?Adding Student Pictures to LifetouchLog in to Lifetouch Portal account. Pictures and IDLINK document need to be downloaded to a computer.To download pictures:Click Image & Data Management link in upper left corner.Under Program, select desired group.Under Picture Day Event, choose desired event.Under View Records by: choose Students.Select Students.Number of students will be displayed.Records Selected also shows the number of students.Under Records Selected, click drop down arrow and select Download.Download Options pops up. Under Select Format, choose Power School.Click Download.Click arrow at top of screen to see Download Progress if desired. Click Save. Click on download arrow in upper right corner. Name file and choose where to save if using Chrome. (Desktop is a good place.) Firefox users should open window. Click Save. Then click OK. (If files are downloaded automatically, check the Downloads folder is file is not visible on the Desktop.)Open the Zipped file. Double click on the folder inside. Photos will be in the zipped ApplePS folder. The IDLINK document will also be needed. These can be pulled out of the zipped folder to the desktop for easier access by clicking on the document and dragging to the desktop. Windows may be minimized to see desktop.Log in to Power School.Choose the appropriate school for the image import (if you have multiple schools).Under Setup on the left, click System.Click Photo Management.Click Import Pictures.Select Groups: Students.Zip File: browse and open the zip file with the pictures (ApplePS)Mapping File - Browse and open the IDLINK fileClick Upload.Pictures should be imported now. Go to Start Page in Power School to visually check that student pictures are now current.Correct Import FailuresThe list of import Failures will identify students with no ID associated with the photo. In the ApplePS zip file on the desktop, there may be pictures at the bottom of the list of student pictures with no student ID numbers. Pictures can be identified visually. Pictures may be renamed with student names for easier recognition. Moving/dragging pictures to the desktop also makes access easier. In Power School, locate Student records. Select Photo under Information.Click Submit a new photo for this student.Click Browse. Locate and click on correct photo. Click Submit. ................

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