Activity 4

1. Open a new document.

2. Type your name. Hit ENTER. Type Activity 5. Hit ENTER two times.

3. Insert an animal picture from online. (INSERT – ONLINE PICTURE – BING IMAGE). You will type the name of the desired animal in the little box. (Spelling counts!)

4. Right click your picture and find Size and Position. Set the absolute height to 3 and the absolute width to 2 and press OK.

5. Right click your picture again and go down to Wrap Text. In the wrap text list set the text wrap to tight.

6. COPY (easiest way is to right click, copy, then right click, paste) the picture 3 times and move to the following format: (You do not have to type the letters – that is just to identify where each copy should be approximately.)

7. Change the pictures in the following ways:

a. In space B make the picture MUCH smaller by dragging inward one of the corner circles. This keeps the proportions of the picture correct.

b. In space C, DISTORT the picture by dragging or pulling outward on one of the side circles.

c. In space D you are going to flip the direction of the picture. Click on the picture and go to the Format Tab at the top of the page. Find rotate in the arrange group. Click the little arrow next to rotate and select flip horizontally.

8. When you have all your pictures arranged as shown, SAVE AS YourName Activity 4.

Teacher Sample

Activity 4

Note: you do not need the text boxes with the letters in them. Just make sure your pictures match up in the same way.




D: Flipped horizontally

C: Distorted image

B: Smaller Size

A: Original Picture


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