
Lesson 11.1 Populations and Samples Quiz3/26/2020Name: ________________________________________FOR THE FOLLOWING 3 QUESTIONS, WRITE EITHER “RANDOM” IF THE QUESTION IS A RANDOM SAMPLE OF A POPULATION, OR WRITE “BIASED” IF THE QUESTION IS A BIASED SAMPLE__________ 1.Carlos chooses 50 movies at random from a list of all his movies to determine the average runtime of the movies in his collection.__________ 2.Lisa asks 75 people at a neighborhood fast-food restaurant in order to find out if all the people in her neighborhood like to eat fast-food.__________ 3.To determine the favorite subject of all the students at his school, Jason surveys 30 students who ride his bus about their favorite subject.SELECT THE CORRECT ANSWER FOR THE FOLLOWING 3 QUESTIONS.__________ 4.Devonte surveys 25 kids at random because he wants to determine how many text messages each student in the 7th grade makes using their cellphone in a week. What is the population?a. cellphonesb. all 7th gradersc. 25 kidsd. text messages__________ 5.Selina wants to know which Disney movie everyone likes the best of all 284 members of her church. What might be a good way to get a random sample?a. Ask two random people at church what their favorite movie is.b. Ask 50 members at random if the movie Moana is their favorite movie.c. Assign a number to all 284 members and then draw 50 numbers from a hat at random and ask those 50 what their favorite Disney movie is.d. Ask 50 kids under age 10 what their favorite Disney movie is.__________ 6.100 books are arranged in a 10 x 10 grid on the floor. Victoria wants to know what the average number of pages for all the books are, but doesn’t have time to check all 100. Which of these choice is not a biased sample?a. Victoria checks the first 5 books in the top row and the first 5 books in the first columnb. Victoria checks the page length of books that have a red cover on themc. Victoria checks the last book only… it should be good enough to represent the entire populationd. Victoria uses a random number generator on her phone to pick 10 books at randomREAD THE SENTENCE BELOW AND THEN DETERMINE IF EACH SURVEY QUESTION WOULD EITHER BE BIASED OR RANDOM. WRITE “NOT BIASED” IF THE QUESTION IS NOT A BIASED QUESTION OR WRITE “BIASED” IF THE QUESTION IS A BIASED QUESTION.Local residents were surveyed about possibly adding some stoplights at the corner of Main Street and Perry Avenue.___________________ 7. “Are stoplights needed at the intersection of Main and Perry?”___________________ 8. “Fewer accidents occur when there are stoplights present. Would you be in favor of having stoplights installed to make the neighborhoods safer?”___________________ 9. “Should stoplights be installed at the corner of Main and Perry?”__________________ 10. “More stoplights will increase traffic here. You don’t want another stoplight installed around Main and Perry, do you?” *** Please use a blank sheet of paper for an answer sheet with only your letter choices written on them, and with your name on it, of course.*** Be sure to email your response to: adriara@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us*** In the subject line, put “Population and Survey Quiz” and add your name in the subject line too. ................

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