Pick 3 Tracking System

[Pages:30]Pick 3 Tracking System

The Nuts & Bolts of Tracking the Daily Lottery Games

By Arlene Meeks

? Copyright 2006 Lotto Magic System

Published by Harrison Media



As a player of the daily lottery games over the past 20 plus years, I have learned that a very important part of prognosticating the daily drawings is to track the past results. Tracking can be very involved and difficult, or it can be a simple process. The actual tracking process is fairly straight forward, but it is what you do to interpret the tracking results, that can be a little overwhelming. I personally track the results of all the three digit lottery daily games in the U.S. It is imperative that I do so, in order to provide my selections to the members of my Lotto Magic website, who are playing throughout the nation. I am asked so often for information on tracking that I decided to put this material together and make it available. You probably don't need to perform tracking that is anywhere near as involved as tracking the entire nation. You are probably just playing in your home state, and wish to track those results in an effort to win in your state lottery. This tracking module will show you how to track those drawings and come to a conclusion as you interpret those results. The goal of your tracking will be to win as consistently as humanly possible! So let's get on with it.......


Trend Tracking 101

The first thing we must decide is what exactly we want to track. We are simply going to take a look back at the previous drawings in our state lotteries and write them down in a column on our tracking sheet. A sample tracking sheet is located in the back of this publication.

Many of the states offer a day and evening drawing in their Pick 3 games. I am often asked if I separate the two drawings in my tracking. I personally do not separate the two drawings. The numbers don't know if they are in the day drawing or the evening drawing.

So if I were tracking a state with two draws a day, and I did so for 5 days straight, then I would have 10 consecutive entries on my tracking sheet. I do however add a notation to each entry as to which draw it is. I do this by simply writing a "d" for day or an "e" for evening draws. You may eventually decide that you want to separate the two drawings for your tracking. This is subjective and completely your choice.

The following is a sample tracking sheet. Full tracking charts are located in the back of this publication. Please print or copy for your personal use.


Draw Repeaters




Column 1 ? We simply enter the date of the draw in the first column. As stated, I add a "d" or an "e" depending on whether it is a day or evening drawing.

Column 2 - In the Second column, simply log the drawn selection in the same order it was presented.

Column 3 ? In the third column we will enter any digit that has repeated. If a digit is drawn in the day draw, and then the same digit comes up in the evening draw, then it is a repeater. Let's assume that 123 comes up in the evening draw on Monday evening. Then on Tuesday 581 is drawn in the day drawing. Then the digit 1 is a repeater as it did come up in two or more consecutive drawings.

Column 4 ? The fourth column is where we list the pairs contained in the drawn number.

Before I go any further in explaining the fourth column, let me make sure you understand something very important. There are three types of draws that can come up in any Pick 3 drawing.

The first is the most common result. It is where none of the three digits are alike, (i.e. 273, 846, 102 etc). These types of draws come up about 75% of the time. These draws are known as non-matching draws.

The second type of draw is a double draw. This is where 2 of the drawn digits are alike, (i.e. 244, 771, 338 etc). These double draws hit about 24% of the time.

The third type of draw is a triple draw. In a triple draw all three digits are matching, (i.e. 444, 888 etc). These types of draws only take place about 1% of the time. I very rarely include a triple draw in my picks just because of the low likely hood of them being drawn.

So the only draws that we will enter into the fourth column are nonmatching draws. Each non-matching draw has three pairs to log. For example if 926 is the drawn number, then our pairs are 9-2, 2-6 and 9-6. You will notice that the pairs are listed chronologically in the order that each digit was drawn. Enter all three pairs in column four.


