NopTalk Pro

leftbottominfo@1000000info@leftcenterNopTalk ProUser guide850000NopTalk ProUser guideTable of Contents TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \u About NopTalk Pro PAGEREF _Toc440911097 \h 3Features PAGEREF _Toc440911098 \h 3System requirement PAGEREF _Toc440911099 \h 4Supports nopCommerce PAGEREF _Toc440911100 \h 4Supports receive locations PAGEREF _Toc440911101 \h 4Supports source formats PAGEREF _Toc440911102 \h 4Support resource mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911103 \h 4NopTalk Pro Installation PAGEREF _Toc440911104 \h 5Installations instructions PAGEREF _Toc440911105 \h 5NopTalk Pro Usage PAGEREF _Toc440911106 \h 8Start application PAGEREF _Toc440911107 \h 8NopTalk Manager - Application menu PAGEREF _Toc440911108 \h 8NopTalk Manager – Stores PAGEREF _Toc440911109 \h 8NopTalk Manager – Vendors (Source mapping) PAGEREF _Toc440911110 \h 10Vendors list PAGEREF _Toc440911111 \h 10Vendor`s information and source data mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911112 \h 11Vendor`s data PAGEREF _Toc440911113 \h 11Vendor`s source data PAGEREF _Toc440911114 \h 12XML source data PAGEREF _Toc440911115 \h 12Excel source data PAGEREF _Toc440911116 \h 12CSV source data PAGEREF _Toc440911117 \h 13Vendor`s source data mapping to nopCommerce PAGEREF _Toc440911118 \h 14General rules for XML mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911119 \h 14General rules for Excel or CSV mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911120 \h 14Product info mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911121 \h 15SEO mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911122 \h 16Category mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911123 \h 18Manufacturer mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911124 \h 19Pictures mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911125 \h 20Product attributes mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911126 \h 21Source data filter mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911127 \h 22Test source mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911128 \h 23NopTalk Manager – Tasks PAGEREF _Toc440911129 \h 25Tasks list PAGEREF _Toc440911130 \h 25Insert or update tasks. PAGEREF _Toc440911131 \h 26Insert task PAGEREF _Toc440911132 \h 26Task mapping PAGEREF _Toc440911133 \h 27NopTalk Manager – Logs PAGEREF _Toc440911134 \h 32Logs and reports PAGEREF _Toc440911135 \h 32NopTalk Manager - System Tray PAGEREF _Toc440911136 \h 33About NopTalk ProNopTalk PRO?allows you to easily upload your product information into your nopCommerce store.Save yourself hours with this module and make inventory management a breeze.Simply match the tags from your XML/CSV/XLSX file to nopCommerce product fields to import your feed - thousands of products imported?in?one click!It's easy to migrate from any other platform to nopCommerce - as long as you can get a XML/CSV/XLSX file from your old system, this tool can import it to nopCommerce. Or you can use it to set up multiple shops with ease. This is also good for daily updates from suppliers' feeds.FeaturesTools can set automatic close store before import;Import from?multiple Suppliers;Map fields;Set scheduler for importing individual per supplier (minutely/hourly/daily);Upload your XML/CSV/XLS file or download it from a HTTP URL or a FTP;Manage Suppliers list and theirs import tasks. One supplier can have multi tasks. Example:One tasks for products filtered by category/manufacturer/or another filter - just update price/quantity/availability/attributes;One tasks for products filtered by category/manufacturer/or another filter - insert and update products;Add and update products;Specify the?meta data, default name, short description, full description;Modify the price field during import - e.g., add 21% to your supplier's pricing;Import only these?products that you want - e.g.,?Filter where?Quantity >0, Price <50, Brand=Nike, Type=Shirts;Import multiple top level categories and subcategories;Split categories by delimiter;Download remote images from path;Does not require any particular field to be imported, only import the data you want to show in your store;Import into multiple nopCommerce?stores;Show importing logs and reports.System requirementWindows OS;.NET Framework 4.5.1;Supports nopCommercenopCommerce v3.50;nopCommerce v3.60;nopCommerce v3.70 nopCommerce v3.80nopCommerce v3.90nopCommerce v4.00nopCommerce v4.10nopCommerce v4.20Supports receive locationsFile System;FTP;Web URL;Web servicesSupports source formatsXML;CSV;XLSX;NopTalk Pro InstallationInstallations instructionsFirst download the installation file “NopTalkPro_v1.1.msi” from our site the downloaded file. It will open the installation wizard.Picture 1 Setup wizardPress button “Next”.Picture 2 Setup wizardRead the End-User License Agreement, then check “I accept the terms in the License Agreement” and press button “Next”.Picture 3 Setup wizardSpecify the installation path and press button “Next”.Picture 4 Setup wizardClick “Install” button to begin installation.Picture 5 Setup wizardClick the “Finish” button to finish installation.NopTalk Pro UsageStart applicationTo run application click shortcut on Desktop or in Start menu. The application will start.Picture 6 Application startNopTalk Manager - Application menuRibbon menu – NopTalk manager:Stores – there are saved nopCommerce stores settings;Vendors - there are saved vendor sources settings and mappings;Tasks - there are saved import tasks settings, mappings and statuses ;Logs – import tasks logs and reports viewer;System Tray – minimize the application to system tray;Exit – exit the application.NopTalk Manager – StoresThis module is designed to save connections to