Ch - Weebly

Big Idea – Geography affects where people settle and how they live their life.


*Before you begin, type your name and class period on each page of the document. Then click “save as” and save to your personal account.

Page 1: For each section (19.3 – 19.7):

1. Read the section in your textbook

2. Write a description/summary of each physical feature in the text box provided (2-4 descriptive sentences about its climate, elevation, and vegetation).

3. Use the drawing toolbar to draw the border between Inner and Outer China as well as label each section “Inner China” and “Outer China”. (Use the map on page 184 of your textbook).

4. Label the following 8 physical features on your map by inserting a text box and writing in the name of the physical feature. (Use the map on page 184 of your textbook).

Physical Features to label:

1. Tibet Quinghai Plateau (Tibetan Plateau)

2. Taklamakan Desert

3. Gobi Desert

4. Northeastern Plain

5. North China Plain

6. Chang Jiang Basins

7. Himalaya Mountains

8. Pacific Ocean (Look on a world map if you aren’t sure where this is)

Pages 2-3: Ranking Chart

1. Use the chart on the second page of the assignment and rank each physical feature in terms of how good it is as a place to live.

o 1-5 Scale. (5 = great place to live, 1 = bad place to live)

2. Write 3 reasons to explain your ranking of each location. (What makes it so good, so bad, or ok? Think about its impact on daily life and how easy or difficult life is in that region).

3. Find a picture of each physical feature using Britanica Image Quest (IMC Page) and insert it into the 2nd column of your chart. (Not required – complete if you have enough time)

Printing: You only need to print pages 2-4

To do this:

1. Go to “file” “print” and make sure all of your work fits on the page

If it does not fit, you may need to resize your fonts/images.

2. When you are ready, click on “pages” and type in 2-4. Press “print”

Ch.13 The Geography and Early Settlement of China - Geography Challenge

Name: Class Period:

Geography Challenge -Location Ranking Chart

|Physical Feature |Picture |Ranking |Reasoning |

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|Taklamakan Desert | | | |

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|Gobi Desert | | | |

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|Northeastern Plain | | | |

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|Tibet-Qinghai Plateau | | | |

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|Chang Jiang Basins | | | |

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|North China Plain | | | |

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Ch. 19 – The Geography and Early Settlement of China

Ancient China Geography Challenge Directions



Northeastern Plain

Gobi Desert

North China Plain

Chang Jiang Basins

Tibet-Qinghai Plateau

Taklamakan Desert

Name: Class Period:


5 = Excellent

4 = Pretty good

3 = Ok

2 = Bad

1 = Awful

Name: Class Period:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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