
ENGLISH - DO NOT TOLERATE VIOLENCE! 2 – LEVEL CEFR PRE A1 WEEK 34 - 24 TEACHER: COMPETENCIA: Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera. DATE: PROP?SITO: Reflexionar sobre la situación de las mujeres con el fin de promover la igualdad y evitar la violencia. STUDENT: I. WRITE THE LETTERS OF THE PICTURES THAT REPRESENT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS. II. LISTEN TO AND READ THE INFOGRAPHICS ABOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS. left17843500right5964700III. CHOSE THE CORRECT OPTION TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES ABOUT THE INFOGRAPHICS. Example: In a healthy relationship: You have time to spend with your friends and family. You talk to find a solution to your problems. Options a and b According to infographics 1: 1. Controlling your partner is an example of: Physical violencePsychological violence Options a and b are correct 2. An example of physical violence is: To force your partner to have sex. To humiliate your partner in front of the peoplePush your partner3. You can call to report violence against women and girls. a) 200b) 100c) 101According to infographics 2: 4. The three types of violence against women and girls are: Physical, sexual and psychological Physical, emotional and psychologicalViolent and non – violent5. 1 in every 3 women is a victim of Sexual violencePhysical violenceOptions a and b 6. Some consecuences of violence against women and girls are InequalityInjuries and depressionProblems with your partner IV. LISTEN TO A PRESENTATION FROM THE UNITED NATIONS ABOUT VIOLENCE. ANSWER THE QUESTION. V. CREATE AN INFOGRAPHICS TO RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS. Create an infographics about healthy and unhealthy relationships using information from this week and from last week’s text. Step 1: Reread the story from last week and the infographics from this week.Step 2: Identify sentences or phrases that de?ne healthy relationships. Step 3: Identify sentences or phrases that de?ne unhealthy relationshipsSIGNS OF A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPSIGNS OF AN UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPExample: Your partner respects you. partner controls you Your partner controls you Step 4: Draw or ?nd a picture that represents each sentence you wrote. Follow the example. Step 5: Choose a message for your infographics. Connect your message to the information in the infographics. MESSAGES-There is no place for violence in a relationship!-True love respects you!-Violence and love are different things! Step 6: Organise your information in the infographics ................

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