Physical Education Class Procedure

Physical Education Class Procedures

Mrs. Bittner Ms. Zeits Mr. Jacobs Mr. Garcia


Physical Education is an integral part of a balanced education. This course will provide all students with an opportunity to learn about general movement concepts and apply them to a variety of physical activities. We strive to offer a developmental and age appropriate program in which to provide students with the knowledge and ability needed to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. Our main goals include:

• Movement Skills and Movement Knowledge

• Self Image and Personal Physical Development

• Social Development within a physically active setting

Student Responsibilities:

1. Come to class each day completely prepared with all materials including:

a. Complete Physical Education uniform (MVPE t-shirt and shorts)

b. Shoes that tie (no slip ons)

c. A water bottle is optional and is a privilege that can be removed by misuse.

2. Come to class ready to learn and participate with an open mind and a positive attitude.

3. Always be respectful to your teacher and other students.

Classroom Consequences:

1. Teacher will usually provide a warning on the first offense.

2. The second offense will result in a teacher detention .

3. The third offense will result in a parent teacher phone call.

4. Referral to office.

5. “Pantsing” is an automatic suspension.

Keep in mind that some issues require a faster progression through the consequences.


1. Sit on roll call number or roll spot facing your teacher.

2. If roll begins and you are not in your spot you are TARDY.

3. Do not touch any equipment or apparatus that is set up for class.

4. If a student brings a medical excuse and cannot participate in class activities they must speak to their teacher about how to make up classwork. Options may include writing a report on an assigned topic or completing a PE make-up.


1. You are responsible for knowing each exercise (name, muscles involved and purpose).

2. Warm-ups are part of your participation grade.

3. If you are excused from activity by a note, gentle stretching and modified activities may still be possible.

Class Activity:

1. Stay with your class at all times. Do not leave the P.E. area without teacher’s permission.

2. If balls go over fence into drainage ditch by the blacktop you must notify the teacher.

3. Students must report all injuries to teacher immediately using the number code: #1 (minor injury), #2 (possibly serious), #3 (serious, send for help).

Locker Room:

1. No food, gum or drinks allowed in locker room, gym or class activities. No glass containers or aerosol sprays allowed in locker room.

2. Students must be in locker room before tardy bell. Front doors will be locked after bell.

3. Be prepared to dress out every day (Rainy days included) unless the board gives other instructions.

4. Use bathroom during dressing time because the locker room will be locked during class activities.

5. Loaners are available with a student ID or agenda. Loaners must be requested before the teacher leaves the Physical Education office. Loaners must be returned immediately after your class is over.

6. Do not change lockers without teacher’s permission.

7. Do not share lockers, combinations or uniforms with anyone.

8. Lock up your valuables!!!!!

9. Do not leave locks or items in long lockers after your physical education class.

10. Backpacks must be left in the hallway outside the locker room.


The MVPE uniform helps students to participate in physical activity to their fullest. It consists of black shorts and ash colored T-shirt. Both garments have a name label for identification. Every student should also keep a sweatshirt and/or sweatpants in their PE locker for cooler days. Socks and any type of athletic shoe that ties and provides adequate support are required. School clothes must not be worn under the PE uniform. Any student unable to purchase a uniform should speak to their teacher and arrangements will be made to assist them. Students may not wear their MVPE uniform in any classes other than physical education.


If a student is sick or injured, a note from the parent/guardian or doctor is required to be excused from physical education class activities. A note does not excuse a student from attending class, dressing out, or participating in modified warm-ups if capable and can safely complete. Students with a cast or broken bone are not required to dress out. A note from a parent will be honored for that day. If the medical condition exceeds one day another note is needed for each day. A doctor’s note is required for an extended period of time. Please ask the doctor to be specific as to the diagnosis of your child and what he/she can safely participate in (ie. No running but may walk, no contact sports, etc) If you would like your student to have an inhaler with him/her in class they need to have the appropriate self-medication forms completed with Mrs. Gascon, our school Health Tech.

** Please hand all notes directly to your physical education teacher at the beginning of class

Make up Work

If a student brings a medical excuse and cannot participate in class activities or have excessive absences they have the opportunity to run 1.5 miles to make up a given class. PE make-ups can be done before or after school and will be held on Wednesday and Thursdays by appt. Be sure to sign-up with your teacher ahead of time if you are wishing to complete a make-up. Students should also sign-in with the teacher running the make-up.


Our main interest is each student being the best that he or she can be. We believe that taking part in class activities, trying to learn and grow and improve is far more important than how far the ball is thrown or how fast the race is run or how many games a team wins. Our grading policy attempts to foster responsibility, cooperation and a positive self-image by making a superior grade in physical education clearly attainable by all students.

Your grade is based on a point system. All participation, activities, homework, tests and quizzes are worth points.

There are 3 main categories that make up your grade:

1. Participation- including daily effort in warm-ups, fitness and unit activities

2. Fitness- mile runs, fitness logs and fitness tests

3. Written work- quizzes, tests, homework and projects

Participation is key to being successful in our class. Excessive absences or excuses from class may affect your grade. Those wilth excessive medical notes or absences should contact their teacher for make-up work.


1. After the teacher reviews important points of the lesson and all students help with equipment, students will be allowed into the locker rooms.

2. After you are dressed you must leave the locker room immediately.

3. Take your Physical Education uniform home every Thursday or Friday for washing.

PE Discipline/Detention Policy:

Behavior: immediate detention

Gum: 1 warning then detention

Tardy: 2 free then detention

Non-Suit: 1 warning (students who forget their PE uniform may borrow Loaners to avoid a Non-Suit)

Loaners/Suit-Cut: 2 warnings then detention

Leaving PE Area before passing bell: immediate

Rock Throwing:1 warning then detention

Pantsing: is and immediate class and/or school suspension

Welcome to Monte Vista Physical Education!

We look forward to having a successful year.



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