PHS 594/PHY 494 at ASU:

PHS 594/PHY 494: Physical Science with Math Modeling: mechanics and chemistry foundations (3 semester hours) Teaching core ideas in force, motion, and chemistry foundations in middle school and lower-level high school using model-based methods and science practices. Prerequisite: inservice or preservice science or mathematics teacher and one semester college physics. Recommended prerequisite: PHS 534


This course provides a deep understanding of standards-based core content in force, motion, and introductory chemistry for 8th and 9th grade science and mathematics. To exemplify effective instruction, the course is taught using a robust pedagogy, Modeling Instruction.

In 2001 the U.S. Department of Education recognized ASU's Modeling Instruction Program as one of two EXEMPLARY K-12 science programs in the nation.

Content of an entire semester course is reorganized around basic models to increase its structural coherence. Participants are supplied with a complete set of course materials (resources) and work through activities alternately in the roles of student or teacher.

The Modeling Method is introduced as a systematic approach to design of curriculum and instruction. The name Modeling Instruction expresses an emphasis on making and using conceptual models of physical phenomena as central to learning and doing science. Adoption of "models and modeling" as a unifying theme for science and mathematics education is recommended by both NSES and NCTM Standards as well as AAAS Project 2061.

Mathematics instruction is integrated seamlessly throughout the entire course by an emphasis on mathematical modeling.

Student activities are organized into modeling cycles that engage students systematically in all aspects of modeling. (See .) The teacher guides students unobtrusively through each modeling cycle, with an eye to improving the quality of student discourse by insisting on accurate use of scientific terms, on clarity and cogency of expressed ideas and arguments. After a few cycles, students know how to proceed with an investigation without prompting from the teacher. The main job of the teacher is then to supply them with more powerful modeling tools. Lecturing is restricted to scaffolding new concepts and principles on a need basis.


* focuses on force, motion, introductory chemistry, nature of science.

* aligned with Common Core Math Standards and ELA.

* aligned with Arizona Science & Math Standards.

* includes all 8 scientific practices of NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education.

* addresses multiple learning styles.

* addresses naive student conceptions.

* collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking.

* systems, models, modeling.

* coherent curriculum framework, but not a curriculum; thus flexible.

* compatible with Socratic methods, Core Knowledge, project-based instruction.

* science & math literacy.

* authentic assessments.

* high-tech and low-tech options for labs.

STUDENT LEARNING GOALS: At successful completion of this course, students will have

- improved instructional pedagogy by incorporating the modeling cycle, inquiry methods, critical and creative thinking, cooperative learning, and effective use of classroom technology in instruction,

- understood content in underpinnings (equivalencies, graphing, slope, dimensional analysis, measurement, proportional reasoning), forces, particle motion, atomic structure/periodic table, interactions of matter and energy, scientific thinking skills, and related skills in each Arizona Mathematics Standard,

- learned instructional strategies: Socratic questioning/whiteboarding/discourse, classroom management, use of standardized evaluation instruments, improved content organization,

- strengthened coordination between mathematics and physical science.


EXPECTATIONS: All participants, whether seeking ASU credit or not, are expected to do activities and homework, as described below for a “C” grade. (Non-credit participants should email the instructors, specifying which days they intend to participate, at the start of the course.)

GRADE REQUIREMENTS: (Note: Late work will not be accepted.) The following will be used to determine letter grades for those taking this course for ASU credit. Students will contract for a letter grade on the second course day. Contracting for a letter grade is not a guaranteed grade. Work must be completed at ASU standards and meet all class requirements.

"C" Class attendance and class participation in activities. Discussions, whiteboard presentations, log of activities/teacher notes in the lab book (highlighted), completion of assigned readings/reflections, worksheets, tests etc.

“B" All of the above plus a two-page (minimum) typed reflection paper discussing what was learned from the course, understanding of the Modeling approach and how the student will implement material and strategies from the course in their own classes. (For PHY 494, omit the third focus but retain the 2-page minimum.) Due on the 13th class day.

"A" All the above plus 2 activities (lesson plans) modified or developed for pilot use in the classroom this school year. Lesson plans must be in a modeling format (pre-lab discussion, exploration, post-lab discussion) and lead to constructing a model or utilizing models to solve a problem. (For PHY 494, only 1 lesson plan.) Due on the 14th class day.


50% Lab book/Log includes the following:

a. All activities are to be written in student mode in the lab book.

b. Student comments and teacher notes, which will assist in directing activities in your own classrooms, will be written and highlighted in the lab book. This will assist your instructors in assessing your understanding of material including expected student difficulties/ management and ways of addressing them.

25% Reading reflections (what, so what, now what; consider the classroom)

These are to be typed (12-font, double-spaced) one-page reactions/thoughts to reading assignments. Article name, student name (last, first) and date are to be in stacked form -- upper right corner.

25% Classroom participation


It is expected that credit-seeking participants will attend all class sessions and be on time. Students’ final grade in this course in the past has been lowered by one letter grade for each absent day after the first one, and/or excessive tardies.

In the first 5 classes, all participants who did not take the suggested prior course, PHS 534, may be asked to stay an hour after class for instruction on underpinnings and for summaries of PHS 534 content on matter and energy.