Column 5 ? We enter any double pairs in column 5. Please note that the digits in a double pair do not have to be drawn sequentially to be considered a double pair. For example, 224 is a double pair, just as 474 is a double pair. The double pairs would be 2-2 in the first example, and 4-4 would be the double pair in the second example. Please be very careful when making the entries to your tracking sheets. It is critical that the information you are entering is complete, and totally accurate. You will be basing your decision on this information, and if you are going to go through the efforts of doing this, then why not take an extra minute or two and be absolutely certain that you have entered the information as you intended to? So far our tracking lesson has been very simple and straight forward. If you are having questions, then please go back and re-read the information. You must fully understand everything that we have discussed up to this point. Everything we are going to do in this report is based on these initial entries, so they must be entered as I have described. Next we will start to enter some data into our tracking chart......


Logging the Draws

The chart below is a hypothetical month of tracking. I am going to simulate a state that features two draws a day.

Date 1/1 - d 1/1 - e 1/2 - d 1/2 - e 1/3 - d 1/3 - e 1/4 - d 1/4 - e 1/5 - d 1/5 - e 1/6 - d 1/6 - e 1/7 - d 1/7 - e 1/8 - d 1/8 - e 1/9 - d 1/9 - e

Draw 604 542 174 484 932 371 265




All we need to do with our chart initially is write down the winning draws as they are selected every day until we have enough data to begin our analysis. In the example above you can see that seven draws have been entered.

There are several places in which you can obtain the winning draws. You can go to your state lottery's website for example. You can also find the draws listed in the newspapers and on their websites. Many states are now televising their drawings on live television. Most local news stations will give the day's winning numbers on their newscasts.

There are many places where you can gather your data. I am sure that most sources are 99.9% accurate, but be aware that the only way to be absolutely certain that the data you are receiving is accurate is to obtain the information at your state lottery's website or hotline phone service.


Expanding the Data

Now it is time to expand on our data by making some additional entries.

Date 1/1 - d 1/1 - e 1/2 - d 1/2 - e 1/3 - d 1/3 - e 1/4 - d 1/4 - e 1/5 - d 1/5 - e 1/6 - d 1/6 - e 1/7 - d 1/7 - e 1/8 - d 1/8 - e 1/9 - d 1/9 - e

Draw 604 542 174 484 932 371 265


4 4 4


Pairs 60 - 04 - 64 54 - 42 - 52 17 - 74 - 14

48 - 84 93 - 32 - 92 37 - 71 - 31 26 - 65 - 25

Doubles 44

The repeaters are digits that have repeated from one draw to the next. The number four has repeated in the evening draw on the 1st. So we write it down

in the repeater column on the day it repeated. We move on to the next drawing. In the day drawing on the 2nd, we see that 4 has also come up, and therefore repeated again. It also repeated in the evening draw on the 2nd. So

we write it down as a repeater on both of those respective draws. So at this point the digit 4 has repeated three times. The day draw on the 3rd offers no repeaters. However the evening drawing on the 3rd does produce a repeater

with 3 being drawn again, so we enter it in the column for that draw. The day draw on the 4th produces no repeaters, so none are entered.

Now we enter our pairs in the next column. Simply put, all non-matching draws will produce 3 pairs. If you need to, refer to the information in the previous section on how to produce these pairs. Enter them in the sequential order they were drawn.

Doubles draws will produce 3 pairs also, 4-8, 8-4 and 4-4. This is an example of where the tracking can get subjective. You will have to decide how you want to treat this situation. I personally log both pairs with different


digits, i.e. 4-8 and 8-4. Furthermore in an effort to stay consistent, I log them each in their sequential order of the pairs. So in this case I will log the 4-8 pair, and the 8-4 pair. The double pair of 4-4 will be logged in the last column. I find that in some cases it places too much weight on these pairs by listing them like this. After all when it comes time for analysis I will be counting the 4-8 pair and the 8-4 pair as two separate pairs, even though it came from one drawn number. But the fact is, that they are drawn pairs and should be considered this way most of the time. You may eventually find that you prefer to omit one of the pairs rather than log them both. But this is exactly the sort of thing that will come to you with time and experience. Lastly I log in the double pair that was produced in the 1/2 evening draw which is 44. We now have our data expanded. Now that we have done this, we can start our analysis of the numbers. Let the analysis begin...........



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