Southington Public Schools

Southington Public Schools

Curriculum Map

Subject: Health Grade: 12 | | |

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|UNIT TITLE |#1 Addiction Prevention |#2 Contemporary Health Issues |#3 Fitness |

|CONTENT | | | |

|STATE STANDARDS |H.1.1 How behaviors can affect health maintenance and disease|H.1.1 How behaviors can affect health maintenance and disease |H.1.1 How behaviors can affect health maintenance and disease |

| |prevention. |prevention. |prevention |

| |H.1.3 Evaluate the impact of personal health behaviors on |H.1.3 Evaluate the impact of personal health behaviors on the |H.1.3 Evaluate the impact of personal health behaviors on the |

| |the functioning of body systems. |functioning of body systems. |functioning of body systems. |

| |H.1.6 Use and evaluate appropriate strategies to promote |H.1.6 Use and evaluate appropriate strategies to promote well |H.2.1 Evaluate the validity of health information and the cost of |

| |well being, delay onset, and reduce risks of potential health|being, delay onset, and reduce risks of potential health problems |products and services. |

| |problems during adulthood. |during adulthood. |H.3.1 Assess the importance of assuming responsibility for personal |

| |H.5.7 How to demonstrate avoidance, refusal, negotiation, and|H.1.7 That public health policies and government regulations can |health behaviors. |

| |collaboration skills to enhance healthy relationships. |influence health promotion and disease prevention. |H.3.2 Analyze personal health status to determine needs. |

| |H.6.3 Predict the immediate and long term impact of health |H.1.10 Describe and analyze the physical, mental, emotional, and |H.6.3 Predict the immediate and long term impact of health decisions |

| |decisions on the individual, family, and community. |sexual changes that occur over a lifetime from birth to death. |on the individual, family, and community. |

| | |H.3.1 Assess the importance of assuming responsibility for | |

| | |personal health behaviors. | |

| | |H.6.3 Predict the immediate and long term impact of health | |

| | |decisions on the individual, family, and community. | |


| | | |Andy is a senior in high school who possesses average physical |

| |There is talk of a casino being built in Southington. Argue |You have just been hired at a new job. Your employer has given you|fitness. He is looking to improve his total physical fitness. Using |

| |for or against the building of this casino. In your argument,|several health care options to choose from. Taking into account |knowledge you have gained throughout the unit, design an 8 week |

| |be sure to make relevant connections to gambling, mental vs. |your individual needs, pick a plan that would financially work for|exercise program that will help Andy reach his goal of becoming more |

| |physical addictions, current research, crime, traffic, and |you. Be sure to include company name, benefits (primary health |physically fit. Make sure to address the FITT principle as well as |

| |effects of gambling on friends, families, and communities. |care, dental), co-pays, cost of coverage per paycheck. |all five components of physical fitness. |

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|Southington Public Schools | |

|Curriculum Map | |

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|Subject: Health Grade: 12 | |

| | | | |

|UNIT TITLE |#1 Addiction Prevention |#2 Contemporary Health Issues |#3 Fitness |


| |Class discussion |• Class discussion |• Class discussion |

| |Media based articles and information |• Media based articles and information |• Media based articles and information |

| |Questioning |• Questioning |• Questioning |

| |Brain storming |• Brain storming |• Brain storming |

| |Test and quizzes |• Test and quizzes |• Test and quizzes |

|SKILLS |Students will be able to… |Students will be able to… |Students will be able to… |

| |evaluate the impact of personal health behaviors on the |evaluate the impact of personal health behaviors on the |evaluate the impact of personal health behaviors on the functioning |

| |functioning of body systems. |functioning of body systems. |of body systems. |

| |use and evaluate appropriate strategies to promote well |use and evaluate appropriate strategies to promote well being, |evaluate the validity of health information and the cost of products |

| |being, delay onset, and reduce risks of potential health |delay onset, and reduce risks of potential health problems during |and services. |

| |problems during adulthood. |adulthood. |assess the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health |

| |assess the importance of assuming responsibility for personal|describe and analyze the physical, mental, emotional, and sexual |behaviors. |

| |health behaviors. |changes that occur over a lifetime from birth to death. |analyze personal health status to determine needs. |

| |predict the immediate and long term impact of health |assess the importance of assuming responsibility for personal |predict the immediate and long term impact of health decisions on the|

| |decisions on the individual, family, and community. |health behaviors. |individual, family, and community. |

| | |predict the immediate and long term impact of health decisions on | |

| | |the individual, family, and community. | |




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