Please report any expected absences to the course instructor as soon as possible. ASU credit-seeking students who miss course time are to complete and write a reflection for all activities missed, design an activity modified or developed for pilot use in the classroom this coming year, and present results to the course instructor and peers when appropriate.

Arizona Board of Regents and ASU policies:

Each student is expected to spend a minimum of 45 hours per semester hour of credit.

Pass-fail is not an option for graduate courses.

“B” grade means average; 3.0 GPA is minimum requirement for MNS & other graduate degrees.

Incomplete: only for special circumstances. Must finish course within 1 year, or it becomes “E”.

An instructor may drop a student for non-attendance during the first two class days (in summer).

An instructor may withdraw a student with a mark of "W" or a grade of "E" only in cases of disruptive classroom behavior."


No textbook. 3-ring binder (preferably 1.5 inches thick); 6 tab inserts. Quad-ruled computation book, preferably 8 ½ inches x 11 inches (buy at ASU bookstore or Staples for ~$14). Flash drive for resources from instructor. Calculator. Instructional resources are provided by instructor to assist teachers in implementing a model-centered, guided inquiry approach to core concepts in physical science.


Mestre, Jose. “Learning and Instruction in Pre-College Physical Science” (get in print from instructor)

McDermott, Lillian. “How We Teach and How Students Learn – a Mismatch?”

http:// [free]

Hake, Richard. “Socratic Pedagogy in the Introductory Physics Laboratory”


Benezet: The teaching of arithmetic I, II, III.


Download these 6 documents at

* Whiteboarding: a learning process, by Don Yost (2 page article, 2003)

* Question Their Answers, by Brenda Royce (2-page article,TPT 2004)

* Managing Discourse during Class Discussions, by Larry Dukerich & Brenda Royce

* Physical science lab supplies list

* Chinn & Brewer: Anomalous Data (research summary)

* Daniel Schwartz & John Bransford: A Time for Telling (research summary)

* Financial Asset Model of Energy, by Patricia Westphal

Socratic Questioning Strategies: at

Jackson, Jane, Dukerich, Larry, and Hestenes, David (2008). Modeling Instruction: An Effective Model for Science Education, Science Educator 17(1): 10-17. [free]

RTOP Self-Assessment: download at

Videos of effective high school science instruction (use with RTOP Self-Assessment):

* Larry Dukerich: Newton's 2nd Law Pre-lesson Interview

* Larry Dukerich: Newton's 2nd Law Lesson

* Larry Dukerich: Newton's 2nd Law Post-lesson Interview


Motion Conception taxonomy (Hestenes & Halloun, 1985). Download at

(teacher resource) Introductory Physical Science, an outstanding 9th grade textbook. A review and weblink are at . The newest edition is best.

* The $2 Interactive Whiteboard (a blogpost)

* Derek Muller’s 15 4-minute videos on basic force and motion, that include naïve conceptions: weblinks are at

COURSE ITINERARY/SCHEDULE for summer: Units 4 and 5 are the focus of the first 8 to 9 course days; Units 6 and 7 constitute the last 6 to 7 days. The following itinerary is subject to change at discretion of the instructor.

|Day 1 |Welcome. Logistics, policies. Pre-test: Force & Motion Conceptual Evaluation. |


| |tension force, Newton’s 3rd law. Activities/Labs/Worksheets/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: RTOP Self-Assessment with Reflection paper; 3rd Law Wkst(s) |

|Day 2 |tension force, Newton’s 3rd law (continued) Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper: 3rd Law and Wkst(s) |

|Day 3 |Forces (tension force, support force) Newton’s 3rd and 1st laws. Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: TBA (To Be Announced) |

|Day 4 |Normal force (support force), weight vs mass. Newton’s 1st law. Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper: 1st Law and Wkst(s) |


| |Modeling particle motion (constant velocity model) Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Prepare lab book for grading on Day 6. TBA |

|Day 6 |Modeling particle motion (constant acceleration model). |

| |Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper: Constant/ Non Constant Motion and Wkst(s) |

|Day 7 |Modeling particle motion (accelerated motion, mass vs weight) |

| |Dynamics: constant force model (& Newton’s 2nd law) |

| |Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper: Weight vs. Mass |

|Day 8 |Dynamics: constant force model (& Newton’s 2nd law) (continued) |

| |Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper: 2nd Law and Wkst(s) |


| |Modeling the atomic structure of matter: parts of the atom. Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper: Atomic Structure |

|Day 10 |Modeling the atomic structure of matter (continued). Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Prepare lab book for grading on Day 11 and TBA |

|Day 11 |Structure of the periodic table. Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper: Periodic Table and Wkst(s) |

|Day 12 |Structure of the periodic table (continued). Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: TBA |

|Day 13 |Turn in 2-page reflection paper, to qualify for B grade. |


| |Applying a particle model to compounds: chemical bonds -- how atoms combine. Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Prepare lab book for grading on Day 14. |

| |Reflection paper: modeling compounds |


| |Lab book will be collected at end of session. |

| |Applying a particle model to chemical reactions. Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |

| |Homework: Reflection paper and Wkst(s) |

|Day 15 |Post-test: Force & Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE). |

| |Lab books will be returned to students, for use in their teaching. |

| |Applying a particle model to chemical reactions (continued). Activities/Labs/Wksts/Quizzes/Exams |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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