Outside Fields |

|STANDARDS: 5PA-E2-PO1, 5PA-E4-PO1, 7PA-E2-PO1 |

|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To be exposed to a Frisbee-Golf course. |

|To experience scoring a Frisbee-Golf course. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| | |

|Frisbee Golf Course Day 3 |Review golf etiquette and scoring |

|-Review rules of Frisbee Golf with students | |

|-Create a new course | |

|-Make holes more difficult by adding obstacles in | |

|between holes | |

|Closure: | |

|Discuss: | |

|-Local Frisbee golf courses | |

|-Talk about how professionals use different weighted | |

|Frisbees. Why would they do this? | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones, pencils, program practice sheets |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 14 LOCATION: Outside Fields |

|STANDARDS: 1PA-E1-PO1,PO2, 1PA-E3-PO1, 1PA-E4-PO1 |

|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To see how students have progressed in accuracy. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: |Teacher may choose their own form of assessment of students. |

| | |

|Frisbee Program Practice Sheet | |

|(used for assessment of skills) | |

| | |

|See attached sheet | |

|Teacher may choose to check off student skills, or have students do it with | |

|peers. | |

|Teacher may add to or change skills as taught in their own unit. | |

|Add sheet to student’s portfolio for proof for student’s grade. | |

|Closure: | |

|Students choose game for last two days game time: | |

|-Ultimate, 5-pass, or Frisbee Softball | |

| |

|DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: Frisbees, cones, pencils, tests |

| |

|UNIT: Frisbee Day: 15 LOCATION: Outside Fields |

|STANDARDS: 1PA-E1-PO1,PO2, 1PA-E3-PO1, 1PA-E4-PO1 |

|OBJECTIVE: To improve cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength, and abdominal strength. |

|To test student knowledge of games and throws. |


|Intro: | |

|Fitness: | |

|Lesson Focus: | |

| | |

|Frisbee Written Test | |

|-Find an area where students can spread out | |

|-Administer test with a specific activity when finished | |

|so students don’t bother those finishing test. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Student Choice of Game for remaining time | |

|-Ultimate, 5-pass, or Frisbee Golf | |

|Closure: | |

|Discuss: | |

|-How could you incorporate Frisbee into your activities | |

|after school and on weekends? | |

|-What opportunities are there in the community for | |

|Frisbee? | |

Frisbee Written Test

Directions: Circle the answer that you believe best fits the question.

1. Frisbee throws that come directly across the front of the body are known as:

A) Forehand Throws

B) Backhand Throws

C) Diagonal Throws

2. When catching a Frisbee above the waist using a C-Catch, your thumbs should be facing down. True / False

3. On a “Thumber Throw” your thumb should be on top of the Frisbee.

True / False

4. On a “Bowling Throw” the Frisbee should go from horizontal to vertical.

True / False

5. In the game of Ultimate Frisbee to score you must:

A) Run into the end zone with the Frisbee

B) Throw the Frisbee into the end zone

C) Catch the Frisbee in the end zone

D) Complete five passes.

6. In the game of Ultimate Frisbee a turnover occurs when:

A) the Frisbee goes out of bounds

B) when the Frisbee is intercepted

C) when the Frisbee is dropped

D) all of the above.

7. When playing Frisbee Golf the proper etiquette is to let the person farthest from the whole throw first.

True / False

8. Critical Thinking:

Why is it important in golf to wait until the group before you is completely finished with the hole before you begin?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


1. B

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. C

6. D

7. False

8. Safety/Courtesy

Frisbee Program Practice Sheet

|Self |Peer |Teacher |Skills |

|  |  |  |Backhand Throw 10 times |

|  |  |  |C-Catch, Two Hand (Thumbs Down) 5 times |

|  |  |  |C-Catch, Two Hand (Thumbs Up) 5 times |

|  |  |  |C-Catch, One Hand (Either way) 5 times |

|  |  |  |Bowling Throw 10 times |

|  |  |  |Sandwich Catch 10 times |

|  |  |  |Choose 1 type of forehand throw 5 times (Thumber or Sidearm) |

|  |  |  |Spin and Self Catch (right hand) 5 times |

|  |  |  |Spin and Self Catch (left hand) 5 times |

|  |  |  |Pass the Spinning Frisbee to a Partner 5 times |

|  |  |  |One Trick with the Spinning Frisbee (under leg, around back, back to front) 3 times |

| | | | |

|Name:____________________________________ |

|Partner Name:_____________________________ |

|Class Period:______________________________ |


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