
816492-435935Chapter 2: Bones and MusclesFrom 17.8.20 to 22.8.20Class: V Subject : EVS Session 2020-21 ( PERIODIC TEST -II PORTION)CHAPTER-2Bones and MusclesE-BOOK LINKmillenniumbooksource.page.link PILEframework, skeleton, calcium, phosphorus, compact bone, bone marrow, skeletal system, ribcage, cartilage, vertebra, vertebral column, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, ligaments, elastic tissue, hinge joint, ball and socket joint, pivot joint, gliding joint, voluntary muscles, cardiac muscles, movementACTIVITY1. Make a collage by pasting pictures of few exercises and correct postures that help in proper development of bones and muscles.2. Draw and label the different types of muscles.HOMEWORK QUESTIONSTO BE DONE IN EVS COPYAnswer the following.1) Name the two minerals found in our bones.2) What are muscles?3) Differentiate between: Voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles.4) Define: a) Ligaments b) Tendons.5) Name the longest bones found in the fore and hind limbs. .VIDEO E-LINK:Bones and Muscles: of Joints: Skeletal System: POINTSCHAPTER-2: BONES AND MUSCLESHUMAN BONE:Hard structures that we feel on pressing any part of our body are called bones.Made up of minerals like calcium and phosphorus.Bones are supplied with blood vessels and nerves.Vital organs like, heart, brain, spinal cord and stomach are protected by bones.PARTS OF A BONE:Bones have hard covering called compact bones.Inner layer of bones is called spongy bone.A soft spongy material filled inside some bones is known as the bone marrow. It produces red blood cells and stores fat.SKELETON: Framework of bones that provides protection, gives the body proper shape, and helps in its movement.SKELETAL SYSTEM:Interconnected network of bones that forms the bony structure of our body is called skeletal system.Consists of the skull, the backbone and the ribcage along with the limbs.Human skeleton consists of 206 bones.SKULL: A bony case that protects the head.Consists of 22 bones.8 flat bones are locked together to cover the brain and give shape to the head.14 bones form the frame of our face.Fluid present between the skull and the brain protects the brain from shocks and jerks.Upper jaw is fixed and only the lower jaw is movable.CARTILAGE:An elastic tissue that prevents the bones from rubbing against each other at the joints.SPINE:Long column of bones that start below the skull and extends up to the end of the back is called the spine or backbone or vertebral column. Supports the body and protects the spinal cord.Helps to bend the body easily.Young children have 33 vertebrae and adults 26 vertebrae.Discs of cartilage separate bones of the vertebrae.RIB CAGE:Ribs are delicate bones found in the chest region.These curve around from the back towards the front.There are 24 ribs (12 pairs) in our body that are joined to the spine at the back and to the breastbone in the front.These ribs, 12 on each side, form a cage called ribcage.The last two lowest pairs of ribs which are attached to the spine at the back and not in front are called the floating ribs.Rib cage protects the heart, lungs and other internal organs.LIMBS-External parts of a body which includes -Fore limbs and hind limbs.FORE LIMBS:Bones that form the shoulder or pectoral girdle are attached to the backbone.Consists of upper arm and lower arm. The upper arm has a single long bone called humerus, till the elbow.Radius and ulna forms the lower arm.We have 27 bones in our hands and wrists.HIND LIMBS:The flat (fused) bones at the bottom of the backbone form the pelvic girdle.The leg bones are connected to the pelvic girdle. The upper leg has the longest bone called femur or the thigh bone. The lower leg has two bones called tibia and fibula.26 small bones make up the ankle and foot.JOINTS:The junction between two or more bones is called a joint.It helps us to bend, twist, turn, or pick up things.Ligaments join the bones at the joints.Strong and stretchable band of tissues that hold the bones together are called ligaments.DIFFERENT TYPES OF JOINTS:Immovable joints-Joints that do not show any kind of movement are called immovable joints. The joints between the bones of skull are immovable joints.Movable joints- Joints that provide movements to the body are called movable joints. These are found between the bones of the arms, legs, hips and shoulders.DIFFERENT TYPES OF MOVABLE JOINTS:HINGE JOINTS:Joint that allows the bones to move only in one direction. It is present between elbows and knees, fingers and toes.BALL AND SOCKET JOINT:This kind of joint allows movement in all directions. These joints are found in hips and shoulders.PIVOT JOINT:This joint allows sideways as well as up and down movement.Joint between the head and neck. GLIDING JOINT:It allows movement between the connecting bones, like the wrist, ankle or the vertebrae of the spine.MUSCLES:Tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body are called muscles.Tissues which help the muscles to attach to the bones are called tendons.TYPES OF MUSCLES:Voluntary or Skeletal muscles-Muscles that are controlled by our will. These are found in the arms, legs, eyes, tongue etc.Involuntary or Smooth muscles-Muscles which are not under our control and work automatically. These are found in stomach, intestines etc.Cardiac muscles- These muscles are special kind of muscles found only in the heart.-57150664210Class work Questions have been shared in the WhatsApp group of each class as PDF.00Class work Questions have been shared in the WhatsApp group of each class as PDF.__________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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