nopCommerces stores, in which will be imported products. Stores module functionality:List of nopCommerce stores;Insert nopCommerce store settings;Update nopCommerce store settings;Delete nopCommerce store settings;Picture 7 List of storesPicture 8 Connection data of the nopCommerce storeNopTalk Manager – Vendors (Source mapping)This module is designed to save Vendor`s information and data source mapping. The module functionality:Vendors list;Save Vendor`s data;Save Vendor`s source data;Save Vendor`s source data mapping to nopCommerce;Test source mapping – preview mapped data.Vendors listPicture 9 List of VendorsVendor`s information and source data mappingVendor`s dataPicture 10 Data of VendorInput fields:Name – Vendor name;Description – Vendor description.Buttons:Test mapping – will open items preview windows to view mapped data from source file.Save – save data;Close – close this windows and return to Vendors list form.Vendor`s source dataXML source dataPicture 11 Data of Vendor`s XML data fileExcel source dataPicture 12 Data of Vendor`s XLSX data fileCSV source dataPicture 13 Data of Vendor`s CSV data fileInput fields:Source type – How to get the file. Available values: File System/Ftp/Web URL;Source address – Where to get the file. File/Ftp/Web Paths;Source username – Set username, if required credentials get source file;Source password – Set password, if required credentials get source file;Source format – source formats list. Available values: XML/CSV/XLSX.First data row index – start reading products from current data row. (Most need if Excel or CSV have first header row, then must set to 1).CSV delimiter – Any character may be used to separate the values. In a comma-separated values (CSV) file the data items are separated using commas as a delimiter.Buttons:Test source – will test source file download.Vendor`s source data mapping to nopCommerceGeneral rules for XML mappingYou must fill “XPath uses path expressions to navigate in XML documents” input fields, where want to map source value to nopCommerce product field.Default value using rules:Replace null or empty value – if XPath (not)mapped value will be null or empty than will fill product field with entered text in default value field;Add text to the end of XPath value – if default value begin whit symbol ‘+’ then default text will be added to the end of XPath mapped value.;I you use text in brackets [xpath], then application will this understand as XPath. Example if you want replace empty XPath with other XPath or concatenate multi XPath in one field;XPath examples(v=vs.110).aspxGeneral rules for Excel or CSV mappingYou must fill “Source Column Index” input fields, where want to map source value to nopCommerce product field.Default value using rules:Replace null or empty value – if source column (not)mapped value will be null or empty than will fill product field with entered text in default value field;Add text to the end of source field value – if default value begin whit symbol ‘+’ then default text will be added to the end of source mapped value.;I you use number in brackets [number], then application will this understand as column index. Example if you want replace empty source column with other source column or concatenate multi source columns in one field;Product info mappingPicture 14 Product info mapping for XMLPicture 15 Product info mapping for Excel, CSVInput fields:Product repeat node – The name of the product root xml node in source file. This field is mandatory;Product Id – The product identifier in vendors source file. This field is mandatory;Product SKU – The product identifier in nopCommerce store. By this field will be search of existing products in nopCommerce store (If exist, then product can be updated if not - inserted). This field is mandatory. If not filled, then will by auto generated;Product name – The name of the product;Short description – The short description of the product;Full description – The full description of the product;Manufacturer part number – The manufacturer`s part number of this product;Product cost – The cost of the product. This field value must be number;Product price – The price for customer of the product. This field value must be number;Stock quantity – The current stock quantity of this product.SEO mappingPicture 14 SEO mapping for XMLPicture 15 SEO mapping for Excel, CSVInput fields:Meta keywords – Meta keywords to be added to product page header;Meta description – Meta description to be added to product page header;Meta title – Override the page title. The default is the name of the product;Search engine friendly page name – Set a search engine friendly page name e.g. 'the-best-category' to make your page URL ''. Leave empty to generate it automatically based on the name of the?product;Category mappingPicture 16 Category mapping for XMLPicture 17 Category mapping for Excel, CSVInput fields:Category(s) – Category(s) name. If categories are in repeat node, you can save there repeated node name (for XML);Category1 – Name of other category;Category2 – Name of other category;Category3 – Name of other category;Category(s) – Name of other category;Delimiter to split – If source value save multi categories in on field you can split it. Example: “women->shoes->ballets”. The delimiter would be there “->”Manufacturer mappingPicture 18 Manufacturer mapping for XMLPicture 19 Manufacturer mapping for Excel, CSVInput fields:Manufacturer – The manufacturer name of the product;Pictures mappingPicture 20 Pictures mapping for XMLPicture 21 Pictures mapping for Excel, CSVInput fields:Image(s) – URL(s) of image(s). If images URLs are in repeat node, you can save there repeated node name (for XML);Image1 – URL of other image;Image2 – URL of other image;Image3 – URL of other image;Image4 – URL of other image;Product attributes mappingPicture 22 Product attributes mapping for XMLPicture 23 Product attributes mapping for Excel, CSVAttributes repeat node – If attributes are in repeat node, you can save there repeated node name (for XML);Attribute name – Name of the attribute;Attribute value – Value of the attribute. The attribute name must be mapped;Attribute stock – Stock by the attribute. The attribute name must be mapped;Attribute1 name – Name of the other attribute;Attribute1 value – Value of the other attribute. The other attribute name must be mapped;Attribute1 stock – Stock by the other attribute. The other attribute name must be mapped;Attribute2 name – Name of the other attribute;Attribute2 value – Value of the other attribute. The other attribute name must be mapped;Attribute2 stock – Stock by the other attribute. The other attribute name must be mapped;Source data filter mappingIn filter mapping you can map any xml value to the filter. And later you can use these filters in tasks. For example if you want to import products where their price are smaller than 50 or where brand is named Nike.Picture 24 Filter mapping for XMLPicture 25 Filter mapping for Excel, CSVTest source mappingYou can test the source mapping – press button “Test mapping”. Will open new windows with mapped items preview.Picture 26 Test source mapping NopTalk Manager – TasksAfter you has been created Vendor source mapping, now you can create multiple tasks for that Vendor source mapping.. For example:The task for products filtered by category/manufacturer/or another filter - insert new products;The task for products filtered by category/manufacturer/or another filter - just update price/quantity/availability/attributes;Tasks listPicture 26 List of tasksFilter:Auto refresh list – if checked the task list will be auto refreshed every 5 seconds.List fields:Id – task identifier;Store – Name of nopCommerce store;Vendor – Name of vendor;Task name – Name of task;Task action – Action of task. Available values: insert, update;Task status – Status of task. Available values: started, stopped; Started - mean that task will start when running task scheduler, stopped – mean that task will not start;Schedule type – Type of schedule. Available values: minutely, hourly, daily ;Task last run – The date when task run last time;Task next run – The date when task will run next time ;Total items – Count of filtered items found in source data, when task run last time;Exported items – Count of items imported to the nopCommerce store, when task run last time;Task running – The task is now running;Buttons:Start task scheduler – Start schedule or stop schedule tasks on configured time. Run now all tasks – Run now all tasks;Cancel task – Cancel selected running task;Run now task – Run selected task;Insert – Insert new task;Edit – Edit selected task;Delete – Delete selected task;Insert or update tasks.Insert taskPicture 27 Insert new task dataPicture 27 Edit task dataInput fields:Name – Task name; This field is mandatory;Store – nopCommerce stores configured in Stores module; This field is mandatory;Vendor source mapping – Vendor mapping configured in Vendors module; This field is mandatory;Status – Task status. Available values: started, stopped. Started - mean that task will start when running task scheduler, stopped – mean that task will not start. This field is mandatory;Action – Action of task. Available values: insert, update. This field is mandatory;Disable store while processing – Set nopCommerce store state as disabled when the task is running;Limited to stores – List of nopCommerce virtual stores. You can select to which virtual store you want to store product.Unpublish product – If product in source not found then unpublish the product in nopCommerce. It works only if the product was imported with current task;Scheduler type - Types of scheduler. Available values: minutely, hourly, daily;Scheduler interval – repeat interval for schedule task in minutes or hours;Scheduler time – time to run tasks on daily scheduler type ;Task mappingOn new task insert the default source mapping will be copied from vendor source mapping. Than you can configure each task individual as you want: You can change “Default value” of fields. You can check which mapped fields you want to import to nopCommerce store (Checkbox “Fields to import”). You can configure Category relationships – set parent and child categories;You can set some other product attributes like (values are selected from nopCommerce store):Delivery date;Manage inventory method;Product attribute types;You can modify the price of product during import - e.g., add 21% to your supplier's pricing;You can filter which items you want to import. Available filters operations:== (equal);<= (less or equal);>= (more or equal);!= (not equal);%Like% (contains);%Like (starts with);Like% (ends with);You can test mapping – items preview windows: Picture 28 Task mapping – Product InfoPicture 29 Task mapping – SEOPicture 30 Task mapping – CategoryPicture 31 Task mapping – PicturesPicture 32 Task mapping – AttributesPicture 33 Task mapping – FiltersPicture 34 Task mapping – test mappingNopTalk Manager – LogsIn this module you can view all logs messages. There are logged:Tasks results;Error messages;Warning messages;Logs and reportsPicture 35 Logs listFilters:Date from – Log message date from;Date to – Log message date to;Auto refresh list –if checked the logs list will be auto refreshed every 5 seconds;Buttons:Clear logs – Delete all logged messages;NopTalk Manager - System Tray You can minimize NopTalk application to System Tray.Picture 35 Minimize to system tray. ................

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