Name: Period: Physics Midterm Study Guide

[Pages:4]Tuscarora High School 2013-2014

Name: ________________________________ Physics Midterm Study Guide

Period: _______

DISCLAIMER: This study guide is intended to help focus your studying. It is by no means an exhaustive list of everything on the exam. Practice questions provided below cover the main topics in each unit but do not mimic those on the midterm.

It is a good idea to review all of our homework sets, worksheets and previous exam study guides.

The midterm exam will consist of _____ multiple-choice questions and ______ short answer questions for a total of _____ points. There will be one bonus question worth 3 points.

Things to bring to the exam: - something to write with - your equation sheet - a calculator

My exam date: ________________________ time: ______________


What is the SI unit for the following quantities? 1) Mass _________________________ 2) Distance _________________________ 3) Time _________________________ 4) Velocity _________________________ 5) Force _________________________ 6) Acceleration _________________________

Convert the following quantities to SI units: 7) 2 hours _________________________ 8) 25 minutes _________________________ 9) 75 mph _________________________ 10) 2.75 km _________________________ 11) 75 grams _________________________

Vocabulary: - vector - scalar - SI units


12) Spencer must design a runway that allows planes to reach a ground speed of 61 m/s before they can take off. If the planes accelerate at 2.4 m/s2, what must the minimum length of the runway be?

Tuscarora High School 2013-2014

13) Nadya runs four complete laps around a 400 m track. a) What is the distance Nadya traveled? b) What is Nadya's displacement? c) If it took her 5 minutes and 40 seconds to complete, what was her average speed?

14) Kirsten throws a Frisbee with an average speed of 6.7 m/s. How much time does it take to travel 50 m?

15) Courtney throws a ball straight up in the air. After the ball leaves her hand, complete the following graphs of its motion while it is in the air.

Position vs. time:

Velocity vs. time:

Speed vs. time:

Acceleration vs. time:

16) Joe is driving a car. He travels 10.0 km north in 400.0 s. Then he travels 25.0 km south in 850.0 s. What is the a) average speed of Joe's car? b) average velocity of Joe's car?

17) Zach and Akash begin 210 m apart. Zach runs 12 m/s East towards Akash. Akash is running 9 m/s East. a) How much time elapses before they collide? b) How far has Zach run in that time?

18) A roller coaster travelling with an initial speed of 16 m/s decelerates uniformly at -4.8 m/s2 to a full stop. How far does the roller coaster travel during its deceleration?

19) Max is driving a car. He increases his speed from 5.5 m/s to 16 m/s in 10 seconds. What is the average acceleration of Max's car during this 10 second interval?

20) A body with initial speed of 8.0 m/s moves along a straight line with constant acceleration and travels 640 m in 40.0 s. Find the a) final velocity, and b) acceleration.

Tuscarora High School 2013-2014

21) A rocket starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration of 5.0 m/s?. After 15 seconds, Determine the a) speed b) the distance traveled

22) Erica drops her cellphone from a bridge and it strikes the water in 5.0 s. Calculate a) the speed with which it strikes the water b) the height of the bridge.

23) Lilly throws a beanbag up in the air and catches 2.2 s later. a) What is the initial velocity? b) How high did the ball travel?

24) A baseball is thrown straight upward with a speed of 30.0 m/s. a) How long will it rise (time)? b) How high will it rise? c) How long after it leaves the hand will it return to the starting point?

25) Ignoring air resistance, if an object is dropped from rest, what happens to its: a) Position? b) Speed? c) Velocity? d) Acceleration?

26) A baseball is thrown at an angle of 30? above the horizontal. The horizontal component of the velocity is 15 m/s. What is the magnitude of the initial velocity?

27) Miss Espina's 1st block physics class took a 3-hour hike. During the first 2 hours, they traveled a total of 6.5 km. During the last hour, they only traveled 2.1 km. What was their average speed over the trip?

28) Additional information to study: a) SOH CAH TOA b) Adding vectors (head-to-tail method, resultant) c) Problem Solving method: i. Write out all your givens ii. Write down the equation with variables first iii. Re-arrange the equation iv. Substitute numbers for letters v. Circle final answer

Tuscarora High School 2013-2014

vocabulary: - inertia - equilibrium

Newton's Laws & Forces

29) What are Newton's 3 Laws of Motion?

30) What is the difference between a static friction force and kinetic friction force?

31) A force acts on a 2 kg mass and gives it an acceleration of 3.0 m/s?. a) What acceleration is produced by the same force when acting on a mass of 4 kg? b) How large is the force?

32) A 95 kg box is sliding along a level floor with an initial speed of 15 m/s. a) How large of a constant frictional force is required to stop the box in 15 m? b) What is the coefficient of friction between the box and the floor?

33) Find the accelerations and string tensions of each of the following systems

34) A suitcase slides down a loading ramp that makes an angle of 35? with the ground. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and the suitcase is 0.555, find the magnitude of the acceleration of the suitcase.

35) What is the mass of a box that weighs 500 N? 36) What is the weight of a 20 kg box?

37) A 75kg crate is uniformly accelerated up an incline of angle 25? with the horizontal. a) The crate starts at rest and moves 7.00 m up the incline in 1.2 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the crate. (9.72 m/s2) b) If the coefficient of sliding friction between the crate and the incline is 0.30, how much force is required to accelerate the crate up the incline? (1240 N)

38) List out all of the forces we have learned about in class with their symbols and equations.

Don't forget to study all of the old homework problems ? some of the free-response questions will look very similar to those problems.


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