Mind Map Assignment - Weebly

Intro to Wellness – Health Semester 1

Mind Map Assignment

Create a flowing chart of the concepts you have learned during the Sexual Education unit. Your mind map should include as much detailed information as possible on each of the main topics.


• On a poster board, write Sexual Education in a circle in the middle

• Make 5 branches off the circle for the 5 main topics

• The 5 main topics you must include in your Mind Map are:

1. Relationships: definition, types, infatuation, love

2. Vocabulary: Sex, sexual intercourse, sexual orientation, abstinence

3. Reproductive System: male & female: parts & functions

4. Unplanned Pregnancy: Choices

5. Contraception: Methods & types

• Make as many branches off the main topics as needed to provide complete information about that topic. You can use words and pictures to help demonstrate your knowledge of the topic.

Your mind map will be evaluated on the following criteria:


➢ Show all major concepts covered in unit

Organization / Clarity

➢ Branches are arranged logically and are easily understood


➢ Map is visually appealing

Your Mind Map is due: ____________________________________

Points will be deducted from your final grade for each day late.

Mind Map Grading Rubric

Student Name: ______________________________________________________

Mind Map Topic: __Sexual Education_________________________________

|Criteria |Level 1 (50-59) |Level 2 (60-69) |Level 3 (70-79) |Level 4 (80-100) |

|Knowledge of Topic |limited knowledge of topic |some knowledge of topic with|standard knowledge of |detailed knowledge of |

| |with little accuracy |a degree of accuracy |topic, usually accurate |topic with consistently |

| | | |info |accurate info |

|Organization / Clarity |unclear theme with illogical |somewhat clear theme is |clear theme is introduced |very clear theme is |

| |sequencing of concepts and |introduced with fairly |with logical sequencing of|introduced with logical |

| |incomprehensible symbols |logical sequencing of |concepts and |sequencing of concepts and|

| |utilized |concepts and comprehendible|comprehendible symbols |highly comprehendible |

| | |symbols utilized |utilized |symbols utilized |

|Creativity |uncreative theme and symbols |somewhat unique theme and |unique theme and symbols |very unique theme and |

| |utilized combined with an |symbols created combined |created combined with |symbols created combined |

| |unappealing visual scheme |with a limited visual scheme|appealing visual scheme |with highly appealing |

| | | | |visual scheme |

|Total | | |Final Grade: | |

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