Benchmark 5th Grade Physical Science Force and Motion Test

Physical Science Force and Motion 5th Grade Benchmark Test

Multiple Choice Circle all of the answers that complete the statement or answer the question (more than one answer is possible).

1. A student uses a toy car and ramp to investigate how surface affects the speed of a rolling object. What should the student intentionally change when doing this experiment? (Choose the best answer) A. The color of the toy car B. The distance the toy car travels C. The material on which the toy car rolls D. The weight of the toy car

2. Which two tools should be used together to measure speed? (Choose all that apply) A. Balance and spring scale B. Clock and a measuring tape C. Meter stick and stopwatch D. Ruler and graduated cylinder

3. The table below contains results of an experiment testing which object would travel the farthest when sliding down a ramp.

Object Calculator Checker Pop cap


Distance (cm) 62cm 53 cm 49 cm 88 cm

Which object had the least amount of friction while sliding down the ramp? (Choose the best answer)

A. Calculator B. Checker C. Pop cap D. Quarter

4. A group was testing how sail size on their toy boat affected the distance it travelled. Their results are below.


Sail 1 Sail 2 Sail 3

Area of Sail (in sq cm)

56 104 168

Distance Trial 1 (cm)

28 112 10

Distance Trial 2 (cm)

34 205 11

Distance Trial 3 (cm)

30 157 10

Average Distance (cm)

31 158 10

What conclusion can be drawn from the group's data? (Choose the best answer) A. A mid-sized sail will travel the greatest distance. B. Small sails travel the greatest distance C. The larger the sail, the greater the distance D. Different forces were applied to the sails

5. Which describes a contact force? (Choose the best answer) A. A magnet pulling a paper clip towards it B. Air pushing a sailboat C. An electrical field D. Gravity pulling down a baseball

6. Which of the following is an example of movement caused by a non-contact force? (Choose the best answer) A. A foot kicking a soccer ball B. Paperclips being pulled toward a magnet C. Shoes rubbing against the floor D. Wind pushing against a kite

7. A student shoots a basketball. Which non-contact force causes the ball to come down as it arches towards the basket? (Choose the best answer) A. Friction between the ball and the air B. Gravity pulling the ball towards Earth C. The ball hitting the rim before bouncing in D. The student pushing the ball into the air

8. A teacher asks her students to move paperclips across a flat surface using a noncontact force. Which of the following tools should students use to complete the task? (Choose the best answer) A. Blow toy B. Magnet C. Ruler D. Vegetable Oil

9. A boy is pulling his little sister in a wagon. If his older brother comes along and they pull on the wagon together, how will this increase in force affect the motion of the wagon? (Choose the best answer) A. It will accelerate B. It will change direction C. It will continue unchanged D. It will remain at rest

10. The diagram below represents a pulley system. There is a tennis ball attached at one end of the string and a hook that can hold washers at point A.


If washers, equal to the weight of the tennis ball, are attached to the hook (A), what will happen to the tennis ball? (Choose the best answer) A. It will bounce on the ground B. It will move up C. It will not change position D. It will vibrate

11. A train is moving along a track. If the forces acting on the train are balanced, how will its motion be affected? (Choose the best answer) A. Change direction B. Continue, unchanged C. Speed up D. Stop

12. Two classes are playing tug-of-war. If the center of the rope is not moving, what must be true? (Choose all that apply) A. Both classes are pulling equally. B. Both classes have equal mass. C. The forces are balanced. D. One class is pulling harder than the other.

13. A girl is riding her bike on a smooth bike path. She starts on level ground. When she gets to a hill, she has to peddle harder to go the same speed. Why does this happen? (Choose the best answer) A. There is more wind resistance on the hill. B. Her bike is slipping backwards down the hill. C. The force of gravity is slowing down her bike. D. The friction on a hill is more than on level ground.

14. A class is testing fan-powered sailboats. If the students increase the speed of the fan blowing on the sail, what will happen to the movement of the boat? (Choose the best answer) A. It will stop. B. It will speed up. C. It will change direction. D. It will travel a shorter distance.

15. A car is driving past a house at 15 miles per hour. If the passengers in the car appear to not be moving, where would the person watching be located? (Choose the best answer) A. Looking out the window of the house at the car

B. Sitting in the back seat of the moving car

C. Standing on the side of the road as the car approaches

D. Walking on the side walk next to the car

16. A row boat is floating on the water with two passengers. The weight of the boat is pushing on the water and the water is exerting an upward force called buoyancy on the boat. What will happen if another passenger gets on the boat? (Choose the best answer)

A. It would go lower in the water. B. It would move to the left. C. It would rise higher in the water. D. It would sink to the bottom of the water.

17. Four friends wanted to compare how they ride bikes. They all rode for 10 minutes in the same direction. The table below describes their ride. Which one rode at the greatest speed? (Choose the best answer)

Friend Elijah Regina Jaleishia Devon

Distance Traveled in 10 minutes (miles) 1.0 0.5 1.3 0.8

A. Elijah B. Regina C. Jaleishia D. Devon


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