
AGENDAMeeting commences 7pm sharp – this meeting will last 2.5 hrsTime1.Chairperson’s welcome (inc public by Zoom) and opening remarks7.00 pm2.Apologies & Declarations of Interest3.Review and Approval of the draft Minutes of Meeting 10th September 2020 PR David4.Matters Arising/Actions Update Bulletin Manager Role – brief update Set-up of Micro-soft One-Drive – in progress – brief update Re-drafted Constitution - Review of Alison Cumming comments Brief update Risk Assessments. Litter-picking RA in place. Review/redraft of this and others. In progress. Brief update Community Council Scheme Consultation- Phase 1 is review of CC boundaries & membership numbers. Response required by 16 October. Brief update7.05 pm5.Correspondence Resident on public access via Zoom and clarification of Aug Minutes7.15 pm6Police Report PR7.20 pm7Environmental Group Update PR Raymond/KenAction update - Pollution event in Denman Park Ponds. - Liaison with authorities?7.25 pm8Carnie Woods Action update - Walkway replacement etc– results of further consultation via Cllr Walker.7.30 pm9Communications Group Update PR DanielAction update - Details of web designer passed on (MB)7.35 pm10“Walk & Cycle Westhill“ Project Update PR Gordon 7.40 pm11Planning MattersAction update - Diane - a structured approach to evaluating Planning Applications.7.45 pmSignificant Applications from Weekly List (none)All current Planning Applications - can be seen here: Break7.55 pm12Financials/CSF Payment authorisation requests/PR Gordon8.05 pm13Phoenix Fund Project Update – PR MervynAction Update – Funding Application submitted.8.10 pm14Planting scheme/Hanging Baskets – PR MervynAction 1 Update - Green space on Wellgrove Rd - Cllr Mckail will check with Council officers if the area could be developed?Action 2 Update - There is some areas in Westhill that have been earmarked for biodiversity (wildflowers etc.) See will find out if residents are going to be consulted on this. 8.15pm15Editorial Policy/ Complaint about Bulletin Article/Advert - PR Mervyn8.20 pm16Sculpture Improvement works - Mervyn8.35 pm 17A2B dial-a-bus stoppage. Update – Cllr Walker8.40 pm18Membership Update – Nominations for vacancy/ Co-option of Mr Giancarlo Pia 8.45 pm 19 Christmas Lights - PR David8.50 pm 20Ward 13 Councillors updates PR Councillors8.55 pm21End/Date of next meeting: 14th November 2020, 7pm – will include AGM via Zoom 9.15 pmDavid Ritchie – Secretary WECC Times are for guidanceMEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC MAY JOIN THIS ZOOM MEETING. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND, PLEASE EMAIL WECCSECRETX@ ................